For starters, you move into vision range of a trainer that you have yet to battle, but you press start before the battle is supposed to start. Then you fly to Cerulean city, and battle the trainer who has a slowpoke. Once that battle is over, if you fly to any other city and walk around, the menu will open up, and a fight will be started with Mew. Every single step is important. By flying away from the first battle, the system will lock up, expecting a battle, until you face the slowpoke user. By facing him, and beating him, there is a change in a hex code in the game, plus it unlocks your menu. Once you fly to any other location which is the final step, the glitch activates because the hex code change now points to Mew.
The biggest problem I ran into was the fact that I left a random trainer so that I can battle him later, taking a random stab at who it is that I should not battle back when I came to the city. Alas, it was the wrong trainer, as the one I left had an Onix, not a slowpoke. A shot in the dark so to speak.
I tried various other ways to encounter a slowpoke, believing that running into him, or using a rod in the Safari zone might still qualify as a battle encounter. Same goes for trying to find a slowpoke in the Seafoam islands. My thought was that if I replicate the first step, find a random slowpoke for the second, and kill it then Fly out, the glitch should activate. Problem is that when the menu locates up, you can't fly or surf or do anything.
Also, unfortunately, that's where the asterisk comes from. It has to be a trainer that has the slowpoke, can't be just a random slowpoke encounter. Seeing as I can't get Mew anymore, I decided to try the glitch regardless. I first flew from the gambler outside Saffron city to Cerulean City where I battled that Onix trainer, then flew to Lavender town where the glitch activated. The end result was a Level 7 Cubone.
I decided not to bother catching it, but at least I knew the glitch works. Now if only I left the right trainer to get that elusive Mew! After this first heartbreak, I decided to move on to catching Mewtwo. The only place to find Mewtwo is the cave near Cerulean City, and this was hinted at in the burned down laboratory so I took my usual party, surfed down to it, and took this nice picture before I moved it:
Inside the cave was the usual cavey stuff; oddly colored rocks/dirt/gravel/whathaveyou with ramps, and small rivers so as usual, I made my way around this maze looking for Mewtwo. Since I had some ultras with me, I decided to catch a couple of interesting pokemon, seeing as this was my last adventure after all. The cave itself wasn't anywhere as complex as say, Seafoam Islands, and I also made sure to bring with me some repels this time. Eventually, I found him hidden in the depths of this labyrinth!
The battle commenced. I started off with Raichu, deciding to test things out, and got a Thunder then Thunderbolt in while he just used Barrier twice then a Swift. Figured this was going to be a snap, but I forgot he had recover haha. From there, the battle kept going downhill. With Recover, Swift and Psychic, my Raichu was getting destroyed. Quick attack barely did any damage, and Thunder was missing a lot. Thunderbolt might hit a crit, but it barely shaved off hp. Maybe 1/4 at best? He would use Recover 2-3x in a row so with red hp, I recalled my Raichu, and sent in Venasaur.
Using Sleep Powder right off the bat, MewTwo went to sleep. This gave me time to Razor Leaf him several times, landing crits that lowered his hp. I tried using Cut, and Mega Drain to see how they would do, not great. With his hp in the red, and him sleeping, I threw an ultra to see how it would fare, but it broke on the first attempt, and he woke up. Seeing as I could throw a hundred ultras at him, and he'll never be caught, I used the master ball, and caught him.
With MewTwo caught, and the Mew glitch tried unsuccessfully, I assembled a new hardcore team that would have the Elite Four and my rival quaking in their boots, if I ever decide to re-challenge them. Imagine a hardcore team of the following pokemon:
MewTwo's godly special of 227, and insane speed of 194 means that he'll get the first hit, and destroy with Psychic/Recover combination. A PP UP would work wonders here, and he would still have Swift to preserve Psychic PP.
Chansey's large hp, and terrible moveset mean that the opposing trainer would lose their mind trying to kill this behemoth! Did I mention that it's attack is a whopping 19 hp, but wait, her special is 150! Finally, one of the coolest pokemon to grace the game, Ditto! Ditto with its uber-tier stats, and transform ability will leave your opponent's pokemon confused, thinking they are hallucinating and in turn, causing them to damage themselves in the process.
Add on Raichu, Venasaur, and Pidgeot, and the Elite Four will be even easier to beat now! With that, my long, and hard fought pokemon red adventures came to an end:
I hope you guys enjoyed reading about the adventure, as much as I did writing about it. Many thanks for all the good comments, and ratings. I'll look into trying Pokemon Crystal Clear if I'm able, and if enough people are interested, I can document how it plays out. This would include changes such as being able to battle gyms with all 16 badges, and them scaling appropriately, the open world concept, or your character being able to use moves like CUT on their own.
Just imagine battling Misty with a Level 71 Starmie for instance! haha. Exciting stuff!