At random times, during the beginning or 40 minutes into a game, my broodwar sometimes minimizes and I can not click it to maximize it again. But at other times I could finish an entire game.
When my BW does minimize, I occasionally get a message saying something about could not find install.exe or some shit like that.
I already tried reinstalling the game. Is it something to do with my cd drive?
I have two drives and bw still minimizes no matter which drive I use. I also use ICCUP launcher, and bw minimizes regardless of whether or not I use the launcher.help please..
It sounds like a virus/malware or registry issue to me. Like something is trying to install itself periodically on your comp and the resulting process is messing up your BW. Do you ever get the same issue when doing other things on the computer?
I'd recommend running your anti-virus/anti-spyware if you haven't already. Also download CCleaner and check for registry issues? Maybe you have some program that installed/uninstalled incorrectly.
I just ran ccleaner..time to test out bw
nopeeeeee stilll doiing it... GAY
The ICCup launcher has the chaosplugin built in. Go to settings and make sure the "disable windows key" is clicked. Perhaps you are accidentally pressing it? I have no idea why it wouldn't open back up though. That's happened to me before. What I do when that happens is:
1. Ctl + alt + del and then find the running starcraft application, right click, and "minimize" 2. Ctl + alt + del and right click again, and say "switch to"
I have my windows button removed from my keyboard
this really sucks cus I drop cus my bw crashes even on iccup.. just crashed while I was so close to winning a game
it sounds like you have a virus, its probably trying to install something (install.exe? wtf is that) or its just doing something in the background and its forcing you out of the game. No idea why you can't get back in but run a antivirus and something for adware, (AVG and adaware are both free)
you said you used a cleaner but i'm not really sure what that means
The most important file on the BroodWar CD is also called install.exe ... it contains basically everything (that's why it's like 550 MB). Maybe you have a corrupt CD or image and he's trying to read a certain file from it but can't so you get that error. You can make an integrity check... download a md5sum program somewhere (e.g. http://etree.org/md5com.html) and then we can compare the checksums of install.exe.