Or... maybe, just maybe...
Scouts were meant for something else. Something that only they can be used for. BM? Surely, Blizzard couldn't have put them into the game solely for that purpose! That seems a bit absurd, no?
As someone who loved scouts and always will, I HAD to find the answer. Thus, I undertook a journey into the far reaches of space and ended up landing on a desert planet. As I explored this new environment, I came across this little fellow. He introduced himself as Scouty and stated that he's a baby scout. He seemed friendly enough.
Our conversation was cut short as a Scantid, a desert dweller showed up. I had to take cover while Scouty single-handled took him out. I managed to record this video of the battle. A pretty convincing win for someone as inexperienced. Apologies for the bad footage, such is the case for deep space videography.
I have yet to come to an answer but Scouty has allowed me to follow him around to try and gain more insight into his life and the rite of passage that he must undertake to become an adult. It seems this is quite common for baby scouts. Work hard to take out targets and gain resources as payment in order to get upgrades etc... Such is the method that must be followed if a baby scout wants to become an adult.