My day to day job affords little in the ways of paid travel. In fact in my general experience if you aren't on the sales end of things for my company, or high enough up the proverbial totem pole you commute what it takes to get to downtown Minneapolis and back to your domicile wherever that may be you don't get to travel. We did acquire a company in Melbourne, Australia recently so if there is need for a technical help I could have the chance to spend 6 months working abroad, but barring that I'm stuck dealing with weather that doesn't get above zero Fahrenheit (-18C at present) without windchill here in Minnesota.
The longest commute I know of in fact is from the bustling metropolis of Rogers, Minnesota. 30 minutes around noon, on a national holiday. I wouldn't take this as indicative of an average commute
As such, I've found the ability to travel doing trade shows for a long time friend, current landlord and sometimes employer; this time around instead of going abroad to China as we did in the Summer, I get to head out to Denver.
You guys might think you know fun, but you haven't experienced real fun until you've attended a trade show revolving around industrial canning, can decorating, and manufacturing show.
I don't think I get to see the cans of the year at this show this time around, unless we go out to certain clubs. Even then I doubt they'd be the cans of the year. Cans of that particular can of beer, maybe.
For those who've never attended a trade show, and I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that is most of you, beyond set up and take down you have about 8 hours a day give or take, of standing at your booth, explaining what it is your company does to people that are in attendance but who have nothing to do with what you are repping. They are really there for the free pens, flashlights, usb drives: swag.
Thrill as people sit on shitty furniture! Revel, in awkward nods! Listen, to the assholes down the row who fired up their loud ass machine again!
The real fun about working one of these, and the reason I am willing to burn my normal vacation time to work (beyond getting paid twice for the week), are the nights. This will be 6 days of free food, minimal set up, and spending most evenings drinking with some people I've become just familiar enough to have a drink with and not feel too awkward about making a joke or stepping on toes.
Suffice it to say I don't like to be the new guy who oversteps his bounds within the confines of a social circle. Nothing worse than having a stupid joke fall flat with no one who knows you.
What I do like being going out to expensive ass restaurants I wouldn't otherwise go to having people who seemingly know better than myself and getting properly business drunk. In the past this has been Ruth's Cris Steak House,
I couldn't find another version of this on the fly
The final reason I'm excited about this being in Denver, is that I have family out there. My uncle lives in the burbs of Denver, and has a Condo up near Winter Park Resort and I have gotten the go ahead to visit both; adding onto this excellence and my uncle has agreed to put together a dinner for my friend and myself and he is a barbecue artist.
My uncle's place is to the left of the highway
When the show wraps, the plan is to pack up and head to the mountains for a couple days, maybe ski, definitely drink then head back to the giant circus tent that is the Denver International Airport and head back to the Popsicle we call home. We'll be there Sunday to Sunday, and any nerds with recommendation of things to do when we're not encumbered by the duties of the show either on the way out to Winter Park or in the city proper, I would love the advice.
Otherwise, I'm looking forward to a good amount of billable days, some excellent meals, and otherwise kicking back and staring at some pretty scenery.
Damn, you could at least put cushions on these chairs, I'm feeling for these painful asses
On January 19 2016 06:08 OtherWorld wrote: Damn, you could at least put cushions on these chairs, I'm feeling for these painful asses China was a plethora of goods not suitable for export. I was legitimately impressed.
France9034 Posts
I've done tradeshows, as a developer. If I have a say, never again.
The last one was the most mentally painful one. We were invited by the organizers, yet didn't have a dedicated stand. In fact, we were allowed to use someone else's stand, that they left for us during a day of the show. But most of their stuff was still there. But whatever, we arrive there and we try to do our best (I'm working for a company that does augmented reality on mobile, mostly for professionals: Augment). The thing is, our T-Shirts are like... completely black, with the logo and our name printed quite small on it.
And thus, all day, most people were asking for the toilets, or the nearest snack, thinking we were just part of the show's staff... -_-
Also, we were completely on the side, we had only a few posters to hang to wall to make it look like "our" booth, but it didn't really feel like it.
We got a few good contacts and leads, but overall it was painful, mostly because of that whole "where are the toilets please" stuff... Also, the show was "Maison & Objets" (literally "Home and Objects", a show about interiors decoration, and it was boring as hell...
In fact, my company also goes to cool tradeshows in the US, but the devs never go there... v_v
I hope this turns out well hehe!
On January 19 2016 23:09 Ragnarork wrote:I've done tradeshows, as a developer. If I have a say, never again. The last one was the most mentally painful one. We were invited by the organizers, yet didn't have a dedicated stand. In fact, we were allowed to use someone else's stand, that they left for us during a day of the show. But most of their stuff was still there. But whatever, we arrive there and we try to do our best (I'm working for a company that does augmented reality on mobile, mostly for professionals: Augment). The thing is, our T-Shirts are like... completely black, with the logo and our name printed quite small on it. And thus, all day, most people were asking for the toilets, or the nearest snack, thinking we were just part of the show's staff... -_- Also, we were completely on the side, we had only a few posters to hang to wall to make it look like "our" booth, but it didn't really feel like it. We got a few good contacts and leads, but overall it was painful, mostly because of that whole "where are the toilets please" stuff... Also, the show was "Maison & Objets" (literally "Home and Objects", a show about interiors decoration, and it was boring as hell... In fact, my company also goes to cool tradeshows in the US, but the devs never go there... v_v I hope this turns out well hehe!
I got no skin in the game in terms of the actual business, so for me it is mostly just walking around and being like, oh that is how soda cans are made, or oh, thanks for the pen. In his business, they generally just bring one engineer or dev to talk shop while the people with the checkbooks laugh and talk costs.
The strange thing is when you meet Iranians, or some country we can't do business with due to sanctions. They seem like the nicest people, then they'll ask, where are you based? and everyone just has to laugh and go maybe some day.
On January 19 2016 18:40 Pandemona wrote:Burning the candle at both ends as usual! Looking forward to the BBQ blog from Denver!!! Must admit i can't get the image of Ned Flanders in a ski suit out of my head when i read about potential skiing activity Nothin' at all, nothin' at all, nothin' at all..
I mean, I'm making a little extra cash which will be put to something she wants, either house or wedding, so she doesn't have much of a leg to stand on but we have a pretty good balance between time together and time apart.
She gets a bit jealous that we don't get to take as much time together on vacation or what have you, but its working towards a common goal.
On January 20 2016 00:36 Pandemona wrote:Ah fair enough of course. So she won't get jealous of you being in your ned flander skii suit whilst she is at home with the cat ? Any dates set yet btw for the wedding or still saving up? Hahaha, She'll miss me, I'll miss her but otherwise we'll survive. We are in full on savings mode, odds are late 2017 would be the actual ceremony. I want to get a house first.
Charlie Sheens House51436 Posts
Late 2017 nice. Summer 2017 i sense a huge vegas blow out?! Lets get it on!
I'll take you to that ranch Lemar Odom got found in as ur wedding present <3
I had to google that reference but the missus may take issue with that one, I'd settle for the horse track
Maybe If I'm on my best behavior I'll snag an invite
Just enjoy the green nature that Colorado has to offer!
On January 22 2016 04:05 y0su wrote:Just enjoy the green nature that Colorado has to offer! The thought crossed my mind :D
On January 22 2016 00:48 ThomasjServo wrote: You get to go to MDJ's?
The bastard wouldn't invite me TT