1/ Techies nerf:
As a techies picker this hurt my heart. Essentially techies became popular because people start abusing cheats scripting... And instead of fixing that they decided to nerf the hero instead. Such a terrible approach really.
I dislike the fact that it only take 1 quelling cooldown to kill a mine. This need to be investigated thoroughly else some counter picks such as riki quelling could just simply "hard counter" and shut down the hero COMPLETELY. May be level 3-4 land mines take 2-3 charges to kill? And remote mines take 2-4 charges? And agh scepter remove quelling target? These changes will still make techies weak early on but does not impact his strength late game.
Another thing i want to highlight is the break down from 1 landmines into 2 landmines 50% cost 50% cooldown 50% dmg. To an outsider this does not change anything to techies but to a techies player this is very crucial. The very first thing is it reduce techies laneing potential by a ton. Mines is a lot harder to last hit with and your harassment damage is negligible. Next to that is the 'range' that techies could move around while stacking up a mine spot. By reducing the cooldown, techies movement range away from the mines is reduced by half(else he would have to trade off with slower stacking speed or lack of mines dps). This means that if you are placing a mine spot near a side shop, you are no longer have the wiggle time to move into jungle to zone enemy support and force their sentry early(effectively tricking them thinking you mine on the other side of the lane). Overall: laning techies is dead.
That left us with jungling techies. If you havent seen this, there are plenty of guides out there. Personally i nailed it down to 2 options: level 2 at 1 min OR level 5 at 4 mins. Both has the up and down side to the hero and should be considered depends on the match up. But what worth mentioning is jungling techies give you access to very early suicide level WITH boots advantage over enemy. This is very significant as you simply become a new spirit breaker where you roam around lanes suicide, shut down enemy team, make space for your core.
2/ Alchemist meta:
Alc is really strong. The current build order is quite simple: (midas)->BoT+rad->manta->octarian core->farm 12 slots. You cant even really shut him down as a rune or 2 could brought him back into the game. In my experience the best solution to alc isnt picking the like of AA to anti heal him but to pick strong pusher to end the game early. Securing rune and warding stack also work but sometime your econ wont allow that to happen.
Tbh, the reason why my counter to alc sounds so vague is because the hero is just super strong atm. I dont think you could shut down and alc who played properly to the script. Most of the game i have seen alc losing were the ones they played him outside the "manta->octarian" direction. ???
3/ Furion agh:
So Bulldog beat Liquid in game 3 today. Personally i think Liquid could still have won. As somebody who have been playing furion my entire dota 2 life and tried agh treant since it first came out, i think i could shed some tips:
Furion agh basically transform him into a new broodmother. Yes the pushing power is crazy but that also translates to all lanes being pushed toward the defensive side thus giving them a huge surge of gold compare to Furion team. So the key isnt to try and push out vs Furion agh octarian but to farm up. In Liquid case: yes they would be facing mega creeps but so what? They could have stalled the game out at least 10 mins longer with 50% hp on their melee rax and just slowly but surely bleed out [A] because [A] gold income was virtually only their jungle.
I dont blame Liquid for not seeing that solution because simply it requires experience playing vs Furion agh and a calm and collective mind(which no one could have being in their shoes). But the truth of the matter is Agh Furion isnt that 'impossible' to play against.
4/Spectre as new hard carry:
I dont mind spectre. She is weak and have a hard time farming a lone in lane. Im pretty sure at least 80% of the games i play where people first picked spectre it resulted in a lose for the spec team. She is easy to gank and when ganked she doesnt have a reliable comeback mechanic(unlike fucking Alchemist). Plus most pub idiots think Radiance is a must have item on her... lol
Doom is weird. I still have a hard time understand how to play him properly. There must be a balance somewhere between greedy farming build and a build that give you mana to use spells in fight.
Seriously, doom has a big mana problem. And if you try to correct that, you either have to trade off your farming speed or your mobility which is very relevant in teamfights. Most common right now i see is a drum/vlad -> agh -> dagger which to me is simply too costly time wise.
On top of all that what bother me the most is not having enough lockdown to secure doomed target. Often in time people treat doom as an initiator when in truth he isnt one. If anything doom is best played in a counter initiating position, to shut down key heroes and turn the fight around. The different is only slight but it is crucial to differentiate the 2 roles.
6/Mirana - Potm of the moon.
Im very happy that Icefrog buffed potm stat. But even with all that even Mushi had to build mana boot + aquila when he played her earlier. The hero has a huge mana problem and together with the lack of a comeback mechanic(flash farm, take rosh, take tower etc..) she just cant compete with other gankers available to you.
Late game potm also have a surviving issue that you need to solve with correct set of items... which in trade off is your damage. An easy comparison would be potm vs WR: wr is a better ganker, she could flash farm and she scale into late and she could still be played as support... like what the fuck?
7/ Others:
AA is a very strong support this patch. As the meta tend to embrace a more defensive line of supports and relying on healing factors, AA became a huge asset that even scale into late game.
Weaver is also incredible and very underrated. Especially if you realize that this patch heavily favors linken as an item and how he could crit with his second attack proc now. I bet team Secret will be picking up this hero a lot more often for Envy.
I also enjoyed playing Oracle a lot this patch. Mainly because his Second skill no longer amplify physical damage thus now is a purely defensive spell. What this mean is that i could cast this on my teammates with a lot little hesitance in the middle of a fight. Although i still struggling to solve the hero's mobility issue, especially when i try to build up to attack speed route.
A lot of trendy picks right now could be solved with a heavy pushing line up. I expect Lycan and DP to rise in the next couple weeks... may be drow weaver...
Thoughts END.
Techies deserved even more than that. If IF deletes the hero, I wouldn't mind even one bit.
Alch rune multiplier is retarded. It should be reverted becauseit gives an unfair advantage in mid lane. Also this hero can easily go 10 slots in any game. Imagine 12 mins PT/drums/aghs/AS item tiny, like what the fuck?. Not be able to donate items is there for a reason for all other heroes, why ruin the game now?
I have no experience in Furi aghs. It might be quite strong in competitive but other fotm heroes would crush Furion anyways.
Spec had like %40 wr in competitive this patch but extremely annoying to pla yagainst in pubs, if you don't pick a cancer offlane against her. Good luck winning the game when your mid is equal, you offlane is fended off, game drags 40 mins, good luck.
Doom 2. skill regen is an example of how you shouldn't buff a hero. He already had his niche which is deleting one hero from the fight. It is still there and now you can also manfight in every stage of the game with the others and almost unkillable in safelane if you have 1 support anyways. Also you can get very rich without committing to greedy items. Mana can be easily solvable with bottle/supports/secret_manauracreep etc.. With refresher actually you can delete 2 heroes and win 3v5 ez.
Mirana stat increase is not as significant as others stated. He hits a little bit harder but needs absurd amount of items since none of her abilites contribute physical dps anyways. WR is better than her in any possible way. More reliable disable, much much more dps, online with 2 items, lower BAT, sick attack animation etc.. Poor man WR basically.
Qop is untouched and wr is insanely strong right now. I expect the to see them even more.
This patch is not as cancer as the previous ones but still annoying to play against some heroes in pubs.
1. No one misses Techies.
2. Windrunner and Alchemist are retarded atm.
how many shots per second does wr when using her ult?
On October 13 2015 22:32 unsaeglich wrote: how many shots per second does wr when using her ult?
Attacks per second = (100 + IAS) × 0.01 / BAT
Max attack speed is 600 and WR has a 1.5 BAT so its
600*0.01/1.5 = 4 attacks per second.
spectre without radiance is trash
The thing about techies(which made him so attractive to me) is that its the only hero that scale with strategic execution instead of reactionary execution. What does that mean is that a brand new player could pick up such hero with relative ease and look at DotA and appreciate it from a lot more strategic point of view(not even as a team as 5 but as an interactive piece between 10 people), instead of a personal skill regard like most people often led to believe by media focus on solo mid players.
I do agree that he needed a nerf, just not the current one that he got. Personally i find the techies 2-3 patches ago was completely playable, before he got a damage buff on his mines and mines activation time.
Huge surge of gold? Its 200G extra gold at best per wave. Alliance was basically saying, //'Id be happy to hand you 200G every 30 secs if you can never push me./' Liquid was always stronger in team fights farm or no farm. The lineup was built to do crippling damage before a certain pt. It had no global presence or wave clear. It didnt do said damage and then they were always struggling.
The solution was to either build a lineup that can stop rat effectively or win before its too late (like game 2). The solution you are talking about isnt even a solution. Near the end Liquid was doing exactly what you were saying and it didnt matter because the sheer zerg was chip damaging them to death.
techies wasn't broken because of scripting techies was broken because he created space by existing and made 90% of the hero pool not viable with the quelling change and mines not detonating when destroyed every hero has an answer to techies (but still needs to invest money in wards/gem and (if melee) qb to do so) the damage/cooldown/manacost change mostly weakens the tusk+techies combo where you can instagib people at level 1 with snowball+landmine; no more killing people by running at them and dropping mines on their feet
lycan AA +1 is still extremely strong and should be making a come back.
On October 14 2015 02:13 Verniy wrote: techies wasn't broken because of scripting techies was broken because he created space by existing and made 90% of the hero pool not viable with the quelling change and mines not detonating when destroyed every hero has an answer to techies (but still needs to invest money in wards/gem and (if melee) qb to do so) the damage/cooldown/manacost change mostly weakens the tusk+techies combo where you can instagib people at level 1 with snowball+landmine; no more killing people by running at them and dropping mines on their feet
Techies was broken because he made you not play dota. Part of which is melee were literally worthless against him. But techies did stuff no other hero did. In DotA you get a gank or wipe the enemy team and you parlay that into an objective. You go take a tower, get rosh, push your lanes out, go high ground. That's how you play DotA with and against literally every hero in the game. Except with techies if you get a gank or wipe you don't know what you can do. You can't just turn that victory into anything. Are the lanes mined? Is rosh mined? Is up hill mined? Are the towers mined? You have no idea and from the grave he'll kill off creep waves with 1 or 2 mines and stop the push dead. From the grave he'll kill your team for walking into the rosh pit. So you've gotta play super mega fucking stupidly safe, even when the hero is dead. Because you're not playing Defense of the Ancients 2 anymore, you're playing against techies...And he can do it all while dead.
All you need is for 1 of the 10 players to decide fuck everyone and your game was instantly cancer. When there's a techies in the game, only techies is having fun.
If mines gave supports enough money to buy more sentries after successfully dewarding / killing a stack, then maybe he would be fit for dota. It wasn't scripting that made techies OP, he's just bullshit.
haha i remember the days when techies was considered a fucking shit tier pick and no one knew how to play him one patch later and his mines are broken and suddenly hes unplayable i agree with nb that the nerf put techies into the fkin ground he should just have been reverted back to the original techies. good late game but shit laning. maybe keep the qb mine killing change or the mine gold giving change
The qb mines change needs to stay. Otherwise techies vs. 5 melee heroes (or short-ranged heroes) means the best way to clear mines is to walk over them.
Granted, one can walk over them with Ghost Sceptre/BKB active, or with minions instead of heroes. Still stupid though.
For Dooms early game mana problems, that healing creep in the small camp gives +2 mana regen. I love it in the early game.
i agree that techies is just a fundamentally broken hero that should have never made it to dota2. he just makes playing dota not fun. it's not a fun mechanic when you "just die". It's an awful feeling when you're simply walking around and just die in a fraction of a second. it's not fun when you can't fucking walk anywhere. it's fucking awful when you're a melee hero against techies. and it's not even fun when every single fight is literally 4v5. There is a fucking reason that everyone complains about that hero
i really like the fact that the heroes in dota are more unique/characteristic than in other mobas but techies is just an example of a failed concept. I agree that it's not an elegant solution to just make him a game-losing hero that you end up having to deal with in 1% of pubs but I'm honestly not sure what else could be done about "the techies problem". there would be a pretty huge backlash if the hero just got removed
i feel like shackleshot is bugged or something, it seems much easier to hit nowadays.
that being said why are people comparing mirana and windrunner? yea they are both pretty ladies with bows and arrows and a long range ability but if you ask me they serve pretty different functions.
well shackleshots range did get buffed a while back wr and mirana had a lot more parallels when wr first came out. both had a hard to land cc (shackle was even harder in dota 1), both have an aoe, both have escape, and both have relatively useless ulties (potm ulti only really saw proper strategic use later. even when people ran potm as position 1 for a long time, no team really used potms ulti to its full potential)
I have a theory why shackle is so fucking broken but its hard to explain. That hero is retard proof though. Throw out shackle, did it hit? No? Wait 10 seconds and try again. Yes? Use R, free kill, go next. Its mindless to play.
On October 14 2015 17:14 OuchyDathurts wrote: I have a theory why shackle is so fucking broken but its hard to explain. That hero is retard proof though. Throw out shackle, did it hit? No? Wait 10 seconds and try again. Yes? Use R, free kill, go next. Its mindless to play.
Actually shackle prioritize heroes over trees I assume or something like that, because I see some very retarded shackles even though a fcking tree just behind the target, it latches the hero a little bit back and not on the direct path of the spell. In teamfights it is very very easy to shackle 2 guy together and disable them for 4+ seconds, no risk.
Aghs just broke the hero, it is very similar to alch with a more reliable insta-stun and max AS/full damage with 6k worth of items.