Legacy of the OlimoLeague
Sunday, Apr 12 12:00pm GMT (GMT+00:00)
Check In Time: Sunday, Apr 12 11:00am GMT (GMT+00:00)
Legacy of the OlimoLeague (LOTO) will be a weekly SC2 tournament held each Sunday for players with access to the LOTV Beta. This tournament is directly funded by BaseTradeTV with a $100 prize pool. This tournament is open to everyone.
In celebration of the LOTV Beta, we will host a $200 monthly final for the month of April.
Legacy of the OlimoLeague will NOT replace the OlimoLeague (which will continue to be held on Saturday).
To receive updates on OlimoLeague tournaments, follow OlimoLeague on Twitter!
BaseTradeTV (English)
April's Weekly Prize pool + Point Distribution: $100
1st place - $50 + 5 points
2nd place - $30 + 3 points
3rd place - $10 + 2 points
4th place - $10 + 2 points
Quarter-finalists - 1 point