Poll: Head:GuemChi (2) 50% Snow (2) 50% 4 total votes Your vote: Head: (Vote): GuemChi (Vote): Snow
Poll: Heart:He, who slays heroes (4) 100% He, who knows nothing (0) 0% 4 total votes Your vote: Heart: (Vote): He, who slays heroes (Vote): He, who knows nothing
Japan11285 Posts
I don't know who to root for.
Who slays heroes?
On November 28 2014 20:20 c3rberUs wrote: I don't know who to root for.
Who slays heroes?
Guemchi. The other description is a Jon snow GoT meme
Japan11285 Posts
Don't know that.
Okay, lets go!!
FS. Snow spawned at 5, Guemchi spawned at 1.
Japan11285 Posts
2 gate goon from Snow. Guemchi adding second gate just now.
Japan11285 Posts
Slightly earlier reaver for Guemchi.
Both with similar builds so far.
Guemchi going to Snow.
Japan11285 Posts
Nice scarab shots from Guemchi 14 kills!!
Snow attacks Guemchi. Guemchi defends at the ramp. Snow put his reaver on the ramp, sniped. Its over. GG
Guemchi 1-0!
Japan11285 Posts
Japan11285 Posts
Snow starts at the bottom left position, Guemchi at the top right position. Scout after gate for Guemchi
Japan11285 Posts
Guemchi gets his core. Snow expands before core.
Japan11285 Posts
Guemchi responds by taking his own natural.
Snow cancels his spinning core and gets robo.
Japan11285 Posts
DTs incoming for the one who slays. And a robo.
Snow has 4 gate robo.
Guemchi's first DT goes out the main entrance and immediately dies to obs and goons.
Japan11285 Posts
Snow intercepts Guemchi's shuttle carrying a dt leaving his base.
Guemchi manages to sneak it out later.
Snow taking his third.
Japan11285 Posts
Guemchi gains some map control which he uses to get his third. He tries to do a storm drop but Snow defends it well.
Huge protoss forces moving towards Guemchi's third.
Snow's zealots meet Guemchi's goons near 6. Snow attacks Guemchi's zealots between the main and third. Huge battle. Storms going down. Guemchi reinforces with his goons from 6. Guemchi overpowers Snow!
Snow with a nexus behind the attack. DT attacking it.
Battle beside the expo. Again Guemchi powers through Snow's army.
Guemchi won but he has too few units, retreats.
Japan11285 Posts
Guemchi took an expo behind that attack. Snow tries to retaliate with zealots but too many defenses at 3rd.
Nice storm frop from Guemchi at Snow's 3rd. Snow storm at the third. 15 kill HT.
Japan11285 Posts
Woah, Snow caught Guemchi out of position to defend his expo, proceeds to snipe it. It hasn't really mined much due to storm drops.
Massive zealots armies for both. Lots of storms casted, Guemchi comes out on top and takes out Snow's expo.
That same 15 kill templar at 25 now!!
Japan11285 Posts
Guemchi rebuilt his expo and deflects it from a zealot attack.
Snow attacks the third with zealot only. Guemchi responds quickly.
Snow with some more storm drops.
Japan11285 Posts
Guemchi is ahead in bases but storm drops are really hurting him.
Japan11285 Posts
Guemchi with a zeal archon crack team in Snow's cliff. Storm on probes. Could've gotten more kills. Zeal archon just staying there wtf :/