Long time, no blog. I'll try and keep it short and sweet as usual and let the art do the talking for me!
New schoolyear has started, and I'm still in the process of chasing a Bachelor's degree.
While doing that, I'm working on a ton of projects, preparing for a choir trip to N.Ireland in October and generally keeping myself as busy as possible.
Since it's been so long since my last blog, I don't even know what else to say regarding #lyf, so ask away.
Ah yes, the point of this blog. So earlier this year I realized that I've not really done any personal projects in a long time. And I've been wanting to pick up illustrating and improving my digital painting skills for a while. After the school year ended and all the assorted summer travel shenanigans concluded, I retreated back to my summerhome on an island off the west coast of Estonia for 2 months and started crafting away at a series of illustrations. First of which is here, finally complete months later! I have many ideas and sketches about where to take the project next, but baby steps and no promises!
The concept behind this illustration (and perhaps a series of illustrations) is to imagine the lovely ladies of Dota 2 in a modern context, while keeping their appearance as distinctive as possible compared to their ingame counterparts. So a hipster Mirana on a fixie it is 8)
It's a great learning experience so far, illustrating is hella difficult and while I'm not fully satisfied with this one, I'm just gonna take what i learned and move onto next ones, now that I've finished something. Something I usually don't do with my projects.
So without further ado, and since I've already wasted too much space on words and not images, here you go!
Click on the image above for a slightly bigger version!
Please let me know if you'd like to have this as a print, and I'll put it up for sale on society6 or something
And as usual, here's some wallpapers as well!
Enjoy and til next blag!
disclaimer - while the subject matter is Dotes, the blog is more about me and my art than it is about dota, hence why it's also on TL C:
disclaimer - while the subject matter is Dotes, the blog is more about me and my art than it is about dota, hence why it's also on TL C: