RF 150 – Toe Reading – Reflexology Assessment I – Elemental
Hours: 16
Cost: $240.00
Take the first step towards becoming a Registered Toe Reader ~ Connect Sole to Soul! Everything that happens in our lives is recorded holographically into our feet. Major traumas, dramas, personality tendencies and destiny factors are all revealed in the shape of our toes. Level I focuses on teaching you the elemental language of toe reading. You will complete two event readings the first day and two session readings the second day. Marketing yourself as a toe reader will also be covered. You will be practicing the concept that “Everything is Something,” thus implementing learned advanced observation, assessment and communication skills in the exploration of revealing of the stories and the language the toes metaphorically speak. NO PRERQ NCBTMB
Levels II, III, IV, V:
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RF 162 – Toe Reading II – Soul Coaching
Hours: 20
Cost: $300.00
Level II will concentrate on mastering facilitated dialogue. With the use of penetrating soul coaching questions, learn to facilitate deeper self awareness in such a way as to help shift someone’s perception of how they are, and how they can be. Introduction of the Royal Reading, with the use of blended oils kits, will help you create trust, ritual and sacred space to get your client to the deep discoveries from the soul in a toe reading session. Students will also explore how to complete online and phone toe readings. Come and unlock your ability to be a true Sole/Soul Coach with this powerful modality. PRERQ RF 150 or RF 150-OL
Hours: 20
Cost: $300.00
Level II will concentrate on mastering facilitated dialogue. With the use of penetrating soul coaching questions, learn to facilitate deeper self awareness in such a way as to help shift someone’s perception of how they are, and how they can be. Introduction of the Royal Reading, with the use of blended oils kits, will help you create trust, ritual and sacred space to get your client to the deep discoveries from the soul in a toe reading session. Students will also explore how to complete online and phone toe readings. Come and unlock your ability to be a true Sole/Soul Coach with this powerful modality. PRERQ RF 150 or RF 150-OL
RF 164 – Toe Reading III – Chakras & Aromatherapy
Hours: 16
Cost: $240.00
Level III will concentrate on where chakra information is stored in the toes and feet. This will further develop and refine the predictable burial sites of sacred life stories. The use of aromatherapy along with energetic touch will be explored for the purpose of change and transformation. Students will learn how to connect to the energetic grid found in the toes via the elemental and chakra lines. The use of essential oils also presented from both elemental and chakras systems. Students learn to use essential oils that will assist a client in boosting energetic deficiencies. Students complete several sessions in the class, including one full hour session with the public. PRERQ RF 150 or RF 150-OL and RF 162
Hours: 16
Cost: $240.00
Level III will concentrate on where chakra information is stored in the toes and feet. This will further develop and refine the predictable burial sites of sacred life stories. The use of aromatherapy along with energetic touch will be explored for the purpose of change and transformation. Students will learn how to connect to the energetic grid found in the toes via the elemental and chakra lines. The use of essential oils also presented from both elemental and chakras systems. Students learn to use essential oils that will assist a client in boosting energetic deficiencies. Students complete several sessions in the class, including one full hour session with the public. PRERQ RF 150 or RF 150-OL and RF 162
RF 165 – Toe Reading IV – Living Metaphors
Hours: 16
Cost: $240.00
Level IV will concentrate on where to access Living Metaphors in the toes and feet. This will further develop and refine the predictable burial sites of sacred life stories, deepening the practitioner’s skills in energetic assessment. Since 'Everything is Something' this class helps practitioners of Toe Reading to further develop the ability to read and present metaphorical stories to their clients. Everyone has a story and this method allows the practitioner to tap into A-ha’s with the client around the characters they have played in their life. The use of elemental and chakra living metaphors are introduced for the purpose of change and transformation. This form of advanced reading invites the student to dive deep into the development of their intuitive abilities. Students complete several sessions in the class, including one full hour session with the public. PRERQ RF 150 or RF 150-OL and RF 162
Hours: 16
Cost: $240.00
Level IV will concentrate on where to access Living Metaphors in the toes and feet. This will further develop and refine the predictable burial sites of sacred life stories, deepening the practitioner’s skills in energetic assessment. Since 'Everything is Something' this class helps practitioners of Toe Reading to further develop the ability to read and present metaphorical stories to their clients. Everyone has a story and this method allows the practitioner to tap into A-ha’s with the client around the characters they have played in their life. The use of elemental and chakra living metaphors are introduced for the purpose of change and transformation. This form of advanced reading invites the student to dive deep into the development of their intuitive abilities. Students complete several sessions in the class, including one full hour session with the public. PRERQ RF 150 or RF 150-OL and RF 162
RF 166 – Toe Reading V – Master Clinic
Hours: 16
Cost: $240.00
An applied supervised hands-on practical approach to increase the student's knowledge of Toe Reading protocols and excellence in performance. Information and standards regarding local, national and international Toe Reading protocols will be provided. Instructor provides Clinical Supervision throughout the course. Personal session rhythm and flow, weekly practice and client paperwork will assist in preparing the student for real client interactions and professional growth in the toe reading profession. Master Clinic is designed to prepare the student to enter into a private practice with practical experience in the field. Students complete paperwork and are evaluated by the public clients they serve. Students required to turn in paperwork documenting 8 additional outside sessions to complete the final practicum hours for this program. PRERQ RF 150 or RF 150-OL, RF 162, RF 164, and RF 165
Hours: 16
Cost: $240.00
An applied supervised hands-on practical approach to increase the student's knowledge of Toe Reading protocols and excellence in performance. Information and standards regarding local, national and international Toe Reading protocols will be provided. Instructor provides Clinical Supervision throughout the course. Personal session rhythm and flow, weekly practice and client paperwork will assist in preparing the student for real client interactions and professional growth in the toe reading profession. Master Clinic is designed to prepare the student to enter into a private practice with practical experience in the field. Students complete paperwork and are evaluated by the public clients they serve. Students required to turn in paperwork documenting 8 additional outside sessions to complete the final practicum hours for this program. PRERQ RF 150 or RF 150-OL, RF 162, RF 164, and RF 165
Of course, self improvement shouldn't stop at just toe reading. Here are some other exciting classes you can pursue on your way to a degree at Southwest Institute of Healing Arts:
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EL 600 – Canine Massage
Hours: 4
Cost: $60.00
Learn to massage healthy dogs for the benefit of relaxation and calming. Discover the difference between ‘just petting’ an animal and applying a step-by-step canine massage protocol with a wide variety of strokes, including a ‘walk & work’ routine. Review the contraindications of canine massage and learn how to give a ‘therapeutic touch’ treatment focusing on the animal’s chakra areas. You are encouraged to bring a dog to work on; two people can work on one animal. Come without a dog and we will pair you with someone and their animal. CLASS SIZE LIMITED TO 12. NCBTMB
SP 333-OL – Archangels ONLINE
Hours: 15
Cost: $225.00
This course is designed to help students discover how to call out to each individual Archangel, know them by name and develop a personal relationship with each one. Instruction will be given for nine steps that can guide students from a place of low vibration, pain or darkness into the healing light and everyday presence of Archangels. Text: $12
CC 250 – Psychology Theories – Honoring the Masters
Hours: 30
Cost: $450.00
This course presents an overview of the cognitive, psychosexual, psychosocial, behaviorist, social-learning and sociocultural theories, highlighting how these theories often contradict each other. It profiles the work of Piaget, Freud, Erickson, Skinner, Maslow and Rogers. Text: $94
CB 410 – Baby Touch
Hours: 12
Cost: $180.00
Massage Therapists and Doulas are taught how to teach caregivers to massage their own babies. Learn the infant protocol, including age appropriate variations and teaching others. Role-playing and actual hands-on experience with mothers and infants. Bring a life-sized baby doll to learn and practice techniques. Invite a parent and infant to classes Saturday and Sunday afternoons. Text: $17 PRERQ: MT 200 SWEDISH OR LICENSED NCBTMB (AZ-CEU)