So after losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing.....
....I have gotten my first win.
In every game I've played I've tried to avoid going all in on someone, and trying to make the game last longer with my terrible skills. I have tried to correctly inject, scout, and expand (which becomes almost impossible for me after 3 hatches (hell after 2).
Sadly this has lost to me losing every match I've played in, and I've played people who are the worst of the worst, where I can recognize how amazingly bad they are playing, but despite all of the videos I have watched...I am unable to capitalize on it, because in the end I am the most terrible of all. I hold rank 100 in bronze for a reason.
Anyways after feeling like an idiot after every match I am going to proudly post the link to the replay of my first win.
I know I missed alot of injects, didn't expand when I should have, and messed up just about everything after 6 minutes, but I just want to enjoy a win that didn't come from an all in.
Please note that I didn't intend to insult my opponent directly. I had attempted to reply whisper a friend of mine, and am so terrible that I messed that up. This is however a good thing, as if I hadn't messed this up, my plan was to practice my macro while he was doing nothing...and I would have eventually gotten smoked .
For your viewing enjoyment>
or this for an overview of my terrible mistakes> http://sc2replaystats.com/replay/430503
gratz! May this be the first of many
GO my son, may your ladder points never be zero again!
Hahah that chat history, LOVE IT
Congrats on the first win, hopefully things start going smoother for you !
If you do want some help let me know i could give you a few pointers
Grats, and cheers to more in the future!
I recommend you try to play aggressively and learn from there. Aggressive builds to start, then more economic the higher level you get. The reverse way isn't as good I would say, especially because it's the economic builds that mostly occur at high level, and there's a reason for that; high level players are good at cutting corners and managing risk and chance in order to edge out ahead in the future. That, and of course they have the high APM to manage multiple bases/production as well as an army or two all at once.
Being aggressive, attacking early on, or doing a timing attack is not necessarily cheese nor is it going all-in. Even if it was (in some cases), a win is a win, and aside from obviously stupid stuff like 6 pool proxy cannons or mass barracks-marine, there's no problem.
Try out a roach rush or something. If you do a roach build with burrow, you can get a lot of micro management experience.
With this first win, we are witnessing the birth of the first true Zerg Bonjwa
Ride the wave...! From now on it can only be uphill.
United States97274 Posts
Congratulations and good luck with your future wins! We all have to start somewhere
A journey to a thousand victories begins with a single win! :D
GL and go well, mate.
Who knows, maybe you'll be gm one day and look back on this and laugh. Gl hf
TLADT24920 Posts
good stuff, congrats! Next stop: win #2! :D
Thanks for all the support guys I REALLY appreciate it. It's funny how you mentioned to go ahead and be aggressive and not worry about the late game. A clan mate was telling me to focus on this for now and I didn't believe him.
It makes sense however that this would help me build a foundation. I'm just worried I will become a one trick pony who can't do anything after 2 hatches into the game/late game.
Also Breath the funniest thing was his reaction in chat yeah haha. If he hadn't have said anything I would have practiced macro for the rest of the match and lost. I only started looking for his base after he told me 😬
your Country52797 Posts
I remember my first win in SC2. It was mass void rays in PvT.
Then I did the same thing the next game against the same guy and lost horribly.
Awesome!! Congrats! I got my first SC2 win in WoL Beta when Roaches were 1 supply and Dimaga's 1-base 13 pool baneling bust was unstoppable. Like above, keep going with aggressive strategies until you get the hang of injecting and everything else, then you can switch your focus to economic strategies.
So upon checking my inbox after work I saw how many people had written me to give me support for my first win.
Thanks a ton. I have been losing for so long that it was honestly getting depressing.
It feels great to have finally won and have all of this support. I have added those that messaged me. Thanks again; you guys fucking rock.
On April 17 2014 05:05 Silentce wrote: So after losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing, and losing.....
Brings back memories of 1v1 BW.
haha silentce I think everyone is happy for you . After losing so many games I'm also really happy that you finally broke through. I know SC2 can be depressing, I'm a fellow bronzie too (top 25 temporarily), so I'm right in there with you. I hope you get some enjoyment out of the game most of all. Best wishes!!
When I started SC2 i got owned like 20-25 straight, it was rough. But the first win was amazing.
Good luck !