Hey guys, It's starting in 2 hours.
For those who don't know what it is? Simple, make a game in 48h alone, or in 72 hours in a team. Your reward is the game you make. Share what you make, get feedback, all in good spirit.
Who else is in?
Last year, I made a crappy game but I had only 17 hours because I was flying. This year I got all the time for myself.
No picture, No longer post, no content. All the peanuts will come while I update the blog.
Which platform should I choose? HTML5 or Windows (C#/XNA)?
The Theme is coming. I'll post my game idea I soon I have one and progress updates.
I really wanted to take part this time...but I'm down with fever Was plannning to do a comp, cause I really wanted to see if I could everything from scratch.
With regards to platform...choose the one that your most comfortable with, with 48 hours, the last thing you want to do is read up "Introduction to xxx" :p
Didn't realise it was this weekend. Might have a go if I like the theme, but won't see until the morning.
I'm in. I still have a couple CS assignments to finish before/while I do it, but I'm definitely making a webGL game.
And the Theme is "You are the villain"
Last time LD was on, I intended to do it the next time, then totally forgot about it until a couple of days ago when I saw a post on reddit.com/r/gamedev...
Maybe next time
1. Created new project "YouAreTheVillain"
2. Created class "Player"
3. Created class "Goat" This is the bonus theme for the competition right? Voted for it and got semiconfirmed in IRC but still, would like to see it on the website somewhere...
Interesting fact: Santa Claus in Finland is called the Christmas goat!
4. Created class "PowerGenerator" with meltdown properties... Not sure where this is going.
5. Executioners are kinda the bad guy...
wonder why teams get more time
On December 15 2012 16:04 UniversalSnip wrote: wonder why teams get more time
It's supposed to be like "easy mode". Either you get more time, more people, or both.
Oh god I hate it... Electricity cut at 5 am... So I went to sleep. Didn't lost anything Jam related but it breaks the mood.
Update 1:
Starting to work on the tileset I downloaded from opengameart.org
The map generator is almost done, generates islands and the sea of shapes I like. I'll add next forests on the island and then put the tile smoothing between the different areas.
The generator algorithm seems to scale quite well to generate different type of worlds. Here are 2 screenshots of the kind of world I have in mind for the game.
The island are generated by a random walk algorithm around few seed spot on the map. The radius, the probability for the random walk and the amount of seeds modulates pretty much all kind of world.
Few seeds, long random walks and small radius, you'll end up with japan style islands..
The tileset glitch is due to the cheap zoom out (3x). On game zoom, there is no problem. Don't mind the virtual Joystick, just using it to scroll the map on the phone.
The tileset is from some game called Tyrian and was from opengameart.org
The game will be about a drug operation management in tropical island and jungle...
Setting Coca and hemp fields in the jungle, factories, selling them without getting caught by the army. You are well hidden in the jungle but the deforestation is your enemy also.
Edit: Screen with the forest
Edit2: The plan:
Edit3: Now the map ingame with neat boundaries.
I thought you whipped up the tileset yourself, just like that, for a second there... I was like... this guy is crazy talented.
On December 16 2012 09:55 UniversalSnip wrote: I thought you whipped up the tileset yourself, just like that, for a second there... I was like... this guy is crazy talented.
lol I see how that confusion can arise from the beginning of the post... I'd better edit a bit. Always seems so obvious that the graphs are from someone else when I have near 0 graphical skills.