This is a build I have been experimenting for a while. The idea of it is to get 2 bases off a 1 barrack expansion.
Afterwards, you immediately add your first gas and add two factories, academy, and engineering bay.
The key of this process is you must NOT show your factory. He must think you are opening bio. The ebay is used to counter mutalisk or lurker (for detection). The academy is built for scanners to see what tech tree the Zerg is going. Also, it gives Zergs the false impression you have opened bionic, as an acdemy is necessary for medics/firebats.
However, with the initial two factories, you will either build goliaths to fight off mutalisk or tanks to fight off lurker. In fact, lurker opening seems really easy to fend off
Upon mutalisk entering your base or discovering he is going to attack with lurker, you add 3 more factories and go for a timing attack when not only his 3rd just kicks in, but also when he starts to add in hydra or mutalisk.
Build Order:
9 supply
11 barracks
15 supply
19 command
20-21 gas
First factory upon first 100 gas
Second factory upon next 100 gas
When first factory is done, add add-on and upgrade charon boosters.
34-35 engineering bay
Academy + Armory when factory is complete
+1 armor upgrade (mechanic)
After 6-8 goliaths, add 3 factories (and add one more machine shop)
**NOTE**: I suggest making bunker and sim citying for ling runbys. Also when academy finishes it is okay to make 1-2 firebat for your bunker to prevent any ling attacks. MAKING MARINES (USUALLY 8-10) WITH SIM CITY AND BUNKER HELPS PREVENT LING RUNBY DAMAGE. REACT FAST WITH REPAIR!!![
**NOTE#2**: Make vultures+mines before you push out so you can place mines around areas where he can come around and backstab you..this is my biggest weakness with this build.
**NOTE#3**: Add second gas when you are sure the overlord can not see your second gas being built. Making it too early gives him the impression that you are going mech, which will give him the chance to adapt faster. You are trying to avoid that and fake bionic as late as possible...
Follow-Up: If he opens mutalisk... -This is exactly what you want, as the initial 6-8 goliaths will have no problems dealing with a mutalisk opening. Add a few turrets to protect your mineral lines, add your factories, and go for the push.
If he continues to make mutalisk... -This is when you add science vessels and irradiate, which will kill mutalisks no problem. Continue making goliaths, maybe tanks every once in a while in the case you need to bust sunken lines.
If he opens lurker tech... -Save scans because mech is fairly easy versus lurker openings. Also opt for earlier starport and vessel for detection.
On November 25 2012 04:46 YejinYejin wrote: Do you keep the single barracks constantly producing marines?
If he goes lurker, do you just make tanks out of two factories? If he's making only muta, do you make only one machine shop?
I usually make tanks out of two factories...however, scanning is key. You can find yourself making too much ground army and if he tech switches to mutalisk, it will be hard to fight without goliaths.
And if he goes only muta, yes there is no need for more than one machine shop (which you need to upgrade goliath range). The rest would go into pure goliath, upgrades, and vessels.
So if he just says oh you made 2 marines and nothing else, can't he just allin ling or even 2base muta/hydra timing and kill you like in the early days of mech TvZ?
On November 25 2012 13:12 ymir233 wrote: So if he just says oh you made 2 marines and nothing else, can't he just allin ling or even 2base muta/hydra timing and kill you like in the early days of mech TvZ?
I usually do not stop making make marines until I have about 8-10. Furthermore, I build an early bunker for protection, since I am going for a factory instead of a second barracks. With the bunker, I'll make a sim city with supply depot or engineering bay to minimize any chance of ling runbys.
Watched the game vs Nando(OD) on Circuit Breakers, you are really bad manner :D
Btw interesting strat and thank you for sharing it, I'm tired of doing only 2 build order in TvZ. I think this strat is viable in "high" level only on certain map. I'm not sure mech opening can be good on fighting spirit vs a really good Z for exemple.
On November 25 2012 13:12 ymir233 wrote: So if he just says oh you made 2 marines and nothing else, can't he just allin ling or even 2base muta/hydra timing and kill you like in the early days of mech TvZ?
I usually do not stop making make marines until I have about 8-10. Furthermore, I build an early bunker for protection, since I am going for a factory instead of a second barracks. With the bunker, I'll make a sim city with supply depot or engineering bay to minimize any chance of ling runbys.
If you have marines till about 8-10, doesn't that cut down on your factory timing/goliath count/turret count?
Also...making a simcity/bunker very early is pretty suspicious in and of itself...usually TvZ people don't do that UNLESS they scout something ridiculously aggressive or goes mech.
I guess the main point isn't about the resources so much as it is about when the mech is scouted, because tbqh pure mech is relatively easy to stunt/cripple/stop. That's why it was thrown away in favor of late mech in progames....
Have you considered opening 2 rax acad off your 1 rax expo and then transitioning into this off of a 3rd base, or your natural only? it would lend legitimacy to the fakeout
On December 04 2012 13:02 Bill Murray wrote: Have you considered opening 2 rax acad off your 1 rax expo and then transitioning into this off of a 3rd base, or your natural only? it would lend legitimacy to the fakeout
1)never gonna work unless you play d+ player 2)gonna be so late your timing window wouldn't exist
On November 25 2012 13:12 ymir233 wrote: So if he just says oh you made 2 marines and nothing else, can't he just allin ling or even 2base muta/hydra timing and kill you like in the early days of mech TvZ?
I usually do not stop making make marines until I have about 8-10. Furthermore, I build an early bunker for protection, since I am going for a factory instead of a second barracks. With the bunker, I'll make a sim city with supply depot or engineering bay to minimize any chance of ling runbys.
10 marines are so useless if you go mech. better make a wall at the natural with the barracks
On December 04 2012 13:02 Bill Murray wrote: Have you considered opening 2 rax acad off your 1 rax expo and then transitioning into this off of a 3rd base, or your natural only? it would lend legitimacy to the fakeout
1)never gonna work unless you play d+ player 2)gonna be so late your timing window wouldn't exist
you dont need a timing window as a 3 base terran, and you can wait until 200 to isolate halfmap
On December 04 2012 13:02 Bill Murray wrote: Have you considered opening 2 rax acad off your 1 rax expo and then transitioning into this off of a 3rd base, or your natural only? it would lend legitimacy to the fakeout
1)never gonna work unless you play d+ player 2)gonna be so late your timing window wouldn't exist
you dont need a timing window as a 3 base terran, and you can wait until 200 to isolate halfmap
Like you said, you go 2 rax acad off 1 rax expo, so the goal is to pressure zerg. 1)now you take 3rd base off of two barracks(?!) ,that's why 3 hatch mutas will destroy this so hard you wont be able to ever leave your base and the 3rd base will be wiped out easily.
the other option said above is to go 5 factory on 2 base but like you said you open bio and the 5 factory timing push will be extremly late. if you try to take 3rd base in this scenario you are going to get outmacroed so hard the zerg will have 6 bases when you hit 200/200
Skill level in BW no where near C+ these days, faced a few D and D+ players with a new account and with my zerg opponents being bad at scouting/reads in general and even with my (very) sloppy execution, this build was powerful.
Went 6-2 so far, thanks again for rekindling my interest in playing BW:D
When I ever get around to playing again, this sounds like a fun one to try! Tip: if you want them to think you're going bio, don't hide your academy somewhere in your main, use it to make a tighter natural sim-city! That way they're sure to see it, but thankfully due to the strategy it isn't a catastrophe if you loose it, and its a decently beefy building anyway, so supplement your wallins and plug those zergling holes!
My two other TvZ builds in the works are a double-drop vultures MnM before mutas, and this: SUPER fast Siege tank allin to lock down natural. Hyuk got so Hyuked ... By the way guys: + Show Spoiler [Bogus has perfected the Bunker Rush[/s…] + Well it's more of an 8rax, but I'm talking about the double-placement. I like.