Hi guys! Time for another blog!
As some of you may have noticed already, I'm currently serving my mandatory military service in the Air Defense Batallion in the Estonian Defense Forces. By now I've already been there for 4 months, and still have 7 months to go. Currently going through junior NCO training, specializing on MISTRAL (Surface to Air Missile) systems, and becoming a junior sergeant in 5 weeks :0
While some of the training is finally rewarding and actually interesting, the routine is devastating. from Monday to Friday all I do is sit through lessons, waiting to get home for the weekend, and the weekend is spent with the ever looming eventuality of having to go back to base on Sunday banging in my head.
So I draw and I chat on a daily basis, spending my 1,5h of free time every day to its full extent. Bringing the tablet with my was a great idea.
All the ideas I get when trying to fall asleep at night... I have to wait until June to start realizing most of them -
- Compiling a proper portfolio (I've already started, http://be.net/fusefuse )
- Getting back to making music (Several projects in mind, including possible thoughts for an album & videos)
- Concentrating my art efforts on something actually useful for the future (possibility of going to study abroad in Denmark in NoMA, focusing on improving my skills in digital painting etc)
- Figuring out what to do with my life after service, I'm 22 and I'm going to be a Uni freshman again @_@ ... or am I? Ive been studying for 3 years now, with no tangible results yet Ive accumulated plenty of debt and im reluctant on giving up on studying to work a random job while I figure myself out :/ dat dilemmas...
So thanks to shiroiusagi for being a great sport
And the usual suspects on #liquipedia where we edit and talk shit (well I talk shit, others edit D
Enough of rambling about not being able to come up with ... anything, so its time for arts (which there is going to be a lot more of in a month or more, stay tuned)
////random 10 minute portrait sketches feat. vague resemblance & awesome TL logo rendition -
+ Show Spoiler [CLICK HERE] +
////Liquipedia logo from 5mm foamcore, finished off in acrylics (bad idea, next time im going for spray paint & 3mm plastic, but arts and crafts was fun)
+ Show Spoiler [YT] +
////Random scenery, 15 min
////My trusty sketchbook
+ Show Spoiler +
Bought this flashy Moleskine the day before going to the army, a third of it already filled, and all the rain, mud & sweat and a broken biro its seen, gives it a nice weathered look :D! soldiering on! Its already spent 2,5 weeks in the forest lol
- I've also started to stream more often these days, since OBS is so awesomely light on my cheap system. So whenever I get home, you can expect a stream session of random arts & great/obscure music over on http://twitch.tv/crfuse / @jkursk
yours truly
+ Show Spoiler [so much LP paraphernalia] +