The final tweakings and polishing are very closed to done.
I want still to add a little particle effect around the goal tile.
I must say the look of the game has made huge jump during the last 4 days.
Adding all the final graphics, selecting a better font. Having 5 awesome music tracks, balanced sounds, it all adds up.
I must thank all the readers for following this serie of blog posts.
This has been my biggest project yet outside of work and we did it in 2 months, it sounded ridiculous even 3 weeks ago to say it "and this will be done in 3 weeks" and everyone would think "yeah right... we know how it goes"
There are plenty of things that are left to improve, more levels, graphical glitches, physical glitches... I dare not say how many but the game plays well and better a good game out than a perfect game never seen the light of the day.
We all want to move to new stuff now. The amount of hours has probably been for me and Muhweli closer to 50 hours a week... And we are both working full time.
Now lets see what we got for you guys... Some screenshots.