It's been 6 weeks since we started with Muhweli (Another very oldschool teamliquid member) and we are now 16 days before the deadline.
Our games will be an entry to the DreamBuildPlay game dev competition. Nice prices but we are not doing it for the money but more for testing a bit the water to start our own business. We have a little specialist team but one thing we lack is knowledge of marketing.
1 Musician/Sound guy. Famous trance dj.. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9Npdfx7DNE) 1 Lead graphic designer (http://skyway.carbonmade.com/) 1 awesome programmer (Muhweli) and me with the design and other project management tasks.
The game is near completion, the code has all the features of our design. The rest is tweaking, polishing, debuging...
So In two weeks, we publish our first video for this game.
Target platforms: Windows phone, Xbox360, Windows (In this priority order)
I will post new information about this game in small bits but lets start with the concept art.
Three monsters out of 4: -Light Eater -Skeleton -Blind Guardian -Ghost (no concept art)
holy shit you got alt f4 on your team? used to love these guys back in 2006!! especially joonas hahmo!
good luck with your project!
Nice art, especially liking the light eater
Good luck both in the competition and future game development
very cool. what kind of game is it?
On May 29 2012 07:18 ahw wrote: very cool. what kind of game is it?
More about this in the next part but shortly a Dungeon Crawler Puzzle
On May 29 2012 06:49 dangthatsright wrote: Nice art, especially liking the light eater
Good luck both in the competition and future game development
39489 Posts
wow Muhweli is a name I haven't heard in probably 3 years :O
Looks really cool, best of luck in the development. I wish I had some friends who are into this sort of thing so that we could undertake projects like these, instead of just me making java pong or making diablo doodles in photoshop all by my lonesome self...
Oh, and are you going to post the finished version when you're done or am I going to have to pay to play this game?
I'd love to make games, but I don't really know anyone really that'll do it...
although my programming skills haven't been used too much (for c/c++/etc) and I've been mainly drifting off towards web development/security nowadays o_o;;
... well, best of luck to you guys~
Zhurai: Thanks! Start game programming as a hobby, it's way more fun than game programming carrier.
Shizaep: We are planning to release the Windows/PC version for free or for a pay what you want mechanism (Paypal 0.01$-> whatever). The mobile version would be available for a small fee if we get to top 10 in the dreambuildplay competition. And go make friends who wants to make games, there are plenty around ! Game Jaaams etc.. I can help you to find people.
Good luck! Nice art, nice to keep it simple and bright for phone users, hope it goes well for you!