Guðlaugur "GEGTgaulzi" Árnason is an Icelandic Protoss player currently playing on team GEGT1337
[] Name: Guðlaugur Árnason
[] Team: GEGT1337
[] Nicknames: CannonKingPrime
[] Country: Iceland
[] Birthday: 1986-11-10
[] Race: Protoss
[] Twitter:
[] Cannon rushed his way to master.
[] Almost exclusively cannon rushes. Regularly beats top masters and GMs on both EU and NA.
[] On May 1, 2012 Gaulzi was featured on "Day[9] Daily #455 P3 - Funday Monday - Cannon Pushing!"
which can be viewed here:
[] Notably Beat:
[] IdrA
[] SeleCT
[] Destiny
[] FourKWarden
[] Desrow
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
[] Fitzyhere
[] LiquidNonY
[] orb
[] Attero
[] Affect
[Other Notable Games/Videos of Gaulzi]
[] Gaulzi vs BlackRa
[] Gaulzi vs dinglederper
[] Gaulzi Mothership rush (vs high master player (T) )
[] Gaulzi Cannon Rush & Mothership rush ( vs MaV(T) )
Part 1:
Part 2:
[Upcoming Events!]
GEGT chrobbus vs ECdesRow, $100, best of 7, casted by Gaulzi, Kruder, and Nathanias (Wednesday May 9th, 2012)
When?: 21:00 GMT (+00:00)
Time Converter (For those who get confused about time zones):
(More details in link below)
[Members List(21)]
+ Show Spoiler +
[1] Bluehermitking
[2] lahara
[3] Duggibobo
[4] Galetmonster
[5] DonkTV
[6] iloveAthene
[7] Iridium
[8] Nathanias
[9] Grotti
[10] Bibbit
[11] DoNotDisturb
[12] songohan
[13] Zealos
[14] AnachronisticAnarchy
[15] BaconofWar
[16] polyphonyEX
[17] bahunto28
[18] GhandiEAGLE
[19] ganzallein
[20] TheBoat
[21] CoconutCyclone
[22] TehTemplar
[23] Sirverik
Currently under construction!!