I have established contact with his school via-phone thanks to Mynock and his jap skillz. They confirmed that he was at school yesterday (friday) and will let him know I called on monday.
Mani, you don't owe us an explanation, cuz if you were gone for so long you obviously had a good fucking reason...but give one anyways mother fucker.
On June 16 2006 17:32 Rekrul wrote: Breaking news.
I have established contact with his school via-phone thanks to Mynock and his jap skillz. They confirmed that he was at school yesterday (friday) and will let him know I called on monday.
Mani, you don't owe us an explanation, cuz if you were gone for so long you obviously had a good fucking reason...but give one anyways mother fucker.
On June 16 2006 20:02 Manifesto7 wrote: What the fuck is going on.
Today is Saturday. Today I recieved three calls. The first one was from Saro, saying that I need to check in with this website.
The second was from the vice-principal of my school, who is worried that I am in trouble in Korea. Through the commnication barrier he seems to think that this is a school matter, because somebody (Dan) is calling me at school. This is a very important man, and I am at the bottom of the totem pole... not a good idea.
The third is from my 78 year old terminally ill grandfather, because he was contacted by the Canadian Consulate. Apparently somebody has reported me missing and the consulate contacted my emergency contacts. Now my grandfather is worried that I am sick or dead, and waited up until 3 am to call me. THIS IS A DYING MAN PEOPLE.
Now I am sorry that I have caused worry. I apologize that I have not been to this StarCraft website for a few weeks. I am sorry that I am not on MSN. These are factors that are currently out of my control. My life is not one of a high school student, college students, or drop out. My life is pretty difficult at the moment, and I don't have time to sleep let alone work on StarCraft. The details are not really any of anybody's business, but suffice to say that I will not be coming back to StarCraft any time soon.
It's pretty impressive that you guys went to such lengths to contact him, not that he appreciated it.
HAHA, that's freakin awesome. Sure, mani might be bitchy right now, but when he's done pmsing he'll look back you guys for this "prank" and realize just how much you care :r
Your all laughing at what happened but not really addressing that he has been hassled while his grandfather was in the hospital and a bunch of questions were asked about his work .