Hello and welcome everyone to climbing up the ladder, Idra style! I am a silver level Terran player in SC2, my first RTS game. Over this break I'd like to improve my SC2 ability and decision making in order to climb the ranks and be a more informed watcher of GSL/MLG as well as be a part of the conversation on TeamLiquid forums as well.
You may have noticed that I want to climb the ladder Idra style as a Terran. I'd like to elaborate. I really like terran mechanics and would rather not switch to zerg as I can hardly hold terran simplistic macro mechanics as it stands. In the same vein of Idra (minus raging over cheese), I'd like to be able to just crush the enemy with a massive amount of units mid-late game and use map control to keep myself ahead in expos (even in case of zerg). How will I try to do this? First, I will be attempting to 1raxFE on all matchups except on Xel'Naga (in which I'll opt for faster factory vsT/Z or added rax vP) and then focus on being ahead in upgrades, expansions, and unit producing facilities. I prefer bio play at this time so it will be reflected that you'll see me opt for 12 rax late game with 2 reactor port for medivacs and run my marines through a meat grinder while taking several expansions.
I know I am silver and have high expectations but I really would like to bring my story to the community whether it is in failure or success. In failure, you guys can know how to help fledgling players get their mechanics and 'style' down better because of what failed for me and my feedback to things like “macro better” or “scout more”. In success you can celebrate my new skills with me and be a part of the community.
Goals (short-term): -Play three games a day, look at each replay from all perspective and then mine. Used to find TIMINGS and PATTERN RECOGNITION.
-Learn to change unit composition slightly when facing difficulty. (IE, add a second factory for tanks if lots of banes vZ)
-Be able to hold any cheese opener with 1rax while continuing to make workers and throw down an expo.
-Find a good reaction to 4-gate from protoss.
Goals (long term): - Find a good 'team' or practice partners and learn to practice well off of ladder -learn to micro early units to apply pressure to Z while maintaining safety at my expo. -Be able to take a BO5 from similar level players -Stream for anyone who may want to watch this lulzworthy performance.
Currently: Online, trying to fix games.
Current Trends in-Game: Able to hold out, but early 'cheesy but not really' pressure hurts me but I can hold. Recently hit by 3-reaper, then 9 reaper harassment. I should have just pushed but I held and had 3 to 1 expos. Game lasted forever, he transitioned to BCs and I got ~30 vikings and ups to push FTW. Game lasted way to long, though.
Games lasting forever and letting opponents catch up in upgrades.
No one can kill me due to upgrades/added production once I get to 10 minute...But I can't kill them.
As any newer player I'd love extra support, coaching, and criticism. I have a long way to go but the more involved I am with the community the easier it is for me to stick to my goals.
I do enjoy biocentric play. I want to eventually get to very good marine control so I can drop more effectively vs Z and pressure with smaller amounts of marines than, say, 70. Which eat everything when up 2 armor and 2 weapon upgrades.
I wish you luck! However I feel that only playing 3 games a day will make the improvement take really really long. 3 games is about an hour or a little less of actual gametime. You could easily play 6-10 games in 2-3hours tops, and it would help just as much as taking the time to analyze your mistakes. Basically, you want to give youself as many chances as you can to correct the mistakes you are currently doing, and only playing 3 games a day gives you 3 chances to get things right, before noticing more mistakes etc. The more games you play, the more opportunities you have to correct the mistakes you noticed prior to that gaming session. If you are short on time, then its understandable, but I would highly suggest doubling it to *at least* 6 games a day.
I understand you notion, eXigent and I really appreciate the advice. But the majorit of my games run 25-35 minutes game clock, a longer game being 45 minutes. (and I know that runs faster).
As my avg game time lowers and my free time goes up the games per day will increase. If I know I can play a game in 10 minutes as opposed to 45 then I'd feel better starting another game
Onto game 2 today,
Game 1 vT, won with upgraded marines around 20 minutes clocktime supported by 2 fac tanks. Enemy had made thors (?) in response. Tanked the tanks hard but my marine count and upgrades ate the enemy alive. At one point lost all my marines but 8 reactor rax replenished quickly.
Game 4 had usual problem. Bio center play held off mech expansion long enough. I eventually had 9 expos to his two and just waited for him to quit after drop harassing with my marines. Took out important tech first (fusion core) and killed lots of workers.
That looks like SC1 gameplay and I am relatively new (got game over summer, on again and off again. Now watching GSL/MLG to look for improving DECISION MAKING (not build orders)
Currently 7-2 on the day. Had a shaky start but my unit control is getting stronger, though my expo timings are getting weaker. Also starting to face gold opponents.
P.S. is zerg metagame changing? I'm seeing a lot of early lings (like 20) that are map controlling vs me. I am not having an issue since I'm pulling even/ahead in econ vs early zerg because of it but I was reading them as all-inning until I saw semi-delayed 4 gasses and knew spiretech was coming.
Games ARE getting shorter, now. But enemies are trying to engage/get map control once my tanks push out a little farther on the map to secure 3rd and losing everything. Drop play is also helping. Won me my last game (vZ, attacked 7 and 9 o clock mineral lines and completely cleared as ling/bling.muta was moving across map to make a kill shot).