Thanks Omni. Were you apart of 1nsanity?
Sarang, I do not expect this person to know what happened with mother. My mother having lung cancer has nothing to do with this.
And I do know because of the what he was saying to me and the fact that he was in another game after the fact. This person just wanted to win, he WAS going to lose.
I don't get how 5 minutes appears to be so uncomfortable for some people. I have a feeling that the people who are saying that they don't want to wait 5 minutes are younger in age.
honestly it's not his fault for unpausing i've been in plenty of situations where I pause ask for a sec come bback about a minute later with the game already unpaused. it's online it happens don't expect ppl to wait for you.
His fault? There is no fault. Lol? Once again, I am just voicing how I feel. I don't expect this person to do it. I was venting. This was bound to happen.
If this makes you as mad as you described, you'll probably live a short life full of heart problems, just let it go.
I'm very passionate about my gaming, I'm going to get upset. I think there would be something wrong if I didn't get upset. I haven't let it go, because it was a learning experience. I think anyone that just lets it go, doesn't care. Or doesn't have the drive.
I don't know if you're reading much of any of this, because I clearly stated that I have since calmed down, its no big deal. I wrote this RIGHT after it happened lol.
ive had a situation where I needed to pause but just left the game because I didnt trust the guy to not unpause because if someone unpaused a game from me it would really ruin my day and id be super pissed. btw if it is the affix im thinking of he is a huge loser
Haha. Thanks for the response mewby. <3 And thank you to everyone else with a positive response. It's good to know that not everyone is like that.
unless it's just tabbing to fix sound/mouse or keyboard error which will take 30 second, i usually leave the game instead.
Not saying what he did was right and you have no right in venting, just a personal preference.
The one thing i hate about people who PP 1 sec without telling the exact time is that you can't really alt tab and do other things or walk away grab a food or something because you don't know when he will be back and unpause. I've had people PP and then i went to the washroom in the meantime and when i got back he already unpaused and was attacking my army. He said i didn't reply to him and don't know when i will be back so he just unpaused. Sigh. so ironic.
Yea. I agree. I should of definitely provided a realistic timeframe.
People want to play the game. While it's usually fine to wait a few seconds, expecting your opponent to waste minutes on end of his time just to fucking sit there and wait for you to get back is a ridiculous expectation. If you have to do something that really takes that long, then just leave the game and take the ladder point hit, it's not the end of the world. You spent more time making this shit blog in the first place then you could've spent just getting the ladder points back in a new game.
Baltimore, USA22250 Posts
Actually have a counter-example. I was playing a match for TSL-2 and my dog came out and went over to the door. If I didn't let him out pretty quickly, there was a significant chance he would piss on the sofa, or the wall, or anything else with a porous surface.
So I just say "sec please", and it really did take my only like 20 seconds but the guy waited for me. So, whoever F.A.O.D on iCCup was, kudos to you.
Haha Tele! I've had to do that as well. Due to my mom being ill, we got her a new puppy! I've had to stop him from going poo. I picked him up then paused the game. They waited.
Yeah I was part of 1nsanity. Long time no see. What kind of puppy? :O
If it is the Affix who used to play WoW then he used to be a little bit of a dick, but either way thats a douche move unpausing. Shows that someone obviously takes his stats too seriously.
In the Lindsey Sporrer interview Affix is the one texting another former WoW player, Mortale I believe. He was the one on camera.
To OP, it sucks but you will get over it. Ladder means nothing and anonymity makes people douches.
On August 07 2011 11:39 TheAmazombie wrote:Haha...Affix...maybe the same idiot from the Lindsey Sporrer interview? + Show Spoiler +He was apparently a WoW player or something before...I wonder if it is the same guy.
+ Show Spoiler [OT: the WoW kid] +hahahaahaaa, I knew that kid back in my WoW days... His char was Mortale, human rogue on Daggerspine from guild HolyWar HW (back in the L60 days before bg's). I think he transferred around a lot with rathorse and them, changing his name a lot to goofy shit like sneakysnake and mileycyrus to make kids rage in arena- dude was hilarious
But yeah, it's unfortunate that the dude didn't wait a few minutes for ya- but he doesn't know your situation, and I'd bet he was expecting you to just pause and leave him waiting forever. =0\
oh god if its the wow affix lmao
On August 08 2011 03:00 kzn wrote: oh god if its the wow affix lmao it's definitely him... if he has zac in his phone as mortale, you know it's them...
Hahaha that interview of Mortale is ridiculous.
Ha, so a very similar situation happened to me the other day on ladder.
At the very begining of the game my phone flashed that it had only 20% battery life left. f10 -> P VTArlock: "1 min plz"
opponent says nothing
I got up and walked over to my nightstand to plug in my phone and as soon as I sat back down without saying anything my opponent unpaused the game.
I thought about being like "wow bm jerk wtf learn manners etc, etc.
BUT being a starcraft player, I thought about the situation strategically. If he thinks I am gone but I'm not, that DEFINITELY gives me the advantage. It was PvZ so I did process of elimination of build in my head
a) He 6pools or something stupid like that b) he goes immediate expo hatch for econ advantage
Being a protoss player I weighed my options and decided he would go for the easy macro win, instead of the possible cheese win.
End of story Hard 4gate > 2 hatcheries without roach tech or sunkens ^^
If someone's not back within 2 minutes of pausing it's well within their rights to unpause. If something's so important that you can't go back to your game within a couple minutes it's important enough to lose the game for.
It's really ridiculous to expect someone to wait 10 minutes when average game length is about that long.