As some of you might know, I was the event team leader for GosuGamers for quite some time, and joined the team once again as an event host for GosuGamers. But that is not the story here. This story is about Empire.Kas and CoLrsvp being two amazing gentlemen. Their gosucup match was scheduled for friday 21CEST, but rsvp sent an email that he couldn't play at that time due to work and asked for it to be played at 22CEST instead. At that point, Kas was busy and asked for it to be delayed to 22:30CEST. Neither player said a single bad word about this.
Then, one player loses the first match (still to be broadcasted so I can't spoil it, unfortunately). He had a lot of trouble with lag, so the other player gracefully accepted a postponement until sunday, 5PM CEST. He even suggested that the bo3 be started at 0-0 again. This will not be the case, but either way, I would like to thank Kas and rsvp for being amazing gentlemen in this cutthroat time where if someone shows up 16 minutes late, another player will already have tried to claim a walkover.