Thanks to Pachi for the banner.
GRUDGE MATCH WOO Scaramanga Vs KianteAfter a few battle reports from kiante I felt I needed to defend my honour. So i decided to challenge him to a bo9 all matchups grudge match to prove once and for all who is better. rvr shout on fs to start things off, loser picks next map and matchup + Show Spoiler [Results] +Replays can be found [url blocked]. Beware games are full of cheese.
Flash vs. Bisu. Oh wow, what a game!
Edit: Gametimes based on timezones: 18:30 KST 01:30 PST 02:30 MST 03:30 CST 04:30 EST 09:30 GMT 10:30 CET
Germany / USA16648 Posts
Maybe we will win an unimportant game against KTF for once instead of almost only winning the ones that matter (as in finals) :p
Sweden33719 Posts
.. I'm not sure KTF could have asked for a better line-up :D I'm not sure we could have either.
cmon SKT1... this is a big match seriously havent seen lucifer in a long-ass time.
flash this is time for revenge. u always seem to win on imbalanced PvT maps like this. do it!!!
Haran > Best Flash > Bisu Lucifer > Thezerg Luxury > Fantasy Flash > SKT1
... yea
Why does everyone expect FlaSh to beat Bisu? :o
My predictions: Best > Haran Bisu > FlaSh TheZerg > Lucifer
SKT T1 win 3-0!
Yeah, SKT should clean this up 3-0 or 3-1.
10183 Posts
I don't care if SKT wins, but Bisu must die after ruining what could've been the best MSL evarrr.
On January 12 2009 01:39 jello_biafra wrote: Why does everyone expect FlaSh to beat Bisu? :o Bisu may have won Gom, but Flash has the advantage on maps where terran is at a disadvantage (not to mention the game won was on medusa). And on our defense, Flash had a fever and didn't take his medication to prevent drowsiness.
9070 Posts
SKT 3-0 with ez and btw SKT's tosses are 82% this season
Haran < Best Flash > Bisu Lucifer > TheZerg Luxury > Fantasy
3-1 KTF
Or, if Bisu > Flash;
Flash < Bisu again in the ace match.
Haran > Best (OOOOH YEAH) Flash < Bisu Lucifer > TheZerg Luxury < Fantasy Flash < Bisu
Haran < BeSt[HyO]
Wait...why is there a question about this? A dragon vs a no-name? should be a nobrainer
Flash < Bisu
This will be the game of THE NIGHT. A flash vs bisu re-match of the GOM ro3. Bisu took that series so im going with the king toss. But Flash is Flash..sooo this is a toss up :D
LuCifer > Thezerg
Thezerg has been such a dissapointment...He fucked my fantasy team up..So im going with Lucifer... :D :D :D
Luxury < fantasy
Ugh...A slumping Lux vs a somewhat in-shape Fantasy.... poor lux...i used to like him..im going to give this to Fantasy
SKT 3- KTF 1
In case of ACE..KTF will put out the secret weapon..FLash..DUH..
Collesium II is a crazy macro map...soooo I'm predicting BeST for the SKT ace in which case..I think BeST will defeat Flash in a crazy macro battle. or flash could cheese..one can dream
Flash < BeSt[HyO]
... Everyone thinking Lucipher will beat TheZerg must take some kitchken shears and chop off their faces.
The SKT1 Coach should make line ups randomly. He should literally take Best, Bisu, a Terran and a Zerg and roll a dice to decide what map they're going play. He gets the worst matchups every single time, it's ridiculous.