HolyShit - Hery
BaeSeulKi - By.Fantasy
Demisoda - OriOn
Kurosagi - Luxury
gangline - Shine[Name]
NanJokeR - JokeR[Gamei]
dksosns - Casy[Name]
ssbt - GoRush
Andromeda999 - Boxer
Entourage - OverSky
tonclan - 815[HyO]
WhiteChristmas - By.raiD
pinkton - By.Haran
DynamicBusan - Light[Alive]
majorbabo - Fs.Rain
andromeda - GGPlay
Combo - Jangbi
SparkyzJS = Justin
mCry = Flower
ekrxjvltnlWKd - magma[s.g]
ekrxjvltnlvos - hyvaa[s.g]
bulgarisjeja - Hero_V_ (transferred, where to?)
bulgaris - Inter.Mind
AdamaS[aLive] - Sea.Leta (transferred, where to?)
Fs.SeCreT - Fs.Rain
Endless7 - Free[fOu]
tlqkftozl = NsP_Fancy (?)
According to TT1:
LSG = Stork (even tho most people will say his stats are deceiving, alot of offrace games so it might be shared acc or hes just having fun)
Sea.Melody = Sea.Riddle (for sure, progamer)
serO = By.snOw (for sure, progamer)
loveofmylife = h_falcon_w (for sure, lecaf pro)
1ooYou = MajoR[HyO] (for sure)
TossGirlJeJa = Last[fOu] (for sure)
yeeunbba = 7color-avatar (terran semi-pro)
ChoSaL_2Yo = T.3)MinSeOk (oldschool zerg user, ex pro)
dOli = pretty[gm] (but the person who told me this said he doesnt believe in this so this one isnt too reliable)
mukjy = some KTF toss
kimhae = some eSTRO zerg
Wooribank = some Lecaf oz terran
Notable Foreigners
ShapeShifter - Arew
Intermelon - Potiguar
iG.Sky - WhistlerR
CarrierRUSH - IefNaij + Oldy(?)
rangrangxao - IdrA
jwj - Beckham
B0neThuGz, drainage - NonY
KeepFighting - HoRRoR.T-ScT-
BoliviaFTW - Excello.CaStrO
ItsSexyTime - iG.Target
PurE)JiFeng - JiFeng
LooNg)Bao - Home.bao
ByunGgo - BVG.MaNa
pure)fengzi - fengzi
CuteSin - JayStar
Brokenwings - GP).Eva
PurE)AirChina - RushGoOn
MYM.F91 - F91
NewAir - hbq
ZP- - ReGoG
8da.cc - Pipilu
_AirChina - Super
MYM.SeCdi - Lx/LeiLei/Vulture
TL members
Carebear.ReV - Avi-Love - Shiva_Chandra
Dahlia... - iloveFBH(OD)
CTStalker - Jam292
NarutO - duddnscv
pupSi.DwMT = krokkis
littlechava - sMi.Ronin
Sc0rpion = Scorpion
Monkeyspanker = sOnata(OD)
serAphicus[TL] = minus_human
Half of UK BW = Pads
Purestyle = FirstBorn
Art.ShallOw. = Shallow[bay]
Cali = statix
scv]Dracula = eXigent.
BuGzlToOnl = BuGzlToOnl
smi.aurious = HellAngel
NotSorry = NotSorry
QQ]I.L.K.- = fanatacist
sMi.Arcology = Jonoman92
JooHyunee[TL]= joohyunee
Beesuit = yubee
Haivan = Haivan
only1 = tg4u
Yadnus = iNfuNdiBuLuM
kiyoraxmine = SayaSP
MonkeyIsland = blabber
AD888 = AnOth3rDAy
bringit.odin = PaeZ
grobo = grobo
Silver.sD = Dr.Kill-Joy
Sorr0w = Kyttn
Nite.Inc = niteReloaded
Parandar = Taurent
FaCe_ = FaCe_1
cowboyspc94 = Ilikestarcraft
Dark_Moon = dark_mOOn26
Ancestral = Ancestral
TheoryofDream = Xeris[Light]
KwarK = KwarK_uK
NightMare = guX
jhNz = IntoTheSunset
Link to last season's thread: http://teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=62746
note: just took the list of TLers from last season, message if you want it changed.