As you may or may not know, today Blizzard released StarCraft Leagues, a customizable and sponsored system of creating leagues directly on Although I have dearly wanted to launch TLTour for some time now, I am not willing to release a system if it is going to be compromised by a new patch half way through the season. When I am confident that TLTour can be launched in a stable environment, then I will re-announce the tour.
Does this suck? You bet. I promise you nobody feels worse about it than I do. But again, I believe it is worth waiting for something done right, rather than rushing it out with no regard for the outcome.
At this time I would like to take the space and thank these people specifically for their hard work on TLT. I know this is very disapointing, but your dedication to this project and unwillingness to compromise quality are valuable qualities that will not be forgotten.
fonger - quickmatch developer
HnR)Insane - website programmer
mnm - website developer and team coordinator.
pheer - website developer
Entropy - consultant
Bill307 - map creator
Taiche - debugger
I would also like to thank the endless people who gave support to this project through encouragement, advice, PMs, and virtual slaps on the back. That is the only reason we got this far.
Again, this is NOT the end of TLTour. It is simply a delay until I can figure out exactly what is going to happen. When we have a firmer grip on things, we will keep you informed.
omg. Something awesome comes along and then a freakin patch comes out. How coincidental is it that tltour is launched and blizzard releases new patch? T.T
I'm usually able to surmise my feelings on a given subject, but I really don't have any words on how much I appreciate the individual efforts of everyone involved in this, especially Manifesto. Being the public face of the project, you're tasked with with being the answer man to every tedious question, and you seem to have a pretty endless well of patience sometimes.
Even if this new leagues system makes the current incarnation of the TL ladder obsolete, I doubt many people will forget how hard you worked on this.
A meager "thanks" seems so inappropriate, but I promise you it's as sincere as they come.
On April 25 2007 00:51 ChoboCop wrote: God Damnit.™
Delayed for good.
What is coming is better, I know, TeamLiquid, has always been the lead in new things to come, good things take long to come. So I'm not sad, I'm just hyped even MORE, to see what will the Staff , Mani, Tiger and all of the people involved on the Tour, going to come up with!.
Wow i'm equally ecstatic about the new patch, it looks like it can be incorporated with TLT. sounds like the patch itself will do most of the work for teamliquid although the anti-hack system will probably be updated too ^^ YAY.
ok, this is pathetic from blizzard imo. Isn`t there one man who to say : "The new patch will be realeased in one week,one month or one year". I dont know what they are trying to accomplish , but ffs this is a 8 year old game. This is not WoW or WC3. Its not a such a big deal. And I am almost certain that this blizzard "news" are somewhat related to whats going on with tlt3. The worst thing will be if people from the starcraft community are compromising the tl project by suppling information to Blizzard about whats going on here.