So I'm a 20 year old guy. I'm 5'10", 140 lbs. avg. height and build. i've always wanted to have a great body, but up until now i've only been doing a couple of pushups here, couple of situps there.
i want to take the next step, more specifically, i want to start eating better, running on at least a bi-weekly basis, and... the reason why i'm posting this topic, i want to go to the gym and start doing a developed workout routine.
i'm not looking to bulk up, because my bone structure makes me a decent size, i'm rather looking for more tone and definition... everywhere: chest, arms, abs, etc.
so to you TL.netters who workout regularly... what advice can you offer me as a beginner?
Micro and Macro It was a simple troll joke? When you work out, instead of taking one day and working out for a few hours, just do small 20 minute workouts every day, and switch between arms and legs so the muscle has time to repair itself.
Osaka27128 Posts
Search How many threads do we need to have on getting fit?
go to forum.bodybuilding.com for answers to your questions and more
90% of the people who post in this thread wont know what they're talking about
Hard to imagine that you look a "decent size" with only 140 pounds. I might suggest you do exercise (lifting weights) to bulk up 15 pounds more and then back off the bulking, and just do high reps // low weight, and a good amount of cardio. 5'10" 155 is really not huge at all, so you dont need to worry about becoming too big.
140 510 is skinny as hell
I'm sick of people saying that higher reps / lower weights tones you, it does not. You cannot spot reduce body fat, the idea of lifting weights every time you lift them is to bulk muscle and lift until failure, even when cutting.
On March 25 2007 16:07 Last.Midnight wrote: I'm sick of people saying that higher reps / lower weights tones you, it does not. You cannot spot reduce body fat, the idea of lifting weights every time you lift them is to bulk muscle and lift until failure, even when cutting.
He's not going to be bodybuilding, so you've missed the point.
Russian Federation4447 Posts
Go to weight lifting forum, read stickies, and you'll be educated.
Canada19447 Posts
Well, despite kaz's spam post about micro/macro, he does have a point. You need to focus your work outs to specific areas each day, but at the same time maintain overall strain on your muscles.
example: if you work out only your chest but not your back, you can get bad form and hurt your back/spine.
By focusing on different areas each day, you are giving the already stressed muscles a day to recover...If your looking for tone, cardio is a huge part along with healthy eating. By working out, you'll have some conversion
In general you want to be doing 10-12 reps for 3 sets. If you can do more than 12, you should increase your weight. For max outs, i go until i physically cant lift it anymore My Workout (5 day week, sat/sun rest)
I've been working on heavy gains, so i've cut down on my cardio to burn less calories Mon/Wed: Chest (bench/incline), Shoulders, Arms (Bi's and Tri's) Tuesday/Thurs: Back, Legs, Abs, Aerobic workout Friday: Depending on time requirements, Ill max out everything, 2 sets each of Chest/Back, Abs, Arms. Increase rest between sets for max outs. sat/sun: rest after Friday max out
Tips Log This is essential. Keeping a log of how you are progressing is incredibly important as you know how you are progressing. Ie. Monday Chest -> 185 lbs....two weeks later if you are at 195 then you see the results and know where you are working at each time you workout.
Get a Partner This is not always easy, but finding a workout partner will increase the efficiency of your workouts 200%. If you have someone standing beside you when you are running/ pushing out a few extra reps, they will see if you are slacking off and you will push yourself harder
Be Effective Use your time effectively. You can get a really good workout in 1/1.5 hours and by constantly working, you are increasing your overall muscular endurance. Taking breaks between sets should be a minute max (or while your partner is doing his/her set).
I think he's talking about muscle toning and not fat reducing, because obviously he doesn't need to lose much weight. I agree though, check out a workout forum to understand your body, learn about exercises, terminology, etc etc....
you wouldn't go to the bodybuilding.com forum and ask for starcraft tips
On March 25 2007 15:57 SuN-TzU wrote: So I'm a 20 year old guy. I'm 5'10", 140 lbs. avg. height and build. i've always wanted to have a great body, but up until now i've only been doing a couple of pushups here, couple of situps there.
i want to take the next step, more specifically, i want to start eating better, running on at least a bi-weekly basis, and... the reason why i'm posting this topic, i want to go to the gym and start doing a developed workout routine.
i'm not looking to bulk up, because my bone structure makes me a decent size, i'm rather looking for more tone and definition... everywhere: chest, arms, abs, etc.
so to you TL.netters who workout regularly... what advice can you offer me as a beginner? -5'10 140 is not "avg" build. it's fucking skinny as hell. I'm 5'11 170ish -eating better...just avoid junk/fast food, and set a daily caloric intake limit and follow it. 55%/30%/15% carbs/fat/protein should be fine, tweak it if you want -running bi-weekly will do absolutely nothing. at least 3 times a week if you want to see improvement -how can you not have definition at 5'10 140. with that little fat every muscle on your body should be easy to see. you say you dont want to bulk up, but you're going to have to if you want to look more toned.
Kennigit let me pose a question to you. Do you do these workouts at home with a home set or in a gym? I've been told that you get barely anything accomplished in a home gym because there are too many distractions and ways for you to stop working out.
And lil.sis, this is the GENERAL forum, so anything goes. If the bodybuilding.com forums have a General forum (I don't know if they do, I didn't check) then I'm pretty sure it would be appropriate to post something about starcraft there.
i workout regularly, and i believe my system is the best to follow.
its a high intensity low volume workout, which means less is more in terms of hours you spend in the gym per week, but you must put in maximum effort in order to stimulate growth.
its a 6 month thing that is intended to build up as much muscle as you possibly can, and then "cut" for 2 months which means get rid of the extra body fat youve added with that muscle by doing high intensity cardio.
Its worked for me so far, 2 months in ive increased my weight from 180 to 195 and my strength has skyrocketed, not to mention my size. I cant wait for the cutting phase :\ but ill follow this program to assure i get the maximum results it can bring. (im 21 years old and 6'1 btw)
Anyway, here are things you need to know - freeweights are the ONLY way to go, you must be willing to do heavy lifts like squats,deadlifts, incline/decline bench presses etc. Your body grows as an adaptive respose to its environment, so naturally you work it harder and youll grow more. 5-7 reps is ideal for most exercises you do, you want to break down as much muscle fibre as you can with a high weight to keep your energy high/lactic acid to low. Doing endless amounts of reps with low weights is extremely retarded unless youre aiming to build endurance(you stretch your muscle fibres endlessly without breaking them down, instead of well... breaking them down -_-) The goal in the gym should be to build muscle first THEN define(ie a cutting phase with almost purely cardio and few gym workouts), it makes sense if you think about it, its stupid to think you can just go in there to get definition whenever you want.
Eating is different of course, and thats something you have to research in order to fully grasp and implement properly, but it shouldnt be a big deal as long as youre committed.
bodybuilding.com is good i guess, http://www.gain-weight-muscle-fast.com/weight-gain-programs.html is good for beginners to gain knowledge.
the program i bought is here, and its incredible and worthwhile if youre willing to spend $67, youll end up saving MORE money using his methods than blindly buying random supplements or what have you than if you do things the RIGHT WAY.
hope i was of help, if i didnt explain something properly, give me a shout by pm ;\ HF
Canada19447 Posts
Going to a public gym is a must. While most people couldn't care a less what you are doing, subconsciously you want to work hard so you don't look slack in front of others. Plus, a good gym will have way more equipment than you could buy or need.
Oh also, when working out, use free weights. A nautilus machine etc is nice but you develop more by having to control the entire mass you are lifting. Most gyms will have posters around showing a good series of exercises for specific areas
i remember someone mentioning running right when you wake up is the best time to run? someone have any sources where they heard this? or just give me more information in general would be great!
You can consider yourself to be pretty big at 5'10 ~190 lbs... most girls at 5'10 would be 140
And why would you start running?
On March 25 2007 16:42 Metal[x] wrote: i remember someone mentioning running right when you wake up is the best time to run? someone have any sources where they heard this? or just give me more information in general would be great!
I'm sure this is true because you speed up your metabolism after a run, just like after you weight lift.