As you may have noticed (but probably not), the gracious people at Team Liquid have made me a part of their extended family. If it helps, think of me as the drunken uncle that everyone hates but that they have no choice but to invite to family reunions.
Regardless of my status amongst my now-peers, I have been put in charge of the new Power Ranking feature, visible, if you have not yet noticed, in the upper-right portion of the website. Click on the link to see the detailed list.
Every month, I will create a list—my list—of the top ten Brood War players in the world. No foreigner, just in case you felt the urge to ask, will ever grace that list. No, not even if he managed to beat Midas in a Bo1 during WCG.
To clarify: this is not a rehash of the KeSPA rankings. This is not a lifetime achievement award. This list consists entirely of my picks of who is hot right now. Any player who loses a big game to an amateur opponent or attempts some particularly retarded cheese can look forward to dropping off the list as quickly as he arrived. I consider much more than statistics when formulating this list, and although the placement might seem, on occasion, biased or even completely random, I assure you that I have my own, incredibly valid reasons for the decisions I make. You are, of course, welcome to try and change my mind, but before you try and do that, let me provide you with a crucial piece of information: I am smarter than you—much.
In subsequent months, I will post a brief essay announcing the presence of the new list and defending some of my potentially controversial choices, but as this post is already much longer than I would like, I will spare all of you any further reading.
So enjoy the list, and feel free to place your inane comments in the provided, well, comments area. I assure you that I will consider each one briefly before dismissing it on any number of purely objective grounds.
I can't believe I forgot to mention this before, but please be sure to thank Saro for adding this new feature. Without him, the website would be, from a technical standpoint, stagnant. His work makes possible all of these fun little things we have, and he, I believe, goes underappreciated far too often.
Korea (South)2971 Posts
Sounds great. Not everyone can agree with the KESPA rankings, and while people will disagree with your rankings, you're under no obligation to make people "happy" or whatever.
I suggest that the rank states what date it is from (yes I understand that I can press comments and check the date of the first one).
Good luck, you are a brave man.
Aotearoa39261 Posts
gogo include "biggest pro flops" in ur essay/list  thatd also be interesting
5007 Posts
Oh my god, this is a great idea.
I'm sure you're already looking at ESPN's power rankings and such, and I know that yours will be just as good.
Looking forward to great debates, discussion, and debouchery (huh) with these lists
Comments: You might want to update it regularly, like "power rankings for week of Nov 21st" so that we have a frame of reference, and debaters can debate within a time frame (again, like ESPN)
Actually, I didnt notice that Power Ranking, and I didnt know you became staff. But congrats anyway! :D
good stuff  <3 DjEtterStyle <3 Saro
Well, what if, say, a Foreigner won a Starleauge? Would he make your list then?
So it's actually a list of top10 koreans. You can't really compare them to foreigners anyway since true matches between these two species are rare. But after the "top 3 korean" d00d's prestations at WCG, I'm not that impressed by their gosus anymore. Oov was hot, and july was ok. Midas sucks big time.
very good list! although i think jaedong has been quite hot lately. don't know if he's hot enough for the power rankings though.
let me provide you with a crucial piece of information: I am smarter than you—much.
i don't think that every people will appreciate this words... and me too
Actually a nice feature, beside of
giving his own opinions like "hate" about ppl you do not even know is childish and a language like "fuck" fits in privat com´s or on the street but not on a communitypage, done by a newser
A TL.net crew member that is bad mannered... How will your list have credibility?
Sorry, double post. My bad 
Nice writing. I'm actually smarter than you tho.
Belgium8305 Posts
no you're all faggots and he is smarter than you
also fuck you andy for putting anytime on #2 ahaha
ok no wait he actually deserves it
France1270 Posts
We should really have a smarts test sometimes. Would be fun to see how all the braggers fare. Only problem is smarts cannot be measured on a one dimension axis. sigh
u can be smarter than me in a starcraft web site i dont care
Dont like it. If it was made by poll or by some kind of thread gathering the opinions of the tlnetters it would have been better. Now we have some random rankings with the current OSL champion and arguebly the best player last few months on 3rd place