United States4146 Posts
Forum moderation (suggestion/advice)
Note these two threads.
The Bad
Boxer's Best games DVD http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=46436 800 reads 19 replies.
-title has word "Boxer" and it is phrased in way to trick casual forum member to -cheking to see if he can actually get to download such a DVD -thread is a request thread without the [R] -there is nth number of such threads already in the forum -answer is already in other threads, can easily be found with google too.. -thread still open.
The Good
my pick on zvz http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=46361 150 reads 4 replies.
- Albeit not the best thread out there, which is why I chose it, but it has over 30 minutes invested in it and within it, you can actually find something of worth. It has original content, pure StarCraft stuff. I have seen these types of posters before. These guys are usually young and passionate, sooner or later as they gorw the become decent posters. - Thread is essentially dead, on second page. - I believe that was his first initiating thread too, 100 to 1 he is now a little more discouraged to try again.
[vods4u] Nal_rA vs zergman http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=46296 194 reads 7 replies
[Poll]News feedback http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=45854 241 reads 16 replies
I have chosen these three example on purpose. This does not happen often but can be minimized. There should be less "on man, that so awesome, I missed that whole thread" in liquidscoop. Decent threads need a little "fostering" and shitty threads need a little silent "un-"fostering.
Suggestion Threads with key words or classic catching phrases (we all know them.. tossgirl, boxer, why did this happen??.. , anything with!!!! etc.. ) the moderation team should see if they are "dead end" threads (i.e. crap) or a hidden [R] already answered - proceed to close them or add the [R] etc.. Changing Titles on shitty threads so that they drop faster is also an option (i.e. remove the "u have to read me" trick)
Threads that have some worth that go unnoticed: moderator bumps with comment. People follow the cue of moderators (too much in my opinion, but why not use this for good too?)
Idea is promoting quality, by very minor active tweaking.
United States5262 Posts
I know what you mean, but that is logistically very difficult to manage.
Korea (South)187 Posts
I feel for you Physician, and it's a great idea.
However, I am not in any position to complain, because I have come across and participated in many... many sc community websites(Korean), and none(I say this with confidence) of them do the dirty housekeeping like they do in TL.
Either they, 1. Just let go, and members go blab on all they want 2. Do very little to keep threads/forums clean 3. or just go very exclusive.
Personally, the 3rd scenario is the worst just isolationg already a very secluded progaming scene even more. But, as always, that option is the most tempting one for any moderators of any website. If I were to somehow denounce TL in any aspects, the efforts of the mods in this site will be the very last one on the table. That's a statement from my personal past experience.
But, as I said it right off, I feel for you Physician. I feel the same way, although I realize it will just be tremendously cumbersome for the already too occupied mods out there.
Osaka27118 Posts
On a regular basis I am adding tags and cleaning up the titles of threads. However, there is only so far I want to go with that before I am impinging on their authorship.
As for bumping worthwhile threads, the nature of a forum is to live and die by popularity. Most of the time the threads that are worthwhile stay hot from comments. If they don't, they die. There is only so much work one should reasonably be expected to do in that regard. In a sense, that is what the recommended threads are for. But to go beyond that and bump 'worthwhile' threads based on my own judgement is time consuming and a little artificial.
United States4146 Posts
Over the years the forum has grown, and it has been a success, no doubt about it but since I am going to spend my SC community time here mainly, nothing wrong with aiming for perfection and in the same token getting a better experience as a regular forum participant. When I am around I will protect those underdog threads!
go go go gl hf ~ mods
United States4146 Posts
There all three bumped a la Physician style.. a few minutes less of my life!
Osaka27118 Posts
Very nicely done I might add.