The balance of Group B, dubbed by many as the ‘Group of Death,’ has been broken. At the end of some fantastic games, KT Bullets defeated Najin Sword 2:0. As the team with the first 2:0 victory in a group that only saw 1:1 splits, the KT Bullets climbed to first in total points and greatly increased their chance to go to the quarterfinals.
Below is the interview with Insec and Ryu.
Q: You had a great comeback victory. How do you feel about it?
Insec: I am so happy that we were able to climb to first in Group B that only saw ties.
Ryu: I am glad that we were able to be the first team with a 2:0 victory in this ‘Group of Death.’
Q: In the first set, your top Lee Sin was quite memorable. Was it a prepared strategy?
Insec: It’s a strategy we couldn’t really prepare. I was planning on taking Olaf, but Najin Sword’s Cho ‘Watch’ Jae-Gul took it first. I was forced to take Lee Sin instead.
Q: Another memorable moment was when you teleported to Baron.
Insec: I thought that, since I was able to grow pretty strong, at least 2 people had to come to stop me. Then, even Syndra came, and when we grouped at Baron, she went back. Seeing that, we thought that taking Baron was possible, so I used the teleport then.
Q: Were you nervous going against Najin Sword, a team that you struggled against in the past?
Insec: I wasn’t particularly nervous.
Ryu: Even though we lost multiple times to Najin Sword, we thought to ourselves, ‘We must win this time!’ We practiced very hard.
Q: Najin Sword picked champions that are considered strong in the Preseason. Did you expect that?
Insec: We expected Rengar and Evelynn, but not Twitch. However, the game went like we practiced, so we were able to win somehow in the end.
Q: Rengar is considered to be a very hot champion recently. What do you think about that?
Insec: Nowadays,it’s true that tanky champions are the meta in toplane. Each of the hot champions have different ways of playing out the laning phase. Rengar, for example, can only roam with his ultimate. I personally like champions that can just roam after pushing the lane.
Q: You were very far behind in the 2nd set.
Insec: The early game was extremely difficult. But gradually, we came out ahead in teamfights, and by the mid-game, we thought that as long as we don’t get caught off-guard, we could win.
Ryu: I don’t really know how we won. (laughs) I think fighting when they had an ultimate missing was quite significant.
Q: Starting today, you will play in the Preseason Patch. What do you think about it?
Insec: The fact that we don’t need to use many wards fits the team very well. (laughs)
Ryu: Honestly, Lee ‘Kakao’ Byung-Kwon and I got a lot of criticism for not participating in vision control a lot, so I’m happy now that there’s less pressure for us in that regard.
Q: How will you prepare for your match against IM#2?
Insec: As long as we don’t go 0:2 against them, we will advance to the quarterfinals. IM#2 knocked out our brother team, so we will take this opportunity to avenge KT Arrows.
Ryu: In this match against Najin Sword, I was not satisfied with my own performance. I will practice hard to show better games against IM#2.
Q: Any last words?
Insec: I would like to thank our coach who helped us a lot strategizing. I would also like to thank our manager, everyone at the front office, and our fans who cheer us on always.
Ryu: I would like to thank the KT Arrows and the Samsung Teams who helped us practice.
Source: Inven
Translated by jpak