Point them out and I will fix them. (Bonus points if you can explain the grammar)
Inven: You obtained in both games MVP. What are your thoughts?
DanDy: It came to my thoughts that I can become the MVP Winner of this season. I was sad that last Season I only got MVP once but it was okay. Imp was very good (laughs).
Inven: You won both games overwhelmingly. What do you think was the driving force behind your wins?
DanDy: We gained a huge profit in the invade fight and this was the driving force behind our victory. After pick and ban phase it was clear that an invade would be advantage for us and we can steal their Buff Monster.
Inven: While you prepared for the match what point did you focus on?
DandDy: We practiced to destroy turrets quickly. When turrets were destroyed we grouped and went looking for kills (laughs).
Inven: The in-team fight over MVP title is pretty harsh?
DanDy: It is harsh (laughs). When the game finished we are arguing over MVP (TN: probably wrong). In the first set I played Nunu with Nunu it is hard to get MVP. But I got MVP thank you for choosing me (laughs).
Inven: With which team did you prepare for today?
DanDy: With MVP Blue and another Pro team. I can’t say the name of the other team.
Inven: Among pro teams MVP went up a lot. So naturally your skill also increased a lot?
DanDy: I feel very happy but the pressure also increased. In previous days we had nothing to lose but now as the Spring Champions we have honor to lose.
Inven: After InSec switched to top, you are the best Jungler. Who is your rival?
DanDy: Watch and NoFe are very good. Our styles are similar, nothing I can’t do. It seems my style is often afflicted with other players (laughs).
Inven: In your TV Interview you said you want to play Udyr?
DanDy: I think that I am a good Udyr player. I can use him to our advantage. In Solorank and scrims I use him often and often win my games.
Inven: MVP Ozone is almost qualified for the next round. From the other team which team will advance with you?
DanDy: Maybe Jin Air Falcons will advance. Before the round of 16 I thought that Xenics Storm will advance into the next round.
Inven: In this Season the atmosphere is good. Do you think you can win?
DanDy: I don’t know if we can win but we can surely reach the finals.
Inven: Your last words?
DanDy: In these days only Mata and me are carrying. Imp grew old. Imp Vayne is just a memory (laughs).
Source: Inven