I need someone smart to make a loader/server for starcraft beta.
Any volunteers?
Some russian guy from 7x told me that they "are working on it". That was one year ago.
So I need a new programmer.
Probably a person who can setup a bnetD server is enough - it has to be an old version, since pvpgn requires starcraft 1.08+
Korea (South)11568 Posts
this requires MONEY. How much you willing to give?
money? for what? oO
I will just email PWL then. and ask the people on dt's website, who will insert random trojans into it
Can someone tell me what was the name of that Russian programmer that made the first pgtour launcher? I;m not sure if he is programming now, because I think his wife died or something like that (Im not sure if he didnt commit suicide) - if I had to pay - I would pay him...
at least noone asked where to download the beta
there is a link to it on this website
Hmm TiLaser or something?
that's the Programmer who made the first PGT launcher =p.
Aw man, I had to get rid of my beta iso to make space a while back, I'll have to find a copy again And wasn't the original PGT launcher programmer Gybs[something]?
Edit: Taken from the credits on PGT, yes, BnetX was done by GybSON
As seen from this page: http://www.staredit.net/index.php?showtopic=32746&st=40 , I indeed do have a server capable of allowing Starcraft Beta connections. I have in fact started multiple games with friends. By started, however, I mean just that, only started. The game crashes with an error withing 5 seconds of starting, without fail. So the next step is getting the patches, or getting someone to manually patch the game for us, ala BWLauncher (this is out of my area of expertise, unfortunately). Any ideas?
Edit: fixed link
On July 24 2006 22:05 alphablend wrote: No one is going to do that for free. Yeah, and thats exactly what was said about getting the server up and running in the first place (one that can have the Beta connect). And didn't someone do that for free? Yes, I did. So if you're not going to even attempt to be constructive, just don't post.
beta? why the hell would you want to do that?
On July 24 2006 22:36 Drowsy wrote: beta? why the hell would you want to do that?
Ok, we actually got it playing, believe it or not. Videos from our first two games: [url blocked] After those 2, we could not get it to play any more, guess it was just a stroke of luck. But, those 2 gave me enough motivation to fix the error, and after about 4 hours of work, I did it: http://avantageous.com/NewStarcraftBetaExe.rar The game is still sorta buggy (I got desynched from my opponent one game, and got crashed another game), its definitely playable, so if you wanna see Starcraft from a time when drones have ultra-range, or when workers stack all the time, rather than just when mining resources, now's your chance.
5385 Posts
I get a storm.dll error running the EXE, do I need anything else?
This would be really fun to mess around on, its like playing old atari games.
On July 25 2006 15:18 pheer wrote: I get a storm.dll error running the EXE, do I need anything else? You need to have a full install of the beta, then you should just be able to extract that rar into your folder and replace the original exe. Then of course to actually play, you'll need a PvPGN server that doesn't have version checking turned on (easiest to run this yourself), and another person to play with. You'll also need to modify battle.snp with a hex editor (view my previous post with the link to staredit, there's more info on that there) in order to change the battle.net ip's to your custom one. After that, you're set, enjoy!
(I should really make a site for this, bleh, its too complex for most atm )
I think netcraft can be the default server as it allows broken instances
the ip:
edit: I gave the old ip
for some reason the server list is blank for me, but Im unsure what to hex exactly (everything?)
On July 25 2006 16:57 8882 wrote: for some reason the server list is blank for me, but Im unsure what to hex exactly (everything?) I'll make a battle.snp for netcraft, give me a sec
Edit: Here you go: http://avantageous.com/NetcraftBattleSnp.rar
zealots do 5 damage
nexus costs 250
probes mine 10 gas
you start with 1 psi and have to make a pylon
overlords have increased speed from the start