Table of Contents
Round 4 Week 1 Preview
Fresh faces and familiar names
EG-TL's plight
Making the miracle
Protoss players prepare pylons
Lasers abound
Matches of the week
Fantasy vs Flash & Jangbi
herO vs HerO
SK Planet Proleague table and results at Liquipedia
Round 4 W1 Preview
By: Wunder
Proleague has finally returned! Heading into the new round, there is a whole new expansion, new maps and new players. PartinG finally joins his SKT1 teammates, and ex-Fnatic Oz and aLive join the EG-TL roster as well. This round is shaping up to be the most electric and intense round of the season, with EG-TL preparing a fresh start and SKT1 bolstering their roster with the return of Bisu and new players. Brush off your thinking caps and get to your Fantasy league ready for yet another exciting round of Proleague!
Thanks to xpaperclip for formatting!
Round 4 Week 1 Matches
April 6
SK Telecom vs KT Rolster
FanTaSy < Akilon Wastes >
Rain < Naro Station >
Stats (Carno)
Bisu < Fighting Spirit >
soO < Korhal Floating Island >
Brown < Bel'Shir Vestige LE >
Zest (P7GAB,Wooki)
PartinG < Whirlwind LE >
Ace:Neo Planet S
Samsung KHAN vs. STX Soul
Solar (Sola) < Newkirk Redevelopment Precinct >
JangBi < Akilon Wastes >
Reality < Korhal Floating Island >
RorO < Naro Station >
Shine < Neo Planet S >
Classic (Switched race.)
Stork < Bel'Shir Vestige LE >
Ace:Whirlwind LE

Ace:Neo Planet S
Samsung KHAN vs. STX Soul

Ace:Whirlwind LE
April 7
KeSPa 8th Team vs CJ Entus
TY (BaBy) < Fighting Spirit >
Terminator (Sang) < Neo Planet S >
Cure (Speed) < Newkirk Redevelopment Precinct >
TRUE (Alone) < Bel'Shir Vestige LE >
Argo (Jaehoon) < Akilon Wastes >
Savage (Ryul2) < Korhal Floating Island >
Ace: Naro Station
Woongjin Stars vs EG-Liquid
free < Akilon Wastes >
Light < Naro Station >
sOs (sHy) < Fighting Spirit >
Aria (NaGi) < Korhal Floating Island >
Soulkey < Bel'Shir Vestige LE >
ZerO < Whirlwind LE >
Ace: Neo Planet S

Ace: Naro Station
Woongjin Stars vs EG-Liquid

Ace: Neo Planet S
April 8
SK Telecom vs. Samsung KHAN
PartinG < Fighting Spirit >
BeSt < Neo Planet S >
Bisu < Newkirk Redevelopment Precinct >
Rain < Bel'Shir Vestige LE >
FanTaSy < Akilon Wastes >
soO < Korhal Floating Island >
Ace: Naro Station
KT Rolster vs STX Soul
Action < Korhal Floating Island >
Mind < Newkirk Redevelopment Precinct >
Zest (P7GAB,Wooki) < Naro Station >
Crazy < Fighting Spirit >
Classic (Switched race.)
Flash < Whirlwind LE >
Stats (Carno) < Neo Planet S >
Ace: Bel'Shir Vestige LE

Ace: Naro Station
KT Rolster vs STX Soul

Ace: Bel'Shir Vestige LE
April 9
CJ Entus vs EG-Liquid
Hydra < Korhal Floating Island >
EffOrt < Newkirk Redevelopment Precinct >
herO < Naro Station >
Bbyong < Fighting Spirit >
Bong < Whirlwind LE >
sKyHigh < Neo Planet S >
Bel'Shir Vestige LE

Bel'Shir Vestige LE
Fresh faces and familiar names

EG-TL’s plight
This number represents the map score of EG-TL at the start of round 4 and tells the grim tale of EG-TL's struggles in WoL proleague. When proleague first started, and EG-TL’s partnership was announced, people expected big things. They were touted as one of the premier teams for proleague, and though they were at the middle of the pack for the first two rounds, they took a nosedive in the third round, going 1-6. With a slight roster change and new management, people are once again hopeful that this foreign team can pull through and break out of the mire.
"We need miracle. We will make miracle."
-Park Yong Woon, newly appointed head coach of EG-TL
After being tweeted by Coach Park, these inspiring words will be tested this week, as EG-TL faces off two of the toughest teams in the league - CJ Entus, and the leader of the pack, Woongjin Stars. So what’s their strategy against these two teams? For starters, they have worked out a core team of four players: HerO, Jaedong, Oz and aLive. These four players will ostensibly be playing in every match, which allows them to get familiar with the format and maps and establish some order in the weeks to come. This leaves two spots to swap players in and out as they please. According to HuK, they have in-house rankings, so the players who show that they are practicing hard and doing well on ladder or against their teammates, will get a chance to be put in the line-up for that week.
So while all of these preparations and strategy is well and good, we haven’t addressed a major issue that has been clear from the start. Where is Liquid`Taeja? The star Terran showed up near the end of round 3, only to lose to Fantasy. He has been seen online, in team leagues such as the Acer Teamstory Cup, where he all-killed Root. But he is nowhere to be seen in the line-ups for this week. Will he make an appearance? What will his condition be like? The absence of the Terran will be something that hurts EG-TL in the long run, and it may prove fatal.
Protoss players prepare pylons
An interesting trend that has cropped up in the first week of line-ups is the abundance of Protoss players in the latest round. EG-TL, STX Soul and SKT1 are all fielding 4 Protoss in their line-ups for at least one match, and this week features 9 PvPs, while there are half that number of the other mirrors. So what gives? Why are there suddenly so many Protoss players in a day and age where Terran all killed twice in GSTL? Well, we can attribute it partially to some roster changes that occurred prior to the start of round 4.As we’ve already seen, SKT1 was finally allowed to add PartinG into their roster, but they also added another Protoss player, ex-SlayerS Brown. Following SKT1, EG-TL added Oz to their roster, which adds yet another Protoss powerhouse to their line-up. Though Woongjin Stars removed Bisang from their roster, he rarely featured in proleague to begin with, so there isn’t much change to their starting line-up anyway. We even have a race switch, as STX’s Classic has decided Terran was not the race for him and took up the mantle of Protoss. As a result, STX has had to field their entire Protoss line-up as they await Classic to get up to speed.
![[image loading]](/staff/monk/ProleagueS1/CreatorCrazy.jpg)
Scenes like this are perhaps why KeSPa teams are fielding so many Protoss. Screenshot taken from Creator vs Crazy in the GSL.
Matches of the week
If you only have time for a few choice matches this week, you should keep an eye on both Fantasy and HerO’s matches. In the first match of the round, Fantasy is up against his eternal Terran rival, Flash. In Broodwar, their rivalry in TvT was well documented and though Fantasy won their last match, Flash still had the lead in the end. However in Starcraft 2, their rivalry has only just begun, and with the score tied at 1-1, which player will triumph? Can Fantasy pull ahead under the banner of the new expansion? Or will Flash continue his streak of dominance? In the same week, Fantasy faces off against another rival, this time in the form of his OSL rival Jangbi. These players faced twice consecutively in the finals in the last Broodwar OSL, with Jangbi beating Fantasy out both times. In Starcraft 2, they haven’t had the pleasure of meeting in an official televised match yet, how will Fantasy stand up to Samsung KHAN’s ace Protoss? Regardless, both matches should be extremely exciting to see, so keep an eye out for those games!
While we’re on the topic of hard matches, HerO has his work cut out for him as well, against Woongjin’s Soulkey and CJ’s herO. No pushovers themselves, Soulkey and herO lay claim to their respective teams ace positions, and HerO will have to pull out all the stops if he wants to triumph over these monstrous players. Against Soulkey, who currently has an 11-7 record in this season of Proleague, HerO will have to harness the high quality PvZ he displayed consistently throughout Wings of Liberty. Up against CJ’s herO, we may finally discover which hero is the one we need, and which is the one we truly deserve. But with herO boasting a 67% winrate in PvP, HerO might have to hold out for his own hero to save him if he wants any chance of besting CJ’s ace. Nevertheless, all four of these match-ups should be incredible, and also a great way to usher in the new expansion, and the return of Proleague!
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