woo Scarlett joining them in GSTL ^___^
never expected scarlett omg
YES! SLAYERS Reunian. I wonder how popular they are in korea considering how much hate there was earlier. I know I love this, a lot. I can't wait till I get to see MMA back to being the emperor to be.
Scarlett sticks out like a sore thumb in this group...I wonder how this will work long term for her.
Despite that, very interesting seeing new top tier teams coming together, I'm excited to see how they compete
SCARLETT????!?!??!?!?!?!! HOLY SHIT!
Can't wait to see Axiom in GSTL now, this is so awesome!
LOL this video, love the team already, the quotes are all so hillarious
Scarlett is moving to Korea? Should be interesting.
Also, Axiom confirmed for never ever winning a karaoke championship.
Axiom always posting content when we post T_T
Still sick to see Axiom going to compete in GSTL
Haha thats some awesome singing
:O not only amazing announcements, but i guess scarlett is going to korea!! awesome!
I hope they roflstomp everyone
1. Holyballs! Cannot wait for that line up in GSTL! 2. Scarlett in GSL too? Hopefully. 3. Does this mean we might get an Axiom/Acer logo to use now? Pwease?
I was expecting Heart and Alicia to join, but Scarlett going to GSTL is pretty interesting. Now we will see her in the Korean environment and truly determine how well she compares to Koreans.
FINALLY alicia gets a team !
Scarlett in Korea is more exciting than everything else imo!!
Great video, really shows how easy it is to show your players personality.
"Before practice, we ate Kimchi soup made my MMA. His cooking has made me so depressed that I think we may lose GSTL." -Miya
These player messages are so cute ^_^. Seems like the team has a really good atmosphere, which is great considering what they've been through. And it's going to be amazing seeing Scarlett in Korea and Cella possibly coaching with this Acer partnership.
Wooo )
Sick lineup. Can't wait to watch!