"There is nothing stronger than the heart of a volunteer."
Now that YSL S1 has concluded it's time to start something new. But we can't do it without your help!
Here are the roles that need to be filled: -Tournament Organizer: Making the main threads, handling replays, & dealing with players. -Liquipedia Editor: Create the liquipedia page and keep it up to date. -Gfx/Banners: A creative person to organize the thread layouts and create the banners.
Compensation: A solid gold house.
PM me if you're a dedicated person that can fill one or more of these roles. And it won't be just for 1 tournament but as an on-going thing. It's not a ton of work but it does require some effort every week to keep things updated and keep the tournament running.
There is more to organizing than that.
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On October 29 2012 10:14 Game wrote: There is more to organizing than that.
That's about as helpful as a screwdriver in a snowstorm.
On October 29 2012 10:24 GenesisX wrote:That's about as helpful as a screwdriver in a snowstorm. It could fix the generator that is powering the headquarters is what you're saying? If so, thanks.
Tournament Organizer as described = Referee.
It really doesn't matter what he calls it. He just needs someone who will be making the main threads, handling replays, & dealing with players, so he slapped a name on it. Are you guys afraid that someone might gain entrance to the prestigious "Guild of Organizers" without proper qualifications?
Wow, Eywa and game, do you guys do anything besides criticize and try to put others down that are trying to help the community, but aren't in your little inner circle? Jesus christ grow up, Sadly if you have nothing of importance or helpful to say, what is even the point of saying it? To try to instill your "Tournament Organizer" EGO on others who are only trying to help just the way you claim you do? Simply Unbelievable, you would think that 2 people who ORGANIZE TOURNAMENTS in BW foreign scene would be A LITTLE MORE HELP , to someone trying to ORGANIZE TOURNAMENTS IN BW FOREIGN SCENE.
L3gendary I will volunteer my help , either making the main threads, helping with players or with replays, I don't think I would be suitable for the other parts.
Eywa and Game you guys act like children, sadly you are the type of people that demand respect instead of trying to earn it, and if you do earn it , you try to flaunt anything you think you have. You both helped this cause 0%, and I am sure you don't care because you have your own tournaments, you don't even want other tournaments to do well, because that might hurt the viewership, credibility, or other various elements of your events.
I see right through you both. I will hit you up on skype l3gendary.
God bless~
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On October 29 2012 11:49 hacklebeast wrote: It really doesn't matter what he calls it. He just needs someone who will be making the main threads, handling replays, & dealing with players, so he slapped a name on it. Are you guys afraid that someone might gain entrance to the prestigious "Guild of Organizers" without proper qualifications? Last time I checked being proactive in regards to something seemingly important typically has better results than contemplation and teleological philosophy. As L3gendary has communication with both parties you're so sarcastically referring to, at least in my case, I didn't feel the need to spam this thread with necessary components of online BW organization. Given his position in sponsoring, and as far as I know partially organizing YSL, I'd like to think that being helpful to a person of his community stature would be a benefit to the entire community, especially with promises of further monetary injection. So unless that community as stated negates your involvement, I'd assume that retracting your douche-esque question would be better for us all.
I'll be glad to take care of the Liquipedia page.
On October 29 2012 11:49 hacklebeast wrote: It really doesn't matter what he calls it. He just needs someone who will be making the main threads, handling replays, & dealing with players, so he slapped a name on it. Are you guys afraid that someone might gain entrance to the prestigious "Guild of Organizers" without proper qualifications? I don't understand how this comment makes any sense whatsoever given that I've made it quite clear that I don't even want to be part of this group called organizers anymore.
Also, to be more clear, it's not about it being mislabeled it's about it missing an entire step to success which is a precursor to referee duties.
Edit: Given your knowledge of us, I have no idea why you also generalize Game and myself as the same party... (in this way, I'm not sure why I'm replying because you're almost certainly trolling).
y'all used a heap of big words there for someone from the south.
I'm giving L3gendary the benefit of the doubt that anything not listed is because it is, in one way or another, already being taken care of. But if your motivation here is altruistic in an attempt to help him make a better event, then your first post doesn't make sense. Either you are talking to him outside of the thread and no post is necessary here; or you are not talking to him outside of the thread, in which case it would be helpful if you were spamming the thread with the necessary components.
Edit: ^^ that also applys to eywa (except the southerner part).
Edit 2 because apparently we are talking like this: I'm lumping you together because you said almost the same thing in your first post, and then again in response to me. No other reason.
10387 Posts
If there are no other ppl willing to volunteer, I can make/maintain threads if needed. But I'd rather someone else do that if they can ;p lol
Only do i feel someone's crying here? ;(
I know HP is good w/ banners but I believe he has huge law test upcoming, Trozz makes interesting artwork for gem league if want ban drawn graphics. If any other names come up ill let you know gl brosky
Believe it or not but this is where everything starts. You have to start from somewhere and this guy is trying to do just that. Admire the passion to BW but the community is very bitter and dwindling due to the fallout/transition into sc2. You might want to start doing something even smaller. I used to organize tournaments in early SC2 days about two years ago and it is a lot of work. You will need at least 1 ref and a few admins to manage roughly 20-30 active players. Just have the admins look over replays and manage it. When the admins are not managing replays have them ref as well. Most you will ever need for something of that small of a scope is roughly 3-5 people. Maybe try to work with some amateur clans and get their management/players involved. It is a bunch of fun to play in but people don't understand all the details you need to do behind the scenes. Good luck to you with whatever might come out of this.
P.S. Try to make the rules as concise and defined as possible. Worst case is your rules are skewed and players abuse them.
If I only had more time..
I would gladly help..
but unfortunately.. I cant..
But I hope that you are gonna find some people that are willing to help the BW community AND have the amount of free time necessary to do it !
go go go !
Oh god, how bad is it that when I first saw the title on the side bar I thought it was "Need volunteers for Orgy".....
On topic: I wish I could help but I'm pretty much useless at those things.. Good luck though!
So, you would rather get someone you've never worked with rather than just work something out with me?
On October 29 2012 15:06 ninazerg wrote:So, you would rather get someone you've never worked with rather than just work something out with me? 
Yea what happened with nina running the show?
I' m available to fill this position:
-Tournament Organizer: Making the main threads, handling replays, & dealing with players.
For the other positions: for some reason beyond my comprehension Gecko(xp) banned himself, he was very good with Liquipedia. I have edited some things from time to time and its not that hard, really the more you edit the more you learn, so if help is needed in that area i can get into it.
For the making of banners, well here i cannot be so helpful. The only person i am aware of is fabiano, but there are others out there that make cool graphics.