Bisu decied to switch to SC2
Why did you decide to switch to SC2?
Last year I showed very poor results in BW. With my "best PvZ" I lost 3 OSL's in a row to zergs. Also I lost to Soulkey in 8 minutes. I think it's enough to decide to swith to another game.
Why you switched exactly to SC2? Why not to LoL, Dota, Poker?
RTS is still the best concept for me. It is the mix of Poker, Chess and Tetris. So if I decide to leave from BW - the only way to go to is SC2.
What can you say about last OSL preliminaries?
I lost 1<2 to Roro. In the first game Roro started from 7 pool and I started from 14 nexus. As a result - I lost a lot of probes and that was a decisive moment.
So Roro is a lucky one?
I should not start from 14 nexus - I just should start from original "forge nexus" Bisu build.
But you have best PvZ in the universe - why you could not comeback in that game?
While I flew with corsairs on his main/natural and didnt found any ovies, he killed my archon with 7 hydras.
Ok - something happened with your integrated PvZ Blizzard chip. But why you dont want to use Hiya's wildcard to win OSL like Jangbi?
Hiya said that he will play on this OSL, so no wildcards.
What to you think about Zergs in the last OSL and SK Planet proleague? Are they imba? What can you say about Roro, Zero and Soulkey, who advances to next round?
They are not imba, but some maps are Zerg maps. They can build 3rd base far from main, so while I attacking well-defended main - they can leave 3rd base without any defence.
What do you think about SC2? Do you really have chances in it?
SC2 is newer, with a lot of new possibilities like "select all untis in single group", "show idle workers" - so it is much better than BW. I lost to 3 zergs in a row in the last OSLs because BW is too hard with it's high APM and attention requirements.
But what about strategical part of SC2?
Strategical part of SC2 is much better than in BW. There are a lot of gay build orders which will bring a lot of wins to me. Many people, thinking of my build orders, say, that I look-like a gay (I agree - I often use gay build orders). While in BW I only can harrass by zealot drops from a shuttle, or killing ovies with corsairs (and even this can be done only if zerg has no scourges) - in SC2 I can build a pylon anywhere and just warp any unit to it. No zergs can counter this. Warp gates are awesome.
Any last words to TL
I know there are a lot of my fans in TL, so big respect to them! I also know, there are a big SC2 community in TL, so I hope I will have much more fans lol
And I want to say, that there is very funny movie about BW by theleo_ua, because there were a lot of me in this movie, especially "me vs Shine" moments. And I really dont understand, why TL comunity hated this movie so much.
Also I hope TL admins and moderators will not warn/ban someone who will put this interview to TL.