i am a 25 years old male student from sweden who have studied history for 2 years and economic history for another 2 years. But aside from my university studies i have spent countless of sleepless nights reading course litterature for economic studies and other relevant stuff.
I also need to reveal some details about my family and ancestors, because much of my knowledge has been passed down from my parents and grand parents.
My Ancestors on my fathers side used to be one of the richest and most prominent families in the baltic states. They owned a massive amount of real estate in tallin and the royal family had granted them the right to collect toll from every trade ship that reached the harbour of tallinn, of wich they were allowed to keep a certain percentage while the rest went to the royal house. There are still huge squares, city houses and roads in tallinn named after my family and the Estonian 5 Krooni coin (=0.5euro) carries my family sigil (a roe deer)
My Great grandfather, Jaan, became an artist and moved to Paris and lived in artist collective "La Ruche" along prominent artists such as Salvador Dali and Marc Shagal. While he lived in paris, he became a close friend with Lenin. He moved to moscow where he reached a high rank in the communist party, and was named the headmaster of the University of Arts in Moscow. he lived two blocks from Stalin, whom he had political disputes with. Because my grandfather KNEW, what todays historicans know too, that Stalin was a Businessman, a Banker, at Heart. When Stalin took over my Great grandfather was killed and my ancestors were forced to flee, and my grandfather managed to make it to sweden where he became a succesful businessman and double-proffessor owning several swiss wineyards and mansions. But thats enough of my Family History. Now, we are going to move on to a much more prominent, perhaps the most influencal family to ever arise among mankind.
I mentioned in my brief family story that Stalin was a banker at heart. The truth is, before he became head of the USSR, he worked for a certain bank cartel's office in russia. This is well documented in many biographies about stalins life and its not some "shady-conspiracy". He worked for a banking office called N.M Rothschild and Sons. Who are the Rothschilds? well, there is so much to say about them that it could, and have, filled two long books written by the Harvard Professor Nial Ferguson.
To make a very long and shady history short, the rothschild family derives from Mayer Amshell Bauer, a jewish small time gold trader in frankfurt. He was not born a rich man, but he had a grand plan. He knew, from early age, how he would lay the foundation for the most powerful family in the world.
He managed to befriend the Prince, who granted his bank the royal sigil; wich meant that his small bank overnight became the biggest one in the country. But Bauer, who now had changed his name to Rothschild (Red Sheild) because of the big red round door to his town mansion, did not stop there. He had five sons, and he had every detail of their future planned out. He sent each of them to different prominent European countries (Brittain, France, Naples, etc) where they where all instructed to start Banks. But not "Regular", contemporal banks; Rothschild had invented two new business models that turned out to become two of the most succesfull ones in history: federal banking and International bank cartels
Much like the Medicis and Fuggers before them, there had been big bankers before the Roths with a monopoly on issuing loans to governments, but they all went bankrupt eventually. But Mayer had found the Key to success and stability. It was the fact that with all five sons, with prominent banks in different capitals and with strong bonds to each others through a network of information that was unheard of at that time, that gave the rothschild banking dynasty such immense power. The other bank dynasties before them had mostly failed because of bank runs: they became to greedy, issued more loans than they could support and then when people came back to claim their money they stood empty handed and were often hanged.
But The Rothschilds were safe. Because if a bank run occured to the Brittish rothschild branch, his french brother could always supply him with enough coin to survive. This way, the Rothschilds were able to survive and prevail through national recessions.
but perhaps most important of all, their network of information gave them more knowledge of what was going on in europe than any other family or organisation at their time. This meant that they knew where to invest, when to invest, and when to sell, because noone had better knowledge of the european market, diplomatic relations between nations and the value of different resources in different nations than the united five sons of Rothschild. Very quickly they built up an immense fortune that rivaled the monarchs and royalties of europe.
Even though the Rothschilds were very secretive about their business, their reputation spread fast. The Kings and Queens of Europe became immensivley impressed by this family who had raised from rags to extreme wealth over just a generation, so most of the european monarchs actually came to seek the Rothschilds advice on financing. And this was the final door that the family had sought to unlock, because with the drunken, degenerate monarchs in their cunning pockets, they could finally reach the goal their grandfather had set up for them: to achieve a monopoly on banking in europe.
How did they abuse their connections to the monarchs? well, take a guess here. What is the most EXPENSIVE thing a nation can invest in?
its WAR.
The Rothschilds issued astronomically huge loans and funded each side in the various european wars that took place during the 19th century. AND THIS; LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, IS HOW OUR HUGE NATIONAL DEBTS CAME INTO EXISTANCE. Many countries are still paying off interest on loans that are several hundred years old, and they keep growing.
The Rothschilds already possessed a very significant fortune before the start of Napoleonic Wars (1803–1815), and the family had gained preeminence in the bullion trade by this time. From London in 1813 to 1815, Nathan Mayer Rothschild was instrumental in almost single-handedly financing the British war effort, and the French war effort, financing the shipment of bullion to the Duke of Wellington's armies across Europe, as well as arranging the payment of British financial subsidies to their Continental allies. In 1815 alone, the Rothschilds provided £9.8 million (in 1815 currency, about £566 million today when using the retail price index, and £6.58 billion when using average earnings in subsidy loans to Britain's continental allies
The basis for the Rothschild's most famously profitable move was made after the news of British victory had been made public. Nathan Rothschild calculated that the future reduction in government borrowing brought about by the peace would create a bounce in British government bonds after a two year stabilisation, which would finalise the post-war re-structuring of the domestic economy. In what has been described as one of the most audacious moves in financial history, Nathan immediately bought up the government bond market, for what at the time seemed an excessively high price, before waiting two years, then selling the bonds on the crest of short bounce in the market in 1817 for a 40% profit. Given the sheer power of leverage the Rothschild family had at its disposal, this profit was an enormous sum.
Shortly after It was estimated by the only financial report to ever investigate the Rothschild fortune that by this time, the total wealth of the Rothschild Family exceeded 6billion pounds (translates to TRILLIONS in todays index) This sum was estimated to make up about 40% of the total money in europe at that time and according to scholars and economics, it was by far the largest private fortune to ever exist in the history of mankind.
Now, enough about the Rothschilds family history; what im trying to get to with this short "essay" is that Capitalism, Liberalism or whatever you wanna call it is not what we have been taught. There is no Free Market, there is only monopoly. There is no relevant political debate, because allow me to quote Nathan Rothschild (1777-1836)
" i care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire, …The man that controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire. And I control the money supply"
Politicans have no power what so ever. We live in a world where cash is king, and money can only be created by loaning money from the privately owned banks. Money IS Debt, and the debt does not belong to a welfare state who cares about their citizens, it owes to a few greedy men on the top of the giant pyramid scheme that we call "Capitalism".
I talked earlier about Stalin and his connections with the Rothschilds. Through Stalin, the Rothschild funded the russian revolution and made extremley profitable oil business with the USSR, while at the same time supplying the German, Japanese and Brittish War machines. After the fall of USSR, the Rothschild kept their grasp over the russian oil market through oil tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky, whom after he was sentanced to prison by putin "donated" his fortune and oil shares to Baron Lord Jacob Rothschild (this was made public news that even the daily news reported on)
This is how the international banking class operates (and the rothschilds are far from alone, im using them as a prominent example)
For example, the Jewish Rothschild and Lazarus families supplied great loans to Adolf Hitler, money that was used to fund the holocaust. The American Rockefellers and J.P Morgan banks issued great loans to Japan to fund their war against the US, including the pearl harbour incident. THAT is how far the bankers are willing to go to make big money.
The Rothschilds laid the Foundation for this pyramid scheme when they bought up the majority shares in the european banks and created "Federal Banks" with a monopoly on issuing loans to governments. This essentially means that every penny your government spends on Social security, Army, Welfare reforms or whatever, is a due to the privately owned Banks. The only way for a nation, person or company to create money is to borrow from the private banks. And how are we supposed to pay back our national debts if the only way to create considerable amounts of money is to borrow more? its like trying to dig yourself out of a pit. As a wise Author once wrote:
"The Wealth of the international banking class consists of the bankrupcy of Nations"
I am by no means saying that the Rothschild family itself Controls the world (actually, aside from the state of Israel, they have very little political interest) I am merely pointing out their role in laying the foundation for the system that now dominates the Earth. And i guess it must be assumed that they are still the by far wealthiest family in the world, as they recently bought up all the remaining coal and aliminium reserves in the world. Economy insiders speculate that their Fortune is counted in the hundreds of Trillions, but its all tucked away in family trustfunds that are impossible for outsiders to measure (wich is how they keep Forbes and the likes away
It should be noted that the American Politicans and presidents fought, and died, to keep this banking system out of America. Andrew Jackson, one of the bravest presidents of all time, managed to abolish the (rothschild controlled) first bank of America. Here are a few Quotes by him:
"I have always been afraid of banks."
"It is to be regretted that the rich and powerful too often bend the acts of government to their own selfish purposes"
"Mischief springs from the power which the moneyed interest derives from a paper currency which they are able to control, from the multitude of corporations with exclusive privileges... which are employed altogether for their benefit."
"I am one of those who do not believe that a national debt is a national blessing, but rather a curse to a republic; inasmuch as it is calculated to raise around the administration a moneyed aristocracy dangerous to the liberties of the country"
"Gentlemen, I have had men watching you for a long time and I am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country. When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank. You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter, I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I let you go on, you will ruin fifty thousand families, and that would be my sin! You are a den of vipers and thieves."