+ Show Spoiler [List of Myths] +
+ Show Spoiler [Episode 1 Myths] +
A baneling killed in Graviton Beam will deal splash damage to air units near it... What about ground units?
Two infestors can Neural Parasite each other at the same time.
A zealot with the charge upgrade has a faster move speed than a normal zealot.
The kills of High Templars are reset to 0 when morphed into Archons.
You can Graviton Beam burrowed units.
A medivac can load and unload units while fungal growth'd.
A corrupted immortal will still only take 10 damage to its hardened shields.
A Hunter Seeker Missile will follow a unit even after it becomes cloaked.
+ Show Spoiler [Episode 2 Myths] +
Zerg units can burrow move under Supply Depots.
Burrowed units can secure a Xel'naga watchtower.
Infestors can Fungal Growth flying buildings... What about Spine/Spore crawlers?
Fungal Growth detects cloaked units.
Burrowed units gain a speed bonus underneath creep.
Changelings can /dance.
+ Show Spoiler [Episode 3 Myths] +
You can Neural Parasite a drone to build a structure, then keep the drone by cancelling it.
You can fungal growth the units in a vortex to keep them clumped up.
When a worker is inside of a gas structure which is killed, the worker is killed.
Blink messes with the AI of timed attacks.
Medivacs can heal air units.
Hallucinations can claim Xel'Naga watchtowers.
+ Show Spoiler [Episode 4 Myths] +
Buildings count as kills.
Chrono Boost makes hatcheries produce larvae faster.
You can contaminate a flying structure.
You can repair Hallucinations.
Point Defense Drones ignore the shots of hallucinations.
You can fungal growth larvae.
There is a limit as to how many larvae can be at a Hatchery.
+ Show Spoiler [Episode 5 Myths] +
The portrait of a Viking changes as it goes from air to ground mode.
SCVs can repair other units inside bunkers and medivacs.
Banelings can splash down cliffs.
If a Mothership is Neural Parasited, the Zerg's units will be cloaked under it.
Contaminating a reactor stops the production of the second unit.
Contaminate halts the salvage on bunkers.
When you Neural Parasite a hallucination, it is shown that it is a hallucination.
+ Show Spoiler [Episode 6 Myths] +
If you Neural Parasite a unit, it can go into a nydus worm.
Fungal Growth on a building SCV will halt the building of the structure.
Spore Crawlers still act as detectors when unburrowed.
You can use the minimap to cast Feedback.
You can forcefield around a vortex to keep the units clumped up.
Hallucinated probes can act as if they are mining.
If you don't cancel an upgrade when its building is destroyed, the resources are lost.
Infested Terrans shoot themselves when they expire.
+ Show Spoiler [Episode 7 Myths] +
You can share control to mine an ally's gas.
A Baneling that is Graviton Beamed and killed does splash damage to ground units under it. (REVISITED)
2 Motherships cloak each other.
Broodlings can be picked up by overlords.
Units cannot shoot the 1.5 seconds after they are released from a vortex.
If you lose vision on the high ground while calling in a nuke, the nuke is cancelled.
If an Infestor Neural Parasites an SCV and builds a structure, it still can't land on the creep.
+ Show Spoiler [Episode 8 Myths] +
A morphing archon can crush forcefields.
The dot size on a sensor tower is proportional to the size of the unit it is revealing.
EMPs detect Changelings. . . What about Hallucinations?
A changeling's portrait changes when it morphs.
Building a unit with a Fungal Growthed larva will save it from dying.
You can Graviton Beam Eggs to stop them from training.
+ Show Spoiler [Episode 9 Myths] +
Graviton beam will save a unit from the Yamato Cannon.
Mass recalling a unit cancels the 250mm cannon.
Motherships can be fungal growth'd.
Contaminate stops buildings from gaining energy.
An unlimited amount of SCVs can repair at the same time.
Graviton beam cancels Neural Parasite.
+ Show Spoiler [Episode 10 Myths] +
Uprooted Spine Crawlers still get priority over workers.
A cloaking unit cancels the charge of a zealot.
You can /dance a neural parasited unit . . . Will it keep dancing after the neural parasite ends?
When you Neural Parasite a carrier, its interceptors are yours too.
You can Neural Parasite point defense drones.
A charge zealot will infinitely chase a zergling on creep.
+ Show Spoiler [Episode 11 Myths] +
A chrono boosted barracks will fly faster.
Air units attacking from high ground are revealed to ground units below.
Nydus worms unload all units at the same rate, regardless of size or supply.
A nuke kills the worker in a gas building.
You can land a viking to negate the damage of timed attacks.
Corrupted High Templars that merge into Archons remain corrupted.
You can Contaminate a creep tumor. . . . Will it stop Creep Spread?
+ Show Spoiler [Episode 12 Myths] +
The 2nd Marine being trained from a reactored barracks will be cancelled if the reactor is destroyed.
A MULE repairs faster than an SCV.
EMP interrupts Yamato Cannon.
Guardian shield protects from allied splash damage.
You can neural parasite an interceptor.
Neural Parasiting a morphing baneling will cancel the morphing process.
Mutalisk Glaives bounce onto undetected cloaked units.
+ Show Spoiler [Episode 13 Myths] +
A burrowed Ultralisk will destroy forcefields.
Neural Parasited High Templars can merge into an Archon.
Medivacs will heal the most damaged units first.
An Immortal still receives 10 shield damage in the presense of Guardian Shield.
A Vortex can delay a Nuke.
Seeker Missiles that are aimed for a ground target still splash nearby air units.
You can put non-Zerg units (Created by Neural Parasite) in a Nydus Worm.
+ Show Spoiler [Episode 14 Myths] +
You can mass-recall fungal'd units.
Motherships can be sucked into other Vortexes.
Neural Parasited motherships can be sucked into their own vortex once the spell is broken.
If interceptors are sucked into a vortex and their carriers are destroyed during it, the interceptors blow up in the middle of the vortex.
You can mass-recall a neural parasited unit.
Tanks that are vortex'd while sieged will come out of the vortex unsieged.
You can mass-recall spine crawlers.
+ Show Spoiler [Episode 15 Myths] +
Protoss units mid-warp take double normal damage.
An attack aimed at a worker harvesting vespene gas will not do damage (when inside geyser).
You can feedback a unit with 0 total energy and do 0 total damage.
A sentry using guardian shield being lifted by graviton beam will still protect units underneath it.
Point Defense Drones have a slight cooldown on their attack denial.
Bunkers can load biological units from other races.
You can burrow a baneling on top of a lowered supply depot... Will it explode when raised?
+ Show Spoiler [Episode 16 Myths] +
A thor continues the 250mm cannon attack even when its target is out of range... What about the Yamato Cannon?
You can snipe units mid-warp.
Morphing archons that are fungal growth'd can no longer be pushed around.
When multiple seeker missiles are chasing a unit that dies, the other seeker missiles will still explode and do splash damage.
Colossi collide with all massive ground units.
You can Neural Parasite a mule with minerals and return it to a hatchery.
Lifting up a unit mid-warp with Graviton Beam will keep that unit from being cancelled when its source of power is taken away.
+ Show Spoiler [Episode 17 Myths] +
When a unit runs near a baneling on hold position, the baneling explodes.
You can fungal growth graviton beam'd units.
EMP detects burrowed units.
Interceptors count as kills.
A Neural Parasited corruptor that uses corruption will not be on cooldown when the NP is over.
Brood lord cocoons always face the same direction.
Point Defense drones stop nukes.
+ Show Spoiler [Episode 18 Myths] +
A stimmed marine can /dance faster than a non-stimmed marine.
You can focus fire/select interceptors with units... Can you hit them with Area of Effect spells?
You can neural parasite a mothership and use its mass recall ability.
When you click on a morphed changeling, it says "Changeling."
Damage done to an egg is dealt proportionally to the unit with the egg finishes.
When you command two templar to merge and there is a vortex separating them, they will merge with the vortex completes.
Neural Parasited detectors can detect.
+ Show Spoiler [Episode 19 Myths] +
You can contaminate a missile from shooting... What about detection?
Workers cannot mineral walk through sieged tanks.
Mutalisk Glaive Wurms can go from low ground to high ground.
A Point Defense Drone cannot block shots from directly underneath it.
Repeatedly clicking an Automaton 2000 will cause it to self destruct.
You can land buildings directly on top of forcefields.
Seeker missiles do damage to allied units when casted on enemies... What about when casted on friendly units?
+ Show Spoiler [Episode 20 Myths] +
You can land a building on a building directly on a vortex without units in it... What about with units inside?... If you surround the vortex, will the units be clumped up?
A Point Defense Drone will stop the secondary bounces of a mutalisk.
A unit can become cloaked by a mothership after being graviton beamed.
If you vortex burrowed units, they will come out of the vortex unburrowed.
2 Hallucinated Templar can morph into an archon.
You can graviton beam a fungal growth'd unit.
Cloaking a banshee will make the projectiles flying at it.
+ Show Spoiler [Episode 21 Myths] +
Queens prioritize colossi with their air attacks... What about thors?
Bunkers can target multiple units at a time.
You can load Neural Parasited units into a bunker owned by the zerg.
If you target a unit with Yamato that is being mass recalled, the Yamato will travel across the whole map.
Nydus worms have the death animation of units, unlike other buildings.
You can transfuse allied units from other races.
+ Show Spoiler [Episode 15] +
+ Show Spoiler [Episode 16] +
+ Show Spoiler [Episode 17] +
+ Show Spoiler [Episode 18] +
+ Show Spoiler [Episode 19] +
+ Show Spoiler [Episode 20] +
+ Show Spoiler [Episode 21] +
We are the SC2 Mythbusters! It's a lot like the TV show - we put user-submitted myths relating to Starcraft to the test. The myths range from common things like "the kills on high templars are added when warped into archons" to crazy things like "a viking's portrait changes when it transforms." Feel free to send in anything you are wondering about the Starcraft universe; we'll put it to the test!
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Season 2: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=264148