If you want to join in and don't know wtf is going on please refer to the second post of this thread.
The Draft
1st Nb3 2nd c3 3rd h3 4th f4 5th d3 6th f3 7th b3 8th a4 9th d4 10th g4 11th e3 12th g3 13th Nh3 14th Nf3 15th h4 16th e4 17th b4 18th a3 19th c4
And the lucky draw is... Nh3. My friend chose number 13 a while ago, so that's that.
The Actual Position
Edit: By the way this was starting position 363.
Here it is!
Move Deadlines
You'll have a whole week for the first move. Enough to make plans for both you and me.
13:00 KST, 30th January, Monday. 6:00 CET, 30th January, Monday. 0:01 EST, 30th January, Monday.
For copyright reasons I have to mention that I made the screenshot from the software ChessBase. I own a legal copy, but the copyrights are held by the appropriate firm that I will look up once the game gets underway.
Please spread the hype and make this grow bigger. It will be fun. Make shoutouts, direct people who would might be interested here, etc. etc.
Poll: Intrigued?Yes. (13) 76% My vote doesn't count. (4) 24% 17 total votes Your vote: Intrigued? (Vote): Yes. (Vote): My vote doesn't count.
The Starting Position
Edit: By the way this is position 363.
Here it is!
I hope you will find the position as intriguing as I did. I actually generated five random starting positions and chose the one that was the most interesting looking and that had it's characteristics as little concentrated as possible while being as different from the normal starting position as possible.
Starting Date Updated!!
13:00 KST, 23rd January, Monday. 6:00 CET, 23rd January, Monday. 0:01 EST, 23rd January, Monday.
The What
I think it would be nice to start another chess match - not because the other is too deep in the game, but because there seems to be an interest. This time around though I want to make it another variant to make it a little more fun - not to say different - from the game already running.
960 random chess is one of the better known chess variants, you can find the rules here. I would encourage everyone to read it and ask questions if something is not clear. I will pick the starting position completely randomly out of all the possibilities.
Since I am black in the other game I will play white in this one. But to make it even more random I will choose my first move completely randomly. I will number them and just throw a die to decide. As such when I post my first move I will leave you either six days or a whole week to both analyze and decide on the starting position.
To avoid collisions with the other game we'll take moves in an alternating manner. When it's my turn in the other game it will be yours in this one and vica versa.
Signing up is completely optional, and it shows your intention to be on the starting roster, plus it will make it possible for me to send you a reminding PM when the game starts. Otherwise you can just start voting right away as it runs.
The When
It will start somewhere between ten-twenty days from now, but certainly before the start of February.
The How
Everything will be completely and entirely the same as the other running game. Me vs your votes, three days per move. You can find the guidelines, rules, and get a general glance and taste of how something like this is going from this thread.
Well that's all so far. Feel free to post ideas, signups, thoughts even before the game starts.
Cheers, me
For copyright reasons I have to mention that I made the screenshot from the software ChessBase. I own a legal copy, but the copyrights are held by the appropriate firm that I will look up once the game gets underway.
Is this where the pieces are arranged randomly on the back row? i'll play regardless
Well... You guys certainly don't shower you with your undisputed interest here. Eh-eh.
I need a few days to myself. Starting last time was hectic and right in the middle of a lot of things, I want to go calmer and more collected this time.
I started doing the PM thing when I was asked by several people in a row. It's not all that much hassle and I'm happy to spend that extra few minutes on it.
Funny, I played blitz for most of my trans-ocean flight and it made me wanna play a little, but the forum things are good enough now. Don't really want to spend more than that on actively playing and I'll probably start coaching soon, too. Should be fun - and time consuming enough - along with the TL stuff.
On January 10 2012 09:54 Ng5 wrote: I need a few days to myself. Starting last time was hectic and right in the middle of a lot of things, I want to go calmer and more collected this time. I didn't mean why not start the game now, just why not post the starting position now. Gives us something to look at.
signing up
I'll try to remind myself of posting a position this weekend. I will not make it completely random though - if it's too close to the 'normal' starting position I will make the random create another position. I want this to be something different - at least for the first dozen or so moves.
I'm willing to give you more time to look at the initial position or even on the first few moves. That would also give me more time to try and find some crazy opening plans for after the first move.
Okay guys. Here is the starting position for you to have something to look at, and a few minor updates to the OP.
Don't forget that these are different rules to regular chess - the rules are being linked to, but if you want I could maybe include it in a later post or in spoilers.
Let's make a deal. You have almost a week to look at it. After the deadline of the other chess match going I will make my move in that on in one day, so your next turn will run out late Sunday/early Monday. That's when I will make a random move on this board, and you will have a good set of days to argue for your next move.
I would like to say a whole week, but I do not want to make it too boring if there's not a lot of people interested, so let's wait and see.
Edit: Also adding a counter poll to the OP.
United States22883 Posts
This is pretty neat.
Cool! Small thing: could you post the board with Black on the bottom?
Oh sure, here you go.
Hope you like the position.
The castling thing blows my mind.
This will be interesting. At least we will have plenty to discuss from move 1
I'm in for this one as well.