Welcome to the Teamliquid Health and Fitness Initiative for 2012
We finally have our own forum (yay!) so this topic will be much shorter. For the most part, this is the daily discussion thread, but you can post whatever you want in it related to your health and fitness. 
The main goal of this thread is to focus on improving our bodies in two aspects:
1. Health -- Sleeping, eating, and destressing habits; 2. Fitness -- improving body composition and physical attributes (through exercise, training, athletics, and sports).
>> First, a quick reminder or lesson on how exercise and nutrition affect each other.
All links are underlined and clickable and highlighted with ">>"
---------- Goals ----------
Goals should be SMART goals:
Specific -- have numbers Measurable -- so you can be encouraged by your progress Attainable -- to develop the proper attitude and consistency Realistic -- so that you are willing and able to work towards them Timely -- to give a sense of urgency
I modified the template a bit this year. The big 4 things that help keep us healthy are: sleep, nutrition, training, and lack of stress. Thus, make your goals accordingly.
+ Show Spoiler +Name/nick Age: XX || Height: X'X" or m/cm || Weight: lbs/kg Starting Date: xx/xx/xx || Goal Date: xx/xx/xx Weight goals -- [insert here] Training goals -- [insert here] Nutrition goals -- [insert here] Sleep goals -- [insert here] Misc/stress goals You can post your goals in this thread or keep your own training log.
If you have fulfilled your goals, or made significant progress I encourage you to post your results in the Success Story thread so that others may be motivated.
------------------------------------------------------------- Information on working out and training -------------------------------------------------------------
Check out our sticky topic on training!
The above thread covers extensively how to train with weights and bodyweight, for women, for those overweight, and those looking to gain muscle. Check it out.
Bodyweight training thread Rugby thread Powerlifting thread Olympic Weightlifting thread Bikram/Hot Yoga thread CrossFit
If there is a thread you are interested starting AND maintaining for those interested in different sports or training topics. Feel free.
-------------------------------------- Nutrition and eating well --------------------------------------
Check out our nutritional sticky
It has a lot of information on nutrition and various myths. It will also help you get started with losing or gaining weight if those are your goals. Additionally, it talks about supplements!
Paleo Diet thread
Some specific debate(s) that have occurred in previous threads: + Show Spoiler +Multi post on gluten, saturated fats, milk, vitamin D, and cholesterol: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewpost.php?post_id=9382380relationship of diabetes with alzheimer's (type 3 diabetes) plus lecture on neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, and a bit about auto-immunity: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewpost.php?post_id=9929243http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewpost.php?post_id=9929851efficacy of low carbohydrate vs low fat diets... why low carbohydrate diets are superior for weight loss and correcting metabolic dysfunction (diabetes, heart disease, neurodegenerative disease, infertility, etc.): http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewpost.php?post_id=11185776http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewpost.php?post_id=11187342
------------- Sleep -------------
1. Sleep is extremely important for overall health as well as improving gains in body composition and sports. Get at least 7-8 hours if not more in a pitch black room with no noise and cool ambient temperature.
2. Destress. Massages are great. Be disciplined in your daily life. Don't procrastinate. Don't let little things bother you. Again, get into a daily routine.
3. For those of us who use the computer a lot, the blue screen glow interrupts our circadian rhythm a lot leading to insomnia, anxiety, and other sleep related disorders.
There are certain programs that can tint the screen to mimic the sun going down and lead to better sleep. F.lux is one of them.... if you're on the computer a lot and not outside using something like this would be recommended.
>> F.lux >> More on better sleep >> + Show Spoiler +~elimination of sounds ~elimination of electronic devices / outlets / plugins near body ~pitch black room ~cool, dry room (60-65 or so degrees is good if possible)
~stay away from artificial light sources (e.g. computer) at least 1 hr before sleep ~eat a meal, preferably with healthy fats and a decent amount of carbs, before sleeping (e.g. NO JUNK FOOD).
~single leg stand to exhaustion with both legs (it actually works really well) ~spine lengthening before sleep (see Esther Gokhale's stuff) ~general exhaustion from physical activity like hiking, pickup games of stuff, lifting, etc. ~Deep breathing exercises ~Deep tissue massage
~magnesium may help (via ZMA or natural calm) ~melatonin helps some people ~phosphatidylserine (anti-cortisol) ~5-HTP (tryptophan deriv) ~L-theonine ~Vitamin D (taken during the day..) ~valerian root
Thank you for reading, good luck with your goals. Feel free to ask questions and get motivation in this thread!!
If you have any specific questions, post them in the Questions and Answer sticky
If you have an injuries questions, post them in the Injuries Thread
If you need help quitting smoking, post them in the QUIT SMOKING thread
Well, that was pretty easy now that we have our own forum and stickies. 
Happy new years guys.
Hope everything goes well for you all in 2012!
Here we go again.
THE DECAFINATOR Age: 21 || Height: 6'1 or 185 cm || Weight: 210lbs/95kg Starting Date: 01/01/2012 || Goal Date: 12/31/2012 Weight goals -- A ripped ass 94kg or a big ass 105kg (mostly muscle)
Training goals -- Current/Goal Snatch = 126kg/140kg Clean and Jerk = 146kg/165kg Back Squat (high bar ATG) = 183kg/210kg Front Squat = 155kg/185kg
Nutrition goals -- MOAR PALEO Sleep goals -- Get on a real sleep schedule. sleep 1am to 9am and get up and be a real person. Misc goals - get a supply chain management internship, graduate college, kick ass at rugby.
Canada6683 Posts
Yay for 2012~
ID: infinity21 Age: 22 || Height: 5'11" || Weight: 176lbs Starting Date: 01/01/2012 || Goal Date: 08/31/2012 Weight goals -- Going to cut then bulk up so 170-180 Training goals -- Current || Goal Bench -- 195 || 245 Squat -- 265 || 345 Deadlift -- 315 || 405 Press -- 110 || 145 Clean -- 135 || 225 Misc goals -- Hit 1000lb for bench + squat + dl total
Yes! Happy training in 2012 everyone!
Happy New Years TL H&F!! <3
Kyle / RemedySC Age: 21 || Height: 5'8" || Weight: 148.6lbs Starting Date: 01/01/12 || Goal Date: 12/31/12
Weight goals -- 165lbs at <10% BF
Training goals -- Current || Goal Squat 245lbs || 365lbs Bench 165lbs || 225lbs Deadlift 295lbs || 405lbs Pull-up 3x6 BW || 3x6 + 45lbs
Nutrition goals -- Eat properly and healthy while staying at a caloric surplus till the end of March. I will cut for summer come April, and once I'm at a decent body fat % I will clean bulk the rest of the year.
Sleep goals -- Lately I've been having really crappy sleeps. Hoping to get at least 8 hours of good sleep from now on. (If my wife lets me...)
Misc/stress goals -- Hoping to buy a house by the end of 2012. Also going to get onto a police force this year.
Sneakyz Age: 21 || Height: 172cm || Weight: 85kg Starting Date: 01/01/12 || Goal Date: 01/01/13 Weight goals -- Sub 10% bf so probably upper 70's, Clean bulk after summer. Training goals -- 2,5xBW Deadlift - 2xBW Squat - 1,5xBW Bench - Get bigger!!! Nutrition goals -- No more junk food. Misc -- Get rid of tendonitis in left arm.
lyAsakura Height: 6' || Weight: ~213lbs/~97kg Starting Date: 01/01/12 || Goal Date: 12/31/12 Weight goals -- Doesn't really matter, would prefer not to lose weight while losing fat and gaining muscle, don't mind if I gain weight as long as it's not fat.
Training goals -- Current / Goal Squat: 215x5 (255x1) / 315x5 Bench: 170x5 (185x1) / 225x5 Deadlift: 245x5 (265x1) / 355x5 Clean: 175x1 / 245x1 Be comfortable with body weight exercises. Get some sprint speed.
Nutrition goals -- Stop eating junk food entirely, cut down on apple juice. Maybe start to learn to cook some.
Sleep goals -- Not too concerned with sleep.
Misc/stress goals - I've always wanted to bench one of every plate (290lbs), although it's probably not going to happen this year. Work on some olympic lifting, get some decent jerk+snatch form. 800lb total clean/bench/squat by end of summer. Kick ass in football.
Release Age: 14 || Height: 5'7" or m/cm || Weight: 150.6lbs Starting Date: 1/1/12 || Goal Date: 12/31/12 Weight goals -- 170-180lbs Training goals -- Bench 120lbs || 225lbs Squat 170lbs || 315lbs Deadlift 175lbs || 405lbs Nutrition goals -- Avoid diabetes Sleep goals -- Avoid sleeping in class Misc/stress goals --
CluEleSs Age: 20 || Height: 5'11 || Weight: 73kg/161lbs Starting Date: 01/01/2012 || Goal Date: 12/31/2012 Weight goals -- 85kg
Training goals -- Current/Goal Snatch = 91kg/105kg Clean and Jerk = 110kg/130kg Back Squat (high bar ATG) = 135kg/160kg Front Squat = 125kg/145kg Press = 65/80kg Deadlift = 170kg/200kg Pullups = 12/20 Muscleups = 5/10 5k = ?/20mins 2.4km (army standard) = 9mins/8.15
Other fitness goals: Handstand pushups, perfect L sit, correct flexibility/muscular imbalance between my 2 legs, lose more fat so I'm cut as fuuuuuuuuuck. Misc goals - Get a full-time job, get Grandmaster in SC2
Catch Age: 20 || Height: 5'10 || Weight: 185 Starting Date: 1/2/12 || Goal Date: 12/31/12 Weight goals -- Get down to 10% BF Training goals -- Deadlift 400, Squat 300, Bench 225 (lbs), finish rehab shoulder. Nutrition goals -- I'll be doing a lot of different stuff to get down to 10% bodyfat. So more paleo, some IF, low carb, ect. Sleep goals -- Get at least 7 hours Misc/stress goals -- Couch to 5k ( to 10k) around April/May. Possibly some posture work --- I reached a few of my goals last year. Deadlifted over 300 and benched my BW. I didn't get to get to the 150 in OHP due to shoulder injury (rehabing now). I also stuck to my training days. Hooray for a new year and new goals.
Game on
Hurricane Age: 23 || Height:5'11" || Weight: 175lbs/79kg Starting Date: 01/01/2012 || Goal Date:12/31/2012 Weight goals -- 175-180, way less bf% Training goals -- Current || Goal (lbs) Squat: 315 || 405 Deadlift: 325 || 455 Bench: 275 || 315 Clean: 160 || 225 sub 4.5 40
RosaParksStoleMySeat Age: 26 || Height: 6'3" or 191cm || Weight: 220/100 Starting Date: 01/01/2012 || Goal Date: 12/31/2012 Weight goals: Stay in the 95kg-105kg range, but increase my LBM Training goals: *Train at least three days a week, every week. *Squat: 160kg (current = 135kg) *Snatch: 100kg (current = 75kg power snatch) *Clean and Jerk: 125kg (current = 90kg, PC/jerk) *Bench: 120kg (current = 110kg) Nutrition goals: Eat 90% clean, eat more protein Sleep goals: At least 7 hours a night, every night Misc:
This time, I'm going to take a page out of the Leangains creator's book and set up some checkpoints. On each checkpoint day, I will check my weight, my major lifts, and then eat something delicious and unhealthy to reward myself. My first will be on March 14th (White Day), my second on May 4th (my birthday), my third on July 20th (girlfriend's birthday), my fourth on October 31st (Halloween), and final on December 25th (Christmas).
I haven't taken any 1RMs lately so I'm basing my maxes off my best sets and using the 1RM calculator. I'm going to do some actual heavy singles next week for real numbers (I've found that calculator overestimates my true maxes - SS made me really good at sets of 5 ).
ShadowDrgn Age: 28 || Height: 6'1 || Weight: 181 lbs Squat (raw): 296 (255x6) Deadlift: 309 (275x5) Bench: 168 (140x6) Shoulder Press: 126 (105x7)
No weight goals yet, but I have some others: 1. Eating 1g/lb of protein every day. I don't get nearly enough most days, and I think it's hurting my gains. 2. More volume at the gym. I've been in and out in under an hour too many times in the last 2 months. 3. Pushing hard on heavy sets. I pussy out and quit when I still have another rep or two left in me too often.
yay for 2012 and spending a whole year (more or less) in one place.
MJ Age: 25 || Height: 172cm || Weight 70.5kg Squat: 130kg 3x6 Deadlift: 135kg 5x1 Clean: 80kg 3x1 Bench: 75kg 3x6 Dips: +17.5kg 3x8 Chins: 8/6/5
Goals: Get my bar speed for bodyweight cleans up, learn muscle-ups, get to 90cm vertical jump.
Be as strong and fast as I can without going over 72ish kg
Train 3x a week without knee problems.
2011 was actually a great year for me in terms of working out:
1. learned to do power cleans and then cleans 2. began doing full snatches 3. good numbers in terms of back squat, DL, OHP and bench 4. learned to do yoga
Things that didn't work out quite so well in terms of weightlifting:
1. knee injury from running barefoot outside (really dumb) while I was making great linear gains around 275 lb back squats 2. vacation in China/Mongolia for over six weeks 3. officially started my first full-time job and inability to cope with stress properly for roughly a month (too much alcohol consumed) 4. hip injury (I'm still suffering from this, don't know why/how)
Current stats (as of today): Height: 179 cm Weight: 76 kg
2011 PRs: Back squat: 275 lb x 4 DL: 170 Kg x 1 Bench: 100 Kg x 5 Clean: 82.5 Kg x 1 OHP: 65 Kg x 5
So I'm moving to Manhattan for 16 weeks in 2012, between Feb until end of May, and I decided I won't start training full-strength until then.
Goals until 2012/02/DD 1. recovery from injuries 2. train once every three days and stick to it, don't really care about numbers, will focus more on form.
Goals by 2012/05/30 (from 2012/02/DD): Back squat: 275 lb x 5 x 3 I haven't really go back to my PR due to my knee/hip injuries, but this should be really easy once I'm fully recovered
Bench: 115 Kg x 5 x 3 This should be fairly achievable
DL: 200 Kg x 1 This is pretty ambitious, but I should be able to get there
Don't really care about numbers for OHP at this point. OHP has always been very arbitrary for me, sometimes I make great gains and sometimes I get stuck for weeks.
In terms of cleans, I'd much rather further improve my form at this point rather than focusing too much on the numbers.
Other goals: 1. Do yoga I've always enjoyed doing yoga, but work has been keeping me very busy. I will try to find time for yoga.
2. Eat more paleo Try harder
3. Sleep better Some days I sleep only a few hours, and I really need to fix this. It's more about discipline than anything else.
4. Learn (more) Japanese and French Need to improve my Japanese, and I want to re-learn French (studied it for five years in school, but now it's actually much much worse than my Japanese lol).
Nitrogen Age: 19 || Height: 6'1" || Weight: 170 lbs Starting Date: JAN 2012 || Goal Date: JULY 2012 Training goals -- -run sub 13:00 2 mile (at like a little under 14:00 right now) -increase my sprint speed (never really timed my sprint so i have no concrete goal as of now) -be able to perform 1 arm pushup, 3 reps -be able to perform pistol squat, 3 reps -learn how to do a handstand -perform 100 consecutive pushups -ruck! work up to 80 lbs for 12 miles, haven't decided a time goal yet (just bought a new ruck haha) Nutrition goals -- unfortunately i have very little control over what i eat and no access to a kitchen otherwise i'd try paleo Sleep goals -- minimum 7 hours a night (usually get 5-6 now)
not sure if i can achieve all those goals, but i'll fucking try
getSome[703] Age: 19 || Height: 5'7" || Weight: 135 lbs Starting Date: January 1 2012 || Goal Date: December 31 2012 Training goals -- -Get as close to 130 lbs as possible -> racing weight in high school -Improve overall body composition -> more lean muscle -Run 6 days a week Monday - Saturday -Be able to complete a comfortable 6-7 mile 6:20 pace run. Probably around 7:20 or 7:30 now -Lift three times a week Sunday/Wednesday/Friday
Nutrition goals -- Cook more! Healthy food mostly, usually asian dishes with rice Sleep goals -- Go to bed before 1:00 when nothing is happening (ie no dicking around with video games after 1) and before 12:00 when I have a 9 a.m. class. Aiming for 7-8 hours of sleep a night at least
Good luck everyone
TheResidentEvil Age: 29 Height: 5'10" Weight: 159 lbs
Goals: 1) I want to youtube a video of me dunking a basketball on a 10 foot rim. 2) I want to workout for the entire year.
I dont have any other goals. I just want to become a better athlete and continue to train for 1 whole year. I cant make sleep goals because I have 2 young kids.
Age: 21 || Height: 175cm || Weight: 68kg Starting Date: January 01, 2011 || Goal Date: December 31 2012 Weight goals -- Maintain weight at under 69.00kg Training goals -- Snatch 1.3x body weight, clean and jerk 1.5x body weight Sleep goals -- 7 hours a night during school, 8-9 during break Miscellaneous goals -- Compete in 2012 provincial's weightlifting competition in November. A big bonus would be to qualify for nationals.