Starting on Wednesday January 4th 2012 at 20:00 GMT (+00:00) until late night January 9th!, we'll be playing through over 100 games as quickly as possible while raising money for the Prevent Cancer Foundation, which focuses on research and education for preventable cancers.
That's right, more than 100 games. We're not cheating by picking 100 short games either. We've got Final Fantasy VII, Ocarina of Time (MST) and Earthbound. We have Mario, Sonic and Samus, we've got Half-Life, Portal & Demon's Souls and classics like Contra, Metal Slug & CastleVania. Hell we got just about everything. We even have a whole section dedicated to awful games, so if you're a fan of Bubsy 3D, Lagoon or Trio the Punch we got something for you too! Check out the Marathon Schedule over on the SDA marathon page for a complete list of games and a time schedule that may well end up being accurate.
But what's special about this marathon? Well the main part is that it is being run by SDA, the premiere Speed Running Website on the internet that people in the know head to when they want to find high quality, confirmed legitimate speedruns for games. SDA, like TL, have a top-notch community and a very high standard for posted runs. We've got runners with world records and people who can destroy games that most people struggle with. The stream runs all day and all night, delivering non-stop speed running action.
On top of that, Awesome Games Done Quick offers a fantastic commentary stream to go alongside the gaming action with a lot of chat interaction. With donation incentives like naming characters, requesting challenges and getting people todance like an idiot celebrate like a boss and a whole load of incredible prizes, from hand-made plushies, pixel art perlers and a load of games, collectibles and so on there's plenty of reasons to watch the marathon. Check out the second post to find out how you can make an impact on the Marathon with our donation campaign: Name Tifa ESPORTS!
So why am I telling you guys this? Well, as you may know I travelled to the last one (that's me dancing for TL) and there was no way I was going to miss going again. I'm flying from London to DC just to take part in this and we, especially me, need your support! Tune in to the marathon and maybe make a few donations and tell your friends. I will be playing Bayonetta on Saturday Friday, Jan 07 7:20am GMT (GMT+00:00) (sorry europe =( ) so please tune in and do some shout outs for!
Other TL members will be there running games too: Heidman is running Double Dragon 2, Contra, Super C (Contra 2) AND Super Punch Out. Heidman is a monster at these games and they will all be worth checking out. His Super C run from last year (bookmarked at a highlight moment!) can be found on YouTube here. Also, super best friend Tri-Hex will be doing a live Yoshi's Island 100% on Wednesday, Jan 05 11:00pm GMT (GMT+00:00) which is guaranteed to be incredible for those who have and haven't played the game. He's gained a small following on our forums so I hope to see some TL people hanging out there too! We've also got a bunch of TL people who will be at the marathon but won't be running games so come join in and give TL a big presence!
I'd just like to take this oppurtunity to thank everyone from TL who donated and watched last year. There were a lot of you making shoutouts and joining chat and we really felt it. It was awesome to see so many of you guys chipping in and you really made a noticible impact on the viewer numbers and donation totals so thank you all.
I'd also like to thank for giving me permission to promote this event and HawaiianPig for making this post amazing.
So, what games are you guys interested in this year?
YouTube Trailer
Marathon Homepage
Last Year's Marathon with VoDs of the whole thing!
Last Year's Thread
That's right, more than 100 games. We're not cheating by picking 100 short games either. We've got Final Fantasy VII, Ocarina of Time (MST) and Earthbound. We have Mario, Sonic and Samus, we've got Half-Life, Portal & Demon's Souls and classics like Contra, Metal Slug & CastleVania. Hell we got just about everything. We even have a whole section dedicated to awful games, so if you're a fan of Bubsy 3D, Lagoon or Trio the Punch we got something for you too! Check out the Marathon Schedule over on the SDA marathon page for a complete list of games and a time schedule that may well end up being accurate.
But what's special about this marathon? Well the main part is that it is being run by SDA, the premiere Speed Running Website on the internet that people in the know head to when they want to find high quality, confirmed legitimate speedruns for games. SDA, like TL, have a top-notch community and a very high standard for posted runs. We've got runners with world records and people who can destroy games that most people struggle with. The stream runs all day and all night, delivering non-stop speed running action.
On top of that, Awesome Games Done Quick offers a fantastic commentary stream to go alongside the gaming action with a lot of chat interaction. With donation incentives like naming characters, requesting challenges and getting people to
So why am I telling you guys this? Well, as you may know I travelled to the last one (that's me dancing for TL) and there was no way I was going to miss going again. I'm flying from London to DC just to take part in this and we, especially me, need your support! Tune in to the marathon and maybe make a few donations and tell your friends. I will be playing Bayonetta on Saturday Friday, Jan 07 7:20am GMT (GMT+00:00) (sorry europe =( ) so please tune in and do some shout outs for!
Other TL members will be there running games too: Heidman is running Double Dragon 2, Contra, Super C (Contra 2) AND Super Punch Out. Heidman is a monster at these games and they will all be worth checking out. His Super C run from last year (bookmarked at a highlight moment!) can be found on YouTube here. Also, super best friend Tri-Hex will be doing a live Yoshi's Island 100% on Wednesday, Jan 05 11:00pm GMT (GMT+00:00) which is guaranteed to be incredible for those who have and haven't played the game. He's gained a small following on our forums so I hope to see some TL people hanging out there too! We've also got a bunch of TL people who will be at the marathon but won't be running games so come join in and give TL a big presence!
I'd just like to take this oppurtunity to thank everyone from TL who donated and watched last year. There were a lot of you making shoutouts and joining chat and we really felt it. It was awesome to see so many of you guys chipping in and you really made a noticible impact on the viewer numbers and donation totals so thank you all.
I'd also like to thank for giving me permission to promote this event and HawaiianPig for making this post amazing.
So, what games are you guys interested in this year?
YouTube Trailer
Marathon Homepage
Last Year's Marathon with VoDs of the whole thing!
Last Year's Thread