Here's my dilemma, sometimes I only have a few minutes to check TL. While the homepage and Community News do a great job to amalgamate the major threads of the day, there are many, many more that do not make it into the spotlight but have interesting news or implications for the community. This is a perfect example (I was completely unaware of this until I saw the thread)
Too often I find myself having to go through each forum individually to see what threads are new and interesting to keep up to date with what is going on in the community or what new interesting threads are out there.
So I had an idea. What if there was an updating list of new threads that have been created across all forums. There could be a reply and time requirement to show up on the list to avoid sniping, ensure the thread is actually creating quality discussion, and to allow stupid threads to be closed without ever showing up on the list. That would also serve to filter out most of the awful threads and pare down the deluge of threads in the forums to allow someone to see within a few minutes what is going on in the community.
To simplify, a portal that would show a list of new threads since you last logged on something like:
New threads since 11/11/11:
* Day9 not attending MLG Providence 100+ replies
* Proleague rumored to start on the 19th of November 100+ replies
* Barcraft Darmstadt 100+ replies
Now this makes sense and seems like a really good idea in my head, but maybe I'm missing something. Or perhaps this would be unweildy to impliment. But I think it's a pretty awesome idea.