About Me
![[image loading]](http://img710.imageshack.us/img710/1103/pic2eq.jpg)
My name is Matthew Fink and I am a 22 year old quad amputee from Minnesota with a passion for health policy and the worldwide disabled community who has fallen in love with Starcraft. In 2011 I graduated from Carleton College and received a Watson Fellowship to travel Europe and Asia for a year, play Starcraft 2, and connect with other disabled gamers.
You can find more info on me and my project here: Recent Interview With Mr. Bitter
Disabled Pro Gamers?
What is Watson? (http://www.watsonfellowship.org)
The Thomas J. Watson Fellowship offers college graduates of "unusual promise" a year of independent, purposeful exploration and travel to enhance their capacity for resourcefulness, imagination, openness, and leadership and to foster their humane and effective participation in the world community.
My Project
The purpose of my project is to learn, first hand, what it means to be competitive as a person with a disability by playing Starcraft II professionally. By immersing myself in the Starcraft community worldwide I hope connect with people with disabilities who game to see how culture and the advent of new technology are changing their lives.
Why a Fundraiser?
Because I require assistance with day-to-day activities as I pursue this passion, I travel with Personal Care Attendants (people who have agreed to travel and take on this challenge with me.). Many have put their lives and jobs on hold in order to support me in this way. I am seeking to raise funds to help cover the travel expenses necessary for my PCAs to continue supporting me.
Fundraiser Details
In order to raise funds for this project and gain a presence in the community TiltGaming will be holding a two day tournament with a $500 prize pool. Several players from EG and Liquid have already shown some great interest! The event will start 11:00am CST November 12th and will last until 11:00pm CST November 13th (total 36 hours). I will be casting the tournaments along with numerous special guests including: EG.iNcontroL, Rotterdam, and many more. We will also be streaming coaching sessions and show matches involving myself and a few pros. For those not competing we will also be handing out and auctioning off prizes, including the chance to participate in a show match on stream.
How to Donate
We are taking donations through Kickstarter and Paypal and generating revenue through commercials. A link for donations will be added prior to the event.
The LookNoHands Fundraiser Tournament
The tournament is a 2-day 128-man single elimination bracket tournament. It will be held on the North America server. Quarter finals are a best of 3, semifinals and finals are best of 5, and all others are a best of 1. The tournament run will from 12:00pm CST to 7:00pm CST Saturday, Nov. 12th and Prizes are $300 for 1st place, $100 for second place, and $50 each for third and fourth places.
Pros can sign up ahead of time to reserve their spot in the bracket by sending a PM to looknohands119 with your name, NA Battle.net ID/character code, and your team name. You will receive a message in response letting you know we have received the information and that you have been entered into the bracket.
Sign-ups will be open to the public on a first come first serve basis tomorrow through Challonge. Tournament specifics, an exact schedule, and the sign-up link will be made available Wednesday evening. Check back here for a link and keep your eye out for the tournament thread because the bracket will fill up quick!
Live Event
Where: Maverick's Real Roast Beef Restaurant, 1746 N Lexington Ave. Roseville (651) 488-1788 http://mavericksroastbeef.com/
![[image loading]](http://img687.imageshack.us/img687/1854/slogot.png)
When: Sunday, November 13 from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm
The tournament semifinals and finals will broadcasted. Maverick’s delicious BBQ available for sale until 8:00 pm. Light snacks and sodas provided.
R.S.V.P. Liz Fink fizzink@aol.com or 612-874-9967
What is TiltGaming?
TiltGaming aims to be a professional Starcraft 2 team. It has grown out my love of Starcraft during the first few months of my fellowship adventure. Throughout my journey I hope to see it grow and thrive in the community that has granted me such a unique opportunity. TiltGaming stands for three things:
1.) Championing the cause of people with disabilities in e-sports.
2.) Competitive excellence.
3.) A community based organization.
Finally, on behalf of myself and TiltGaming I would like to offer my thanks to the community that has given me such a tremendous amount of support and a chance to truly live my dream.