Australia14568 Posts
lets see if stats and tempest can bring their A Game.
I don't want it to turn into another KTHoeJJa.
hoping for HoeJJa vs Tyson.
Let's see if Hoejja can step up again to be our One True Ace in the absence of Flash
Was a little worried the LR thread would be late KTHoejja sounds awesome! Flash isnt gonna play today right?
On June 28 2011 18:00 Black[CAT] wrote:Was a little worried the LR thread would be late KTHoejja sounds awesome! Flash isnt gonna play today right?
no,but good news is hes responding well to his treatment.(according to fomos)
If OZ wins today then in the playoffs its KT vs OZ.
Someone reminded Sea which finger he was holding up. lol
Anyone have the updated league standings?
oh god, Tyson in another PvP. Don't die to cheese again, please.
Tyson vs Stats
lol@ Ryo - here I'm thinking Stats in a PvP, ohgod.
Neo Empire of the Sun
Stats in yellow at 1.5 Tyson in red at 4.5
1 gate each Stats at his main choke, though - and he heads to scout (incorrectly) as Tyson stays at home
2 gate from Tyson 1 gate/gas from Stats
lol Ryo =(
Tyson takes his gas
Stats adds core before zealot
Lol Stats scouts Tyson's 2 gates without Tyson doing anything to try to deny scouting
Core coming for Tyson
Stats getting range
Tyson still hasn't scouted Stats
Stats places 2nd and 3rd gates, Tyson's probe makes it to Stats' choke but a zealot blocks the way
Tyson barely denies another scout