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Translated From PlayXP
Winner between

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‘I have gotten here through constant effort.’
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/WI87J.jpg)
- Your thoughts on becoming the champion?
I am so astounded that I was able to win with an unbelievable score like 4:0.
- Most people picked MMA to win. What was the secret behind beating him so soundly 4:0?
I was able to pick apart MMA’s weakness. His style usually begins by taking a quick expand while sitting back on defense. I decided to not take the expansion and macroed up on one base, so when my opponent ends up expanding, I can do one strong push which he cannot stop.
- How did Marineking help you out for the preparation for this match?
Marineking taught me all about MMA’s builds and tendencies.
- How did you feel after winning the 1st set?
My condition was around 95% before the match started. But after I won the macro-oriented 2nd set, I was able to play like I would at my home.
- How did you deal with your nerves? You said during the media day that you would take some Korean folk medication.
I ate half of it before the match. I think after that my anticipation level was just about right.
- In the 4th set you dealt with the ghosts perfectly.
I didn’t think he would use it because it was a strategy he has previously shown. And especially because the 4th set was the deciding set, I didn’t think he would throw in anything tricky, so I was panicked. The ghosts didn’t get that far into my base so I was able to eventually block the attack.
- You shot up to 4th on the money rankings in one shot.
All the winners (except Fruitdealer) have gotten 2 wins. I hope to win again in the next season so I can continue that trend of two wins.
- For a while, you have been judged as one of the weaker players. But today, we were able to see perfect play from you, are you confident that you can show this form continually through the future?
I didn’t show particularly good play in my semifinal match. I wasn’t able to show my true skills because of my nerves. But in a situation like today when I was not nervous, I was able to really show my skills. Since I have experienced the finals, I believe I can continue to show great form in the future.
- The team league is starting soon. What do you want to tell your teammates?
The most important thing is to play our best. I know that I was having a hard time showcasing my true skills in the past, but I was able to get to this spot by continuously putting in the effort. I hope that all of us can grow our skills together with effort.
- How much did the mouse setting affect your ability to showcase your skills?
I think it has a big effect. After the previous interview, Byun even asked me about how I was doing my mouse settings.
- What did Marineking say to you in the booth after the 3rd set?
He told me my opponent was totally capable of coming back and winning 4:3. He told me to never be overconfident, and as long as I did that I could win.
- Are you confident that you can keep your top conditioning?
I have beaten some of the top players at their respective matchups in winning this tournament so I believe I showed some well-roundedness. I hope to continue my efforts in the future to keep my skills honed.
- Any last comments?
I want to thank all my teammates who helped me win this tournament. I also want to thank our sponsors Sabasaba chicken. I love my family who always watches over me, and I want to thank my fans as well. I hope they can keep believing in me and so I can continue to show great form in the future.
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▼ 우승을 차지한 소감은?
- 4:0이라는 믿기지 않는 스코어로 우승해 감격스럽다.
▼ 대부분이 문성원의 우세를 점쳤다. 문성원을 4:0으로 잡아낼 수 있었던 비결은?
- 문성원의 약점을 파악하게 됐다. 더블을 하면서 견제를 주로 하는 스타일이다. 나는 더블을 하지 않고 안정적인 운영을 하는데, 상대의 더블을 노리고 강력하게 푸시하면 상대가 막을 수 없다고 생각했다.
▼ 이정훈이 결승 준비 과정에서 어떤 도움을 줬는가?
- 정훈이가 문성원 선수의 빌드나 성향을 잘 알려줬다.
▼ 1세트 승리 후 기분은?
- 경기 전에 컨디션이 95%정도 올라왔다. 2세트 운영싸움에서 이기고 난 후 집에서 하는 것처럼 할 수 있었다.
▼ 긴장은 어떻게 해소했나? 미디어데이에선 우황청심환을 먹겠다고 했는데?
- 반만 먹었다. 반만 먹었더니 적당히 긴장돼서 좋았던 것 같다.
▼ 4세트에서 유령에 대한 대처가 완벽했는데?
- 이전에 썼던 전략이라 안 쓸 것이라 생각했다. 특히 4세트는 마지막이니까 승부수를 절대 안 던질 것이라 예상했는데 당황했다. 유령이 깊이 안 들어와서 저절로 막게 된 것 같다.
▼ 단숨에 상금랭킹 4위에 올랐는데?
- 우승자들이 모두 2회 우승을 차지했다. 그 반열에 오르기 위해 다음 시즌에도 우승해 2회 우승을 채우도록 하겠다.
▼ 그동안 비교적 약체로 평가받아왔다. 하지만 결승전에서 완벽한 모습을 선보였는데, 앞으로 이러한 모습을 꾸준히 보여줄 수 있을 것 같은가?
- 4강에서 좋지 못한 경기력을 보였다. 긴장을 해서 내 실력이 안 나와서 그런 것 같다. 오늘 같은 경우엔 긴장하지 않아서 제 실력이 나온 것 같다. 결승 경험도 했으니 앞으로는 좋은 모습만 보여드릴 수 있을 것 같다.
▼ 곧 팀리그가 진행된다. 팀원들에게 어떤 이야기를 해주고 싶은가?
- 가장 중요한 건 열심히 하는 것 같다. 나도 그동안 실력발휘가 안돼서 힘들었는데, 꾸준히 해서 이 자리에 오를 수 있었다고 생각한다. 열심히 해서 실력을 키웠으면 좋겠다.
▼ 마우스 셋팅이 실력 발휘에 어느 정도의 영향을 미쳤나?
- 정말 큰 영향을 미쳤다. 인터뷰가 나간 후 변현우 선수가 어떻게 셋팅을 했냐고 묻기도 했다.
▼ 3세트 직후 이정훈이 부스 안에서 무슨 말을 했나?
- 상대는 4:3으로 역전할 수 있는 사람이다. 절대 방심하지 말라. 방심만 안하면 이길 수 있다고 얘기해줬다.
▼ 정상을 지킬 자신이 있는지?
- 이번 대회에서 세 종족의 강한 선수들을 모두 꺾어 어느 정도 탄탄한 모습을 보였다고 생각한다. 앞으로도 꾸준히 노력하겠다.
▼ 마지막으로 하고 싶은 말은?
- 우승을 하기까지 도와준 모든 팀의 많은 선수들에게 감사드린다. 후원해주신 사바사바치킨에도 정말 감사드린다. 지켜봐준 가족들 사랑하고, 팬 여러분들께도 감사드린다. 저를 믿어주셨으면 좋겠고, 앞으로도 더 좋은 모습을 보여드리겠다.
글: 이시우(siwoo@playxp.com)
Alright guys, the final one for this season. I hope you enjoyed all the interviews this season. And I hope to continue onto the new season as well. See you soon.
- Phosgene