Dear TL,
Trying to get a group together to watch the MSL finals.
Time: June 11, 4am EST. Location: Toronto, ON. Venue undecided
This post is just an initial check to see if there is any interest from the toronto broodwar community. If you'd like to meet with fellow fans to cheer on the players please pm me or post in this thread.
I'd be more inclined for an MSL final event.
If there's nothing happening at Waterloo, I might be interested in going over.
My first reaction was:
"Hydra beat zero?" Then I realized this was a semifinal. Who wants to watch those with others?
I'd be down to go if you can promise that the event were more social. I can stare at the screen without saying a word just fine on my own tyvm.
updated first post, now searching for ppl to form a finals viewer party
Wish I knew about this earlier =(
i still can host stuff at waterloo but most of the CSL team already commit to SC2 and they no longer watch BW often. Kinda sad but yeah... Also most of the final that has flash recently turns out pretty disappointing so... =_=
Well, let me know next time and ima make a thread if people wana come. Gona host it 4 sure