Hello fello Liquiders!
So i've been thinking lately about starting up an e-sportsbar in Stockholm or possibly just approaching an already existing bar host sort of a theme-night with e-sports of all sorts (i'm thinking cs, HoN and ofcourse SC2) and i'm checking TL to see if there's actually demand for something like this.
If you have some thoughts on the matter or demands for it to be a success, feel free to share!
Poll: Would you go to an E-sports bar if there was one in Stockholm?I would love to go to an E-Sportsbar! (967) 88% I'd love to go to an Esportsbar, but i'm not 18. (61) 6% I would go to an E-sportthemed night if its once a week. (42) 4% E-sportsbar? I want to watch E-sports alone at home rather than at a bar. (27) 2% 1097 total votes Your vote: Would you go to an E-sports bar if there was one in Stockholm? (Vote): I would love to go to an E-Sportsbar! (Vote): I would go to an E-sportthemed night if its once a week. (Vote): E-sportsbar? I want to watch E-sports alone at home rather than at a bar. (Vote): I'd love to go to an Esportsbar, but i'm not 18.
Will hopefully *fingers crossed* rent a bar for the MLG Columbus Semifinal + Finals on the MLG sunday and just thought i'd throw up another poll to see how many will come.
To keep this a bit more under control I ask you not to vote if you're not from sweden.
So for the swedes!
Poll: Do you want to come watch the MLG with likeminded people at a bar?Yes (126) 94% Maybe (5) 4% No (3) 2% 134 total votes Your vote: Do you want to come watch the MLG with likeminded people at a bar? (Vote): Yes (Vote): No (Vote): Maybe
that sounds like a interesting idea, but i think once a week at most, unless it was also a cybercafe too? then atleast you will always have people hanging around and drinking.
I think that concept is awesome, and I'd glady go if I didn't live in the United States.
Noooooo, you stole my idea! (that wouldn't have been implemented in years)
I would so go. O_O And I can, since I live in Stockholm. Woohoo!
Edit: I'd even lend a hand making it possible if I could (in terms of manpower)
That sounds like a really interesting concept. I don't live in sweden, but if there was a club near my place that specialized in that clientele I would definatly show up from time to time 
I'm not entirely convinced that there is a large market for that kind of thing though. But then again there is probably a bigger market for that kind of thing in Stockholm then where I live in downtown Detroit XD
I would travel just to go to that The details of how to implement such things seem a bit tricky though ( for a pure e-sport bar), best of luck and hope you succeed!
I clicked wrong option i was gunna go for "I would love to go to an E-Sportsbar!" but went for "I'd love to go to an Esportsbar, but i'm not 18."
Would be awesome, if its possible it would be nice if u could watch GSL and maybe NASL there aswell, times would be far from optimal tho. Also show some online weekly leagues. Maybe invite the progamers currentley in Stockholm!
Is this a drinking bar?
If so yes and see you in Sweden when it opens
Huh Oh, this is really a great idea. I believe you will need to have a pcbang during the day and open the bar part at something like 7 or 8pm. this way you could have the people hanging at the pcbang take a drink and watch some matches.
damn! if there was a e-sport bar at my city, this would be the place I'd spent my evenings at! great idea, hope it works out (financially).
I don't drink, but I always loved social gathering places to watch sports, I just don't like sports besides Football, so this would work.
I'm in Canada so it's irrelevant, but in a big enough city with enough gamers ( from what I read there is a ton in Stockholm ) this would be a good idea to try out if you could do it for cheap enough. I think you would need to have it serve as a PC bang during the days so people under 18 can get in and play and then after 9 PM 18 + and serve alcohol and broadcast matches.
I think its a great idea and it can be succesful, its a matter of where do you set it up to reach your target group. And of course you need to promote it so that you get some guests
I seriously doubt you can dedicate an entire bar to E-sports, not yet anyway. However, having theme-nights with e-sports would be awesome, and would definitely draw quite a crowd if decently advertised. I hope this idea becomes more than just an idea, seeing as I live in Stockholm. GL!
If there was one nearby me, in US, I'd go there all the time! Probably way more realistic in the esports countries in Europe like Netherlands/Sweden, though. A nerd can only dream....
If I ever visit Stockholm I will be sure to visit your E-sports bar if it is ever constructed, I really hope your idea works. Check out the Mana bar in Australia, its a similar concept that has worked out really well.
Sounds awesome... Going to sweden for a week in august, and if this is open by then I'll wanna go any chance I get
Thanks for the feedback guys!
I've been thinking about the internetcafé side of things aswell, but computers take a lot of room, they heat up the room and it might be a serious firehazard to have a bunch of computers near intoxicated gamers. But its definetly worth thinking of a way around all that!
What I thought about was just having some sort of collaboration with Inferno Online and having a reduced prices for beer in return for a free hour of gaming at their place or something like that.
I'll probably start looking at bars for a themenight tomorrow and see if there's any barowners that might be interrested in something like this, I hope that there's a few openminded swedes left in the restaurant business!
On May 13 2011 03:15 Alejandrisha wrote: If there was one nearby me, in US, I'd go there all the time! Probably way more realistic in the esports countries in Europe like Netherlands/Sweden, though. A nerd can only dream.... where in the states do u live? i'm thinking of opening one in NY, seeing all the chit-chat going on about TSL3 final and after party, would be good to do. But it needs to have enough option to keep it interesting. besides, most of the clientele is -21 which is drinking age here so it' gets more complicated.
I would love going to an e-sport bar. Please keep us updated if it ever comes to life !