![[image loading]](http://kr.media5.battle.net/cms/blog_header/UO1YPGOJJ32W1305710644016.jpg)
UPDATE: Blizzard has just announced on the korean site that players can earn these achievements by playing in PCBangs. Here is a rough google translate
PC! PC room perks for players, a great portrait!
UTC Author: kichyo / / 19 May 2011 06:22 UTC 69 69 PC! PC room perks for players!
PC! PC room playing Starcraft II and Have a nice portrait of the hero!
? The portrait is too difficult gajigi pomna calm? ? Other players in the dressing room like some of the great portrait bureowoman member? MUST HAVE! StarCraft II players MUST HAVE item if you do have! To introduce a set of six kinds of portraits!
•How to participate
•. StarCraft II nearest participating PC will find the room.
•Battle.net에 Quick connect to Battle.net to participate in war. (1) (A 1, and team play are all available, and custom games are excluded)
•5 May 19 At present, the result of team play the game if it does not reflect the modification operation is in progress.We apologize for the inconvenience, and trying to be resolved quickly, so to obtain a deep understanding
Please watch out for a quick victory through war!
Multiplier of the commercial menu 'cause' can be found on the menu.
•10 games whenever you can get a great portrait, you achieve a total of 60 wins, can collect 6 portraits.
•Multiplier can be obtained according to the portraits are as follows.
PC and ran into the room with friends and enjoy StarCraft II. Fun and a great portrait, two rabbits you can catch all!
UTC Author: kichyo / / 19 May 2011 06:22 UTC 69 69 PC! PC room perks for players!
PC! PC room playing Starcraft II and Have a nice portrait of the hero!
? The portrait is too difficult gajigi pomna calm? ? Other players in the dressing room like some of the great portrait bureowoman member? MUST HAVE! StarCraft II players MUST HAVE item if you do have! To introduce a set of six kinds of portraits!
•How to participate
•. StarCraft II nearest participating PC will find the room.
•Battle.net에 Quick connect to Battle.net to participate in war. (1) (A 1, and team play are all available, and custom games are excluded)
•5 May 19 At present, the result of team play the game if it does not reflect the modification operation is in progress.We apologize for the inconvenience, and trying to be resolved quickly, so to obtain a deep understanding
Please watch out for a quick victory through war!
Multiplier of the commercial menu 'cause' can be found on the menu.
•10 games whenever you can get a great portrait, you achieve a total of 60 wins, can collect 6 portraits.
•Multiplier can be obtained according to the portraits are as follows.
PC and ran into the room with friends and enjoy StarCraft II. Fun and a great portrait, two rabbits you can catch all!
Over at Sc2mapster we have been investigating the mysterious appearence of several new data files on the bnet servers. Earlier today another breakthrough was made when korean servers started displaying what appear to be new portaits, achivements and possibly a korean specific feature.They show unique achievments for the winner and competitors of last years Blizzcon, a new "red terran eagle" achievement along with rank-specific achievments. There are also "Chinese" Dragon/Fearless/Opera portraits and decals as well as a MercenaryClover decal that can be found in the map editor.
Following the patch earlier this week certain achievement's text were incorrectly replaced with text referencing rank and blizzcon achievments. Additionally there were achivements for winning "IGR" games. Taken together these clues may point to the release of features Soon (TM).
![[image loading]](http://kr.battle.net/sc2/static/local-common/images/sc2/portraits/1-75.jpg?v19)
![[image loading]](http://kr.battle.net/sc2/static/local-common/images/sc2/portraits/2-75.jpg?v19)
![[image loading]](http://kr.battle.net/sc2/static/local-common/images/sc2/achievements/5-75.jpg?v19)
![[image loading]](http://kr.battle.net/sc2/static/local-common/images/sc2/decals/1-75.jpg?v19)
![[image loading]](http://static.sc2mapster.com/content/attachments/14/494/decal.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://static.curseforge.net/thumbman/attachments/14/832/180x180/35.JPG.-m1.png)
Edit 1: Very odd. The new portraits and achievments just came up on the EU servers but they still have the korean (pepsi) icon.
+ Show Spoiler +
![[image loading]](http://eu.battle.net/sc2/static/local-common/images/sc2/achievements/5-75.jpg?v19)
Edit 2: If those of you who attended Blizzcon would open your feats of strength achievement tab in-game you will notice that your Blizzcon Icon has just changed (in the old one the star was filled in, new one has star blank).
Edit 3: Theve gone up on the US servers.
Edit 4: This article http://games.on.net/article/10876/Stratagems_Exclusive_StarCraft_2_Uber-Interview?page=1
and others references IGR as "Internet Game Rooms".