currently occupies a unique position in the StarCraft 2 competitive scene. We aspire to cover SC2 ESPORTS like a news site, but we're also home to a huge community and to a professional team. Our visitors come to TL for the forums, to follow Liquid players, for the stream list, TLPD, or other news features.
It was clear from the beginning that for Liquid to fully reach its potential as a pro-team it would eventually need a dedicated website, with room to post detailed news and updates more frequently, and to better represent our sponsors such as TLAF and Razer. Many fans already consider to be the definitive source for news about the pro team, but in truth we've had to limit our offerings in order to accommodate the rest of the site's needs.
Now, with the creation of, we can go all-out on our coverage of the Liquid Team and better serve its fans. Likewise, this allows to better focus its efforts on being a central hub for the entire community and fans of all teams, not just Liquid.
Don't worry, TeamLiquidPRO isn't going to replace's Liquid coverage, but rather enhance it. Liquid Weekly will still be here every week, and the Liquid players will still interact with Starcraft II fans on TLnet's forums (as if we could stop them!). Instead, TeamLiquidPRO will enhance coverage of the Liquid team. TLPro will have special Liquid-focused features, alongside news on interesting happenings surrounding the team that might not necessarily make's front page. TLPro shares the same user database as, so your current user account will work over on TLPro as well.
From the hardcore follower who needs to know what TLO had for breakfast, to those who have a casual interest based off watching a few impressive games, we think that TeamLiquidPro will enhance the experience of being a fan.
Site Features
One-stop VOD Archive
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The VOD page is a collection of every notable Liquid VOD we could find. And not just high profile games from TSL, MLG, etc; we really scoured the web for all those minor tournament games as well. Heck, you can watch Tyler play against David Kim in a beta ladder match if you want (hint: the Blizzard employee wins).
Liquid News and Feature Articles
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The creation of TLPro allows us to really concentrate on our coverage of the Liquid Team. It's what we've always been doing with Liquid Weekly, but now on the scale of an entire website. Alongside our comprehensive tournament coverage and interviews that you're used to, we're also introducing some special features. For instance, we're opening with the first in a series of journals by Jinro, who looks back on a youth spent dreaming of becoming a pro-gamer in Korea, and the process it took to make it a reality. We also have an inside look at TLO's new home in Stockholm, where he has joined up with some of Europe's best players to form one of the most formidable practice "teams" in Starcraft 2. The new feature "TLAF Play of the Week" and a post-TL Attack TLO interview rounds out our line up of opening content.
Dedicated Liquid Player Calendar
![[image loading]](/staff/Kennigit/tlprolaunch_5.jpg)
Similar to's event calendar, but focused exclusively on Liquid players. It's the entire team's schedule available on one easy-to-use page. Follow Liquid as a whole, or focus in on a particular player as you see what tournaments they have ahead.
Follow Liquid Players in Real Time
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For those of you who want the fastest possible information, TeamLiquidPro tracks every Liquid player's tweets and TL forum posts in real time. Find out what's on your favorite player's mind, or whether it's Starcraft 2 insights or musings on life.
Sponsor Representation
![[image loading]](/staff/Waxangel/sponsorpage.jpg)
Sponsors play an integral part in enabling e-Sports, and their interest in gaming is something the competitive scene cannot do without. We believe that as a truly professional team, we need to give our sponsors the kind of recognition they deserve.
Detailed Individual Player Pages
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Though we think it would be nice if you could love the Liquid players equally, we know that realistically not all man-crushes are created equal. For those of you in serious, monogamous relationships with your SC II idols, we have the Liquid Player Profiles. This "Profile" isn't just a bio, a list of achievements and some related news clippings. It's a center for everything related to your player of choice: Personal match calendars, recent news mentions, tweets, TL posts, fan club updates, stream status, the works!
*Please PM me at Liquid`Nazgul with suggestions and bug reports
We'd like to thank our head sponsor The Little App Factory for their continued support and new team sponsor Razer for signing on with Liquid.
We'd also like to thank all of the people who made this website possible, through their tireless dedication and countless hours of work. Thank you Antoine, Ares[Effort], Bumblebee, Glider, Imperator, Jibba, Kennigit, Puosu, R1CH, disciple, guro, pachi, riptide, TheMango, Waxangel and Xxio! We couldn't have done it without you!
Last but not least, thank you TeamLiquid readers, for all of the love and support you've given our guys. For a site that's been around for almost ten years, it's not often that we get to talk about new beginnings. Though we try our best to welcome new readers,'s historical undercurrent can sometimes seem like a mile high wall to becoming part of the site.
With TeamLiquidPro, we'd like to think we're starting something fresh for the first time in very long while, that it will be a place where we can recreate the magic of our early days. From small beginnings, we hope that we'll create a new culture, make new friends, and just see where our passion for gaming takes us. Whether you've been on TeamLiquid since 2002, or just found us while stream-surfing yesterday, we invite you to join us on this journey.