United States2095 Posts
EG.IdrA The Gracken VS FXOSheth The Chef (What I wanted a cool name too)
May 2 2011 2:00 PM EST The Showmatch Will Begin!
This showmatch is set to both have a great ZvZ match up for players to watch and who better to show us how then EG.IdrA! Since I'm writing this, I'll go ahead and say I'm definetly the underdog, but who knows! ZvZ is a volatile match and you never know how it will turn out!!!
This showmatch is for 200$. The winner will take ALL leaving the loser nothing, but wasted time. EG.IdrA has been crushing the composition in IPL as well as NASL while I've been doing well in NASL. We've both been fighting for the coveted (slightly!) spot as #1 on NA ladder. As of this write up we are both #2 and #4. Idra is 2 points behind the #1 player and sure to catch up shortly. This match is going to hopefully bring some great games to the community.
This showmatch will be streamed LIVE at FXOSheth's Stream. I will actually be discussing How and Why I make decisions while playing in my match. You will get to see the match streamed from an awesome observers point of view at AskJoshy's Live stream! AskJoshy's Stream He will also have VODS hopefully up by the evening at AskJoshy's Youtube
The map pool is any MLG, TSL or GSL map currently being played. There will be no observers allowed except for the caster and players. Disconnects will be decided by one random person we ask on the stream. (LOL J/K)
Edit: Check the time again!
Sheth, you didn't tell me you cooked... Going to prep meals for all of us in KL?
Is the FPV only from your perspective or will both players have it?
Two of my zerg heroes! <3
gl hf to both of you.
United States2095 Posts
Its only going to be from my stream, thus my point of view. Also, I feel like I used to much caps, if a mod would adjust it to VS instead of the huge VERSUS, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!
lol this is why sheths my fav pro :p He just gives himself a nickname.
Wow! My two favourite streamers, I must watch this!!
Awesome job setting this up. I also like that you can choose between obs and first person viewer, what a gread idea.
I wish I could see this live but I'll be at school I'll try to catch the vods.
Definitely rooting for sheth :p ...
On May 01 2011 08:15 Sheth wrote: Since I'm writing this, I'll go ahead and say I'm definetly the underdog, but who knows! ZvZ is a volatile match and you never know how it will turn out!!!
Ho-ho-ho, I smell subtle cheese-pool implications!
Can't wait to check out the showmatch, just because ZvZ can actually be very nailbiting to watch.
nice  Gonna be good
sheth = awesome
can't wait to watch some high level ZvZ. such a great matchup considering all of the little things that go on in it
Eh, why get the #1 ladder spot? 
Even if you get #1, you will go to sleep and wake up and be #5 again, since it's impossible to break far away in points due to the mmr system.
This is gonna be great!!! Two great players, I don't know who I'll root for... ok probably Sheth... haha.
For the swarm! GL to both!
This will be so sick to watch!:D Seriously this will be really nice to see from sheths perspective just after his daily show
Sheth and Idra are cool with me. I will root for 5 good matches!