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Each and every day of play in TSL seems to get better and better. Saturday's games were great, and Sunday's seemed absolutely determined to top them in every way. Between Idra's predicted "walk over" victory, TLO playing a Brood War legend, and Mondragon's (possible) glorious return packed an awful lot of excitement into a single afternoon.
Day 2: Battle Reports
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+ Show Spoiler [Show Games] +
EG.IdrA < Shakuras Plateau >
coL.CrunCher P1
Cruncher begins the match with forge, nexus, gateway while Idra opens with a spawning pool and gas, making a hatchery at his natural shortly thereafter. Cruncher begins with a stargate and begins taking down his backdoor rocks while Idra grabs a third.
After seeing the initial voidray, Idra prepares with an evolution chamber and hydralisk den, maing spores to guard each base. Cruncher's plan is obvious as he adds a robo, then proceeds to take the base at 12 - he is looking to max out and take it to late game. Idra responds by adding a fourth base and begins amassing a roach-hydra army with corrupters.
Idra's nearly maxed army breaks down the front door, but is unable to do damage before being driven back by a colossus-voidray-stalker force. Poking in a second time it is clear he will not be able to engage head-on, and begins making a nydus near 12 o'clock which is stopped before completing.
While taking the rest of the map, Idra barges into the Protoss natural, killing most of the probes but leaving the nexus alive. Losing a large portion of his army triggers Cruncher to wander into the middle of the map with an imposing force of 13 void rays, 4 colossus, and a handful of stalkers.
Idra is able to easily remax, but takes a poor angle on the next engagement and leaves without a GG as Cruncher begins feasting on the rest of his bases. [22:01]
![[image loading]](/staff/heyoka/tsl3/idracruncher1.jpg)
EG.IdrA < Terminus RE >
coL.CrunCher P9
For the second time, Cruncher begins his game with forge, nexus, gateway, but this time Idra opts to hatchery before pool. He follows that hatchery up with a second, taking 3 bases off 2 lings as Cruncher populates his mineral lines.
Quickly after Idra's lair is finished, be begins researching ventral sacs. At the same time, Cruncher begins to start a small harassement force of void rays and phoenixes. He is repeatedly repelled without doing any damage, and Idra begins to creep out into the map's center while taking a 4th base.
The real fighting begins as Idra loads his entire army into overlords and unleashes a huge hydra-ling force into Cruncher's main. Cruncher is able to stop it with the help of his first colossus, but a second drop on the mineral line kills all the helpless probes as a third force of hydras are damage the newly finished third nexus.
Idra drops the main base several more times, killing probes and then pulling his units back into overlords and running away when the Protoss army arrives. Eventually his economic advantage becomes overwhelming and his main force attacks through the natural to kill Cruncher's entire army directly. [19:45]
![[image loading]](/staff/heyoka/tsl3/idracruncher2.jpg)
EG.IdrA < Crevasse >
coL.CrunCher P5
Cruncher opens the third game with a gateway and core, unlike his previous two. Idra makes a pool and then a fast second hatchery. Cruncher makes a fast stalker to kill the drone in his base, and then immediately lays down a nexus. As the nexus is finishing, he makes 4 additional gateways and prepares to pressure while Idra's roach warren finishes.
Laying forward pylons along the way, he brings a largely sentry force to Idra's front and traps five roaches in a forcefield circle, making them instant cannon fodder. Idra pulls drones and attempts to hold as more roaches build, but it isn't enough and the game is over. [10:17]

Cruncher begins the match with forge, nexus, gateway while Idra opens with a spawning pool and gas, making a hatchery at his natural shortly thereafter. Cruncher begins with a stargate and begins taking down his backdoor rocks while Idra grabs a third.
After seeing the initial voidray, Idra prepares with an evolution chamber and hydralisk den, maing spores to guard each base. Cruncher's plan is obvious as he adds a robo, then proceeds to take the base at 12 - he is looking to max out and take it to late game. Idra responds by adding a fourth base and begins amassing a roach-hydra army with corrupters.
Idra's nearly maxed army breaks down the front door, but is unable to do damage before being driven back by a colossus-voidray-stalker force. Poking in a second time it is clear he will not be able to engage head-on, and begins making a nydus near 12 o'clock which is stopped before completing.
While taking the rest of the map, Idra barges into the Protoss natural, killing most of the probes but leaving the nexus alive. Losing a large portion of his army triggers Cruncher to wander into the middle of the map with an imposing force of 13 void rays, 4 colossus, and a handful of stalkers.
Idra is able to easily remax, but takes a poor angle on the next engagement and leaves without a GG as Cruncher begins feasting on the rest of his bases. [22:01]
![[image loading]](/staff/heyoka/tsl3/idracruncher1.jpg)

For the second time, Cruncher begins his game with forge, nexus, gateway, but this time Idra opts to hatchery before pool. He follows that hatchery up with a second, taking 3 bases off 2 lings as Cruncher populates his mineral lines.
Quickly after Idra's lair is finished, be begins researching ventral sacs. At the same time, Cruncher begins to start a small harassement force of void rays and phoenixes. He is repeatedly repelled without doing any damage, and Idra begins to creep out into the map's center while taking a 4th base.
The real fighting begins as Idra loads his entire army into overlords and unleashes a huge hydra-ling force into Cruncher's main. Cruncher is able to stop it with the help of his first colossus, but a second drop on the mineral line kills all the helpless probes as a third force of hydras are damage the newly finished third nexus.
Idra drops the main base several more times, killing probes and then pulling his units back into overlords and running away when the Protoss army arrives. Eventually his economic advantage becomes overwhelming and his main force attacks through the natural to kill Cruncher's entire army directly. [19:45]
![[image loading]](/staff/heyoka/tsl3/idracruncher2.jpg)

Cruncher opens the third game with a gateway and core, unlike his previous two. Idra makes a pool and then a fast second hatchery. Cruncher makes a fast stalker to kill the drone in his base, and then immediately lays down a nexus. As the nexus is finishing, he makes 4 additional gateways and prepares to pressure while Idra's roach warren finishes.
Laying forward pylons along the way, he brings a largely sentry force to Idra's front and traps five roaches in a forcefield circle, making them instant cannon fodder. Idra pulls drones and attempts to hold as more roaches build, but it isn't enough and the game is over. [10:17]
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+ Show Spoiler [Show Games] +
Empire.Kas < Crevasse >
Liquid`HayprO Z5
Kas goes for a gasless rax FE, but Haypro doesn’t hesitate to hatch first as well. Walling off with barracks, Kas doesn’t tech to starport before pumping out tanks from dual factories. Kas sets up a position outside Haypro’s outer expansion, and uses that time to stall and get defense up at his own third. Haypro waits for baneling speed before doing a flank on that siege, and Kas does not have enough tanks to deal with banelings. Kas sends a second wave of tanks and marines to set up enough soft contain on Haypro, this time adding turrets as well. Haypro’s mutalisks fly to deal some harass on Kas’s backdoor expansion. Although 20 supply behind, Haypro once again surrounds the siege area, and with Kas not reacting in time with his marines, baneling splash and the sheer number of zerglings break the siege line. A huge clump of his marines was missing due to their adventurous hunt of mutalisks at the bottom left of the map. Kas pulls back his siege line, this time just outside his potential 4th at the center of the map. Haypro times it perfect as Kas unsieges and masses in, but it is the tanks in the back that saves Kas with a crucial hit on the banelings rolling down the ramp. Kas counterpushes the fourth, takes it down, catches glimpse of drones Maynarding, and completely shatters Haypro’s economy. Haypro makes a last ditch effort and rams all his banelings into the planetary fortess, and afterwards, GGs. [21:59]
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Empire.Kas < Crossfire SE >
Liquid`HayprO Z7
Kas expands behind blue flame hellions, but the push gets crushed by a single spine crawler, and the zerglings clean up the rest. Kas did pick up a few roasty drones before his hellions were destroyed, though. Kas goes for a similar contain to game 1, setting up with tanks and marines right outside the creep’s visibility. Haypro attempts to break with roaches and banelings while the tanks are well-clumped, but overall the architecture of the map narrows the surface area that could Haypro could attain, and the splash damage irks Haypro to retreat. Kas trades his army for Haypro’s third base at 5 o’ clock. Both players look to take the wing expansions, but Haypro’s burrowed zerglings deny the CC landing. Seeing the naked CC and SCVs triggers Haypro’s mutalisks to fly in for some free kills. The center of the map is a playground for Kas’s siege tanks, and Kas throws a handful of marines at Haypro’s third, but to no avail. Haypro baits Kas into moving forward unsieged with a few burrowed banelings, and the clumped stack of Terran units is a baneling’s best friend. Haypro is running on four bases and almost doubles Kas’s supply. Both players shut down each other’s’ wing expansion, but it is Haypro that still has a decent economy, sitting at 55 to 29 workers. Mutalisks deny Kas any additional bases, but Kas wins a small victory as his siege tanks held on to Haypro’s attempt to break. With only marines leftover and no economy, Kas walked in and sees that he is severely behind, and Haypro evens out the series. [27:14]
![[image loading]](/staff/Lovedrop/tsl3/m14s2.jpg)
Empire.Kas < Shakuras Plateau >
Liquid`HayprO Z11
Kas shows us the third time he FEs, tech lab barracks into blue flame and 3 more barracks. Kas moves out with a lot of marines and hellions, and begins a third CC even before Haypro attempts to take his own. The attack does well, taking down the guarding spine crawler and Haypro could not morph enough banelings in time, forcing the drones to clean up leftover marines. Kas breaks down the northern backdoor rocks while Haypro flies in to harass with his mutalisks, spotting the CC in the process. Haypro notices the danger to his main and sends everything back to defend, while simultaneously getting his third and fourth running. Kas’s orbital command is just sitting in his main, and he elects to make a new CC at the 2 o’ clock instead. Kas goes again at the back and with an adequate amount of tanks this time, the banelings have no chance at getting into the marines’ faces. As a result, Haypro’s food plummets, and while he finally cleans up the push, the supply is 163-93 in favor of Kas. Kas goes through the same avenue to attack again, this time sieging up both the main and Haypro’s middle expansion. Haypro’s income is effectively halfed, and with Kas forces running all over the map with +3 weapons marines, Kas triumphs over Haypro in the RO32. [21:58]
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oGs.NaDa < 2-1 >

Kas goes for a gasless rax FE, but Haypro doesn’t hesitate to hatch first as well. Walling off with barracks, Kas doesn’t tech to starport before pumping out tanks from dual factories. Kas sets up a position outside Haypro’s outer expansion, and uses that time to stall and get defense up at his own third. Haypro waits for baneling speed before doing a flank on that siege, and Kas does not have enough tanks to deal with banelings. Kas sends a second wave of tanks and marines to set up enough soft contain on Haypro, this time adding turrets as well. Haypro’s mutalisks fly to deal some harass on Kas’s backdoor expansion. Although 20 supply behind, Haypro once again surrounds the siege area, and with Kas not reacting in time with his marines, baneling splash and the sheer number of zerglings break the siege line. A huge clump of his marines was missing due to their adventurous hunt of mutalisks at the bottom left of the map. Kas pulls back his siege line, this time just outside his potential 4th at the center of the map. Haypro times it perfect as Kas unsieges and masses in, but it is the tanks in the back that saves Kas with a crucial hit on the banelings rolling down the ramp. Kas counterpushes the fourth, takes it down, catches glimpse of drones Maynarding, and completely shatters Haypro’s economy. Haypro makes a last ditch effort and rams all his banelings into the planetary fortess, and afterwards, GGs. [21:59]
![[image loading]](/staff/Lovedrop/tsl3/m14s1.jpg)

Kas expands behind blue flame hellions, but the push gets crushed by a single spine crawler, and the zerglings clean up the rest. Kas did pick up a few roasty drones before his hellions were destroyed, though. Kas goes for a similar contain to game 1, setting up with tanks and marines right outside the creep’s visibility. Haypro attempts to break with roaches and banelings while the tanks are well-clumped, but overall the architecture of the map narrows the surface area that could Haypro could attain, and the splash damage irks Haypro to retreat. Kas trades his army for Haypro’s third base at 5 o’ clock. Both players look to take the wing expansions, but Haypro’s burrowed zerglings deny the CC landing. Seeing the naked CC and SCVs triggers Haypro’s mutalisks to fly in for some free kills. The center of the map is a playground for Kas’s siege tanks, and Kas throws a handful of marines at Haypro’s third, but to no avail. Haypro baits Kas into moving forward unsieged with a few burrowed banelings, and the clumped stack of Terran units is a baneling’s best friend. Haypro is running on four bases and almost doubles Kas’s supply. Both players shut down each other’s’ wing expansion, but it is Haypro that still has a decent economy, sitting at 55 to 29 workers. Mutalisks deny Kas any additional bases, but Kas wins a small victory as his siege tanks held on to Haypro’s attempt to break. With only marines leftover and no economy, Kas walked in and sees that he is severely behind, and Haypro evens out the series. [27:14]
![[image loading]](/staff/Lovedrop/tsl3/m14s2.jpg)

Kas shows us the third time he FEs, tech lab barracks into blue flame and 3 more barracks. Kas moves out with a lot of marines and hellions, and begins a third CC even before Haypro attempts to take his own. The attack does well, taking down the guarding spine crawler and Haypro could not morph enough banelings in time, forcing the drones to clean up leftover marines. Kas breaks down the northern backdoor rocks while Haypro flies in to harass with his mutalisks, spotting the CC in the process. Haypro notices the danger to his main and sends everything back to defend, while simultaneously getting his third and fourth running. Kas’s orbital command is just sitting in his main, and he elects to make a new CC at the 2 o’ clock instead. Kas goes again at the back and with an adequate amount of tanks this time, the banelings have no chance at getting into the marines’ faces. As a result, Haypro’s food plummets, and while he finally cleans up the push, the supply is 163-93 in favor of Kas. Kas goes through the same avenue to attack again, this time sieging up both the main and Haypro’s middle expansion. Haypro’s income is effectively halfed, and with Kas forces running all over the map with +3 weapons marines, Kas triumphs over Haypro in the RO32. [21:58]
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+ Show Spoiler [Show Games] +
MYM.Mondragon < Crevasse >
ZeeRaX P10
ZeeRaX starts his game by walling off, and making a quick stargate after a sentry. Mondragon chooses to hatch first, but makes the unorthodox play of expanding towards Protoss insead of using his comparatively safe backdoor natural.
The first voidray arrives at this base with two phoenix, murdering queens, drones, and overlords as the evolution chamber finishes and spore crawlers morph. Mondragon takes and populates a third as the harass continues, preparing for the midgame with a hydra den and roach warren. ZeeRaX begins colossus production while continuously making phoenixes to support the lone void ray.
Mondragon decides to all but ignore the phoenixes, throwing all of his resources into roaches and attacking the Protoss front, where a third base is warping in. After successfully denying the expansion Mondragon launches a double pronged attack, dropping the back natural and hitting the front with a pure roach army.
After killing several colossus that wander too far into the fray, Mondragon kills the natural nexus and begins to work on the newly finished third as void rays attempt to stop them. They are unable to deal enough damage in time and the game is over when roaches overrun the main of ZeeRaX. [17:45]
![[image loading]](/staff/heyoka/tsl3/zeermond1.jpg)
MYM.Mondragon < Shakuras Plateau >
ZeeRaX P2
ZeeRaX starts game 2 off with a gateway and core at the front of his natural, while Mondragon makes a pool and gas followed by a hatchery. A stargate follows, but the first void ray isn't created until after a nexus. Protoss starts teching to colossus immediately, still with one gateway, while Zerg takes a third base before adding a hydra den.
Like the earlier game, Mondragon bursts through the front with an entirely roach force and kills a colossus and several probes before being stopped. As he is taking a fourth base, he loads 12 roaches into overlords and drops them in the main while bringing a smaller roach-hydra force to the front door.
ZeeRaX, not having started stalker production quite yet, is forced once again to try to defend purely with void rays and colossus, the latter of which are quickly overwhelmed. Reinforcements stream into the natural as the probe count in the main is reduced, and ZeeRaX taps out. [15:30]

ZeeRaX starts his game by walling off, and making a quick stargate after a sentry. Mondragon chooses to hatch first, but makes the unorthodox play of expanding towards Protoss insead of using his comparatively safe backdoor natural.
The first voidray arrives at this base with two phoenix, murdering queens, drones, and overlords as the evolution chamber finishes and spore crawlers morph. Mondragon takes and populates a third as the harass continues, preparing for the midgame with a hydra den and roach warren. ZeeRaX begins colossus production while continuously making phoenixes to support the lone void ray.
Mondragon decides to all but ignore the phoenixes, throwing all of his resources into roaches and attacking the Protoss front, where a third base is warping in. After successfully denying the expansion Mondragon launches a double pronged attack, dropping the back natural and hitting the front with a pure roach army.
After killing several colossus that wander too far into the fray, Mondragon kills the natural nexus and begins to work on the newly finished third as void rays attempt to stop them. They are unable to deal enough damage in time and the game is over when roaches overrun the main of ZeeRaX. [17:45]
![[image loading]](/staff/heyoka/tsl3/zeermond1.jpg)

ZeeRaX starts game 2 off with a gateway and core at the front of his natural, while Mondragon makes a pool and gas followed by a hatchery. A stargate follows, but the first void ray isn't created until after a nexus. Protoss starts teching to colossus immediately, still with one gateway, while Zerg takes a third base before adding a hydra den.
Like the earlier game, Mondragon bursts through the front with an entirely roach force and kills a colossus and several probes before being stopped. As he is taking a fourth base, he loads 12 roaches into overlords and drops them in the main while bringing a smaller roach-hydra force to the front door.
ZeeRaX, not having started stalker production quite yet, is forced once again to try to defend purely with void rays and colossus, the latter of which are quickly overwhelmed. Reinforcements stream into the natural as the probe count in the main is reduced, and ZeeRaX taps out. [15:30]
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+ Show Spoiler [Show Games] +

NaDa begins by teching to starport and getting a banshee, while TLO starts with double tech lab barracks and a ghost academy. Some early pressure from TLO is unable to go up NaDa's ramp, he backs away and begins a command center right at the gold. While his forces are breaking down the center rocks, the single banshee is able to stop mining and rack up close to double digit kills before being taken down. While NaDa builds up a sizeable tank marine army, TLO focuses solely on marines and marauders and adds a whole slew of barracks. NaDa eventually catches wind of the base at the gold expansion, and sieges up to prepare an assault. TLO tries to slow it with a nuke on the opposing army, but NaDa scans in time to kill the ghost and TLO is unable to repell the tanks. [13:38]
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Both players open with a command center after barracks, teching to a factory shortly after. Into the midgame they both keep pace building units, with little conflict. TLO remains a hair ahead of NaDa in harvesters and upgrades during this entire phase, as the armies dance around the map's center he attempts to drop NaDa's third but is largely unsuccessful. The two continue mirroring eachother, as they take a 4th base with similar timings and each begins harassing with one banshee. A key difference occurs here when NaDa takes a 5th base in the corner of the map and TLO readies himself to produce battlecruisers. TLO spots the expansion thanks to transfering SCVs, and is able to take it down before the planetary fortress finishes morphing. TLO engages NaDa's force head first and is able to drive it back and overcome it easily thanks to a marginally superior army, economy, and 2 battlecruisers. [20:24]
![[image loading]](/staff/heyoka/tsl3/tlonada2.jpg)

TLO begins with a command center at 15, while NaDa opens comfortably with a banshee and cloak before taking his natural. NaDa makes two banshees and splits them between the main and expansion of TLO, racking up SCV kills while taking his third. TLO attempts a counter with a handfull of marines and lone marauder, but is easily stopped cold at the NaDa's front door. The banshees of NaDa have survived through this entire episode, and continue to score the occasional worker kill. Eventually NaDa brings his tanks and marines to TLO's base and he is forced to GG, facing down a superior economy and army. [12:48]
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Post-game Interview
![[image loading]](/staff/heyoka/tsl3/cruncherint.jpg)
Thanks. I feel awesome. After he left I just started laughing uncontrollably and thinking how much he was raging.
Q: Take us through your thoughts for the games. Why did you do the voidray/colossus strategy in game 1?
I practiced a bunch on the maps beforehand of course. Thanks to my teammates (specifically Ryze/Firezerg) we planned out a bunch of strategies based on Idra's game play, replays we saw, and according to the map. On Shakuras, we knew that once Protoss gets 3 bases uncontested, they have a huge advantage. So we found all the flaws to a quick 3rd and voidray/collosus provided the best outcome.
Q: In game 2, Idra did a fast drop strategy. July did this too against MC in the GSL Finals. Were you surprised by it?
I expected it. But I didn't get to practice too much in the last few days, so I went over some builds and strategies that would stop it. My idea was getting a fast colossus to deal with the hydras, however I did not know the exact timings of the drops, so I was off with my timing, and did not have the correct response to it. I fully expected him to do it though.
He is a very predictable player, and after the GSL finals I was talking to my teammates about the games and my games in TSL.
Q: In game 3 you decided to do a fast 6 warpgate attack on Crevasse. What was your plan?
My plan on Crevasse was to mix my build up. First two game I decided to forge fast expo, into collosus/voidray. I expected him to think I would be planning the same kind of build. When he scouted me I tried to fake a 4gate, since I beat him on ladder just a few hours before our match with that strategy. I also went fast hallcuination to get scouting out, to check if he over-reacted to what he saw. I saw no units and after I scouted him, I decided to pressure. I did not plan on winning the game with that push, but he had ZERO units, so I just ended the game.
Q: Idra said before the match that he was treating this as a walkover. Do you feel that he took you too lightly? Do you think that you being the underdog was an advantage in this series?
Idra is extremely overrated and arrogant. If he isn't practicing 24/7, he is nowhere near being a good player. He should learn the most basic rule of a tournament, never underestimate your opponent. I love being the underdog, it makes 'upsets' all the more interesting!
Q: There seems to be no love lost between you two. Can you give us some of the history between you guys?
I actually do not even know where all his rage comes from, but it is hilarious. Whenever I match him on ladder I just cheese him to get him to rage, so maybe from there? He rages at everyone he loses to, so who knows. But I have zero respect for a player like Idra.
Q: Idra did not GG in either game he lost. Do you see this as a sign of disrespect to you?
I didn't expect a GG from Idra no matter what happened, unless he won. Like I said, I have zero respect for him, and my gl/hf/gg were just for the tournament. Right before he left I made a smiley face just to get him to rage more. After every game he kept trash talking, even after he lost the first game. I couldn't think of anything better than just a smiley face to get him to rage. And after he left the game I just started laughing. I couldn't even imagine how upset he was.
Q: You recently signed with a new team, Complexity. How are they treating you?
Complexity is great. The players are awesome to hang with, same with the management. Everyone will be extremely happy, but not too surprised, since they know what I am capable of when I set my mind to it.
Q: You've been pretty direct and honest in this interview, do you feel that you're going to receive a lot of hate from Idra's many fans?
Probably. Most of his fans just enjoy seeing him rage, so maybe they will love it?
Q: Next round you play the winner of Mondragon and Zeerax. Do you prefer who you play?
I'd rather play against Mondragon since he is a Zerg. PvP is insanely annoying to play.
Q: Any last thanks or words for your fans? You probably made a legion today.
Thanks to my teammates for helping me prepare for the match. Thanks to all my fans for supporting me. I hope you keep supporting me!

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Post-game Interview
![[image loading]](/staff/heyoka/tsl3/kasint.jpg)
Happy, although I played bad, I'm pleased with the result and subsequent rounds will try harder.
Q: In game 1, you chose to play a more passive style. What was your strategy?
I have studied Haypro and tried to pick the best gameplan, although I am not pleased with my performance. On the first game I played poorly, on such large maps to play aggressively is difficult because a small mistake and you are behind in economy, a Zerg such as Haypro should be able to then realize his advantage.
Q: You were ahead in game 2 but his mutalisks hurt you mid game. What went wrong?
I became too comfortable when I got ahead. I suspected his switch to muta, but reacted too late. I want to say that Haypro played very well that game.
Q: In game 3, your first attack failed but you still managed to win. Were you worried?
I chose a very economic build, with a good timing attack to get more expansions. Somehow I was sure that he was going to 3 bases. I was wrong, but given the lag in his economy, I managed to win in the macro game with a couple of good moves.
Q: You play the winner of TLO and Nada next. Do you have a preference on who to play? Why?
I will be happy to look at the opposition of these two players of the highest class, for me the honor to play with one of them
Q: How do you feel about the results of the first weekend of TSL?
I think the games showed that each qualified player deserves a spot in TSL3, the better prepared player wins. I think Strelok did not deserve to lose 0-2, with Thorzain I am glad he was able to find good strategies against FruitDealer. Morrow showed how to play against Jinro's style. I think we should expect many more exciting games.
Q: Anyone you would like to thank? Any last words for your fans?
Thanks to Morrow and Dimaga for practice, and Strelok, Brat_OK and other my friends for advice. Big thanks to my fans who cheer for me, hope I show some good games in next round. Thanks to Empire and our main sponsor Thermaltake for supporting me.
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Post-game Interview
![[image loading]](/staff/heyoka/tsl3/mondint.jpg)
It feels great. Many people expected me to win even though they did not know anything about my current shape. My goal was to win the Ro32 and since I kind of felt the pressure not to let anyone down, I tried to prepare as best as possible.
Q: This is your first major tournament in quite a long time. Did it feel any different to you, any kind of nervousness? Or was it just back to business?
Yeah, I planned TSL3 to be my first major appearance in a bigger tournament. My practice was only focused on this first match against ZeeRaX. I did not practice in mass game mode, but I practiced intensely (thanks to Tod, SaSe, iNfeRnaL, Testie, kAra and whoever practiced with me). The tournament itself felt like it usually does, I love tournaments, I love playing competively, but I prepare it my own way.
Q: In game 1 Zeerax harassed you for a long time with a few stargate units. Were you worried at all, or did you think the situation was under control?
At first I was a bit worried, but I had my evo early enough to control the situation. I knew I would lose some units, some overlords and some drones, but that did not really concern me as long as I could delay his second expansion with 2 additional gas. Since that worked out perfectly I knew I had the game under control.
Q: You used drop tactics in both of your games. Is this part of your normal ZvP style, or was it just something you used because of the special situations in todays games?
Of course I do not talk about my ZvP in specific now because that would make me kind of self-owned. Indeed, I did watch replays of him and analysed his strategies and he played exactly the same way I thought he would play. Seeing the way he usually plays I figured out drop play would be pretty smart.
Q: So you're enjoying being an unknown, a wild card for once in your life?
Hehe, that's pretty neat. I guess you know I love to be the underdog (and obviously I've always been an underdog whenever I play). Thus the situation is quite enjoyable for me.
Q: Your next opponent is the winner of Idra vs Cruncher. Who do you prefer to play, and do you have anything amusing to say to annoy our American readers?
I am not that up to date and to be honest, sorry. I do not even know who cruncher is, but considering he qualified through a TSL qualifier he is probably not too bad. I love playing ZvP, but still I think that Idra is going to win. He is very very skilled and I do not see how Cruncher can beat him. Therefore I guess I have to start practicing some ZvZ, but beating Idra is not really probable at all.
Q: Oh, so you'd rather play him in Brood War if you had a choice?
Haha, in BW I would not have a chance anyway since my ZvT used to be the worst ZvT Europe has ever seen. Luckily ZvZ in sc2 is more volatile and there might be a surprise that I win one map against him at least.
Q: It's good to see the trademark Mondragon modesty before he goes on to the finals of TSL.
Do not speak of the finals, I've just only won Ro32.
Q: Any last comments, shout outs, imba complaints, or funny stuff?
Thanks again to everyone who helped me to prepare for the match, thanks to my supporters who kept believing in me although they did not know anything about my current shape. Thanks TeamLiquid & PokerStrategy.com for setting this up once again. It has always been a pleasure to play TSL!
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![[image loading]](http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft/images2/b/bb/Sc2terranicon8.png)
Post-Game Interview
+ Show Spoiler [Korean Version] +
Q: TSL 16강전에 진출한 소감?
A: 기쁘고 좋습니다
Q: 이번 상대는 한 때 한국에서 친정팀인 oGs과 활동한 다리오 선수였다. 변칙적인 전략을 즐겨쓰는 선수인데, 그의 스타일에 많이 익숙했나? 또 다리오 선수의 독특한 스타일에 맞춰 연습을 했는가?
A: 네 숙소에서 친해진 사이라 연습도 가끔했어요. 머리 속으로 상대 전략에 대해서 많이 고민했습니다
Q: 첫 경기에서 상대 선수가 고스트 이후에 황금 미네랄 멀티를 빠르게 가져갔다. 이 전략에 많이 당황했는가, 아니면 어느 정도 예측했나?
A: 첫번째 건설로봇으로 상대 기지앞에서 좋은 타이밍에 고스트를 일찍봐서 운이좋았어요. 벙커 밀어내고 유리하다고 생각했는데 금멀티 보고 놀라고 핵공격에 두번 놀랬네요 ㅎㅎ
Q: 두번째 경기에서 다리오 선수의 드랍 견재 이후의 배틀크루저에 패배했다. 패배의 원인이 무었이며, 패치로 상향된 배틀크루저를 어떻게 생각하고 있나?
A: 시즈모드업이 늦어 첫진출 병력이 그냥 돌아오게 되었습니다. 배틀은 정말 깜짝 놀랐네여 역시 다리오선수 대단하다고 느꼈습니다.
Q: 세번째 경기에서 상대가 종착역의 고급가스 멀티에 빠르게 확장하는 전략을 썼다. TSL1 주차 때에도 ThorZain 선수가 이러한 전략으로 김원기 선수 상대로 승리를 거뒀는데, 이 전략을 어떻게 생각하며, 오늘은 어떻게 대처했는지?
A: 정찰이 상당히 빠르게와서 전략적일꺼라 예상했습니다. 본진 궤도사령부가 아닌걸 보고 예측했지만 먼 거리가 아니라 저한테 좋았습니다
Q: 다음 상대는 HayPro와 Kas의 승자인데, 두 선수에 대해 어느 정도의 정보를 가지고 있으며, 어느 선수와 경기를 하고 싶은가?
A: 헤이프로선수와는 친한데 카스 선수는 잘 모릅니다. 이왕이면 헤이프로 선수와 해보고싶네요 ㅎㅎ
Q: 마지막 한 마디?
A: 연습을 도와준 ogs팀원들에게 감사를 보냅니다.
A: 기쁘고 좋습니다
Q: 이번 상대는 한 때 한국에서 친정팀인 oGs과 활동한 다리오 선수였다. 변칙적인 전략을 즐겨쓰는 선수인데, 그의 스타일에 많이 익숙했나? 또 다리오 선수의 독특한 스타일에 맞춰 연습을 했는가?
A: 네 숙소에서 친해진 사이라 연습도 가끔했어요. 머리 속으로 상대 전략에 대해서 많이 고민했습니다
Q: 첫 경기에서 상대 선수가 고스트 이후에 황금 미네랄 멀티를 빠르게 가져갔다. 이 전략에 많이 당황했는가, 아니면 어느 정도 예측했나?
A: 첫번째 건설로봇으로 상대 기지앞에서 좋은 타이밍에 고스트를 일찍봐서 운이좋았어요. 벙커 밀어내고 유리하다고 생각했는데 금멀티 보고 놀라고 핵공격에 두번 놀랬네요 ㅎㅎ
Q: 두번째 경기에서 다리오 선수의 드랍 견재 이후의 배틀크루저에 패배했다. 패배의 원인이 무었이며, 패치로 상향된 배틀크루저를 어떻게 생각하고 있나?
A: 시즈모드업이 늦어 첫진출 병력이 그냥 돌아오게 되었습니다. 배틀은 정말 깜짝 놀랐네여 역시 다리오선수 대단하다고 느꼈습니다.
Q: 세번째 경기에서 상대가 종착역의 고급가스 멀티에 빠르게 확장하는 전략을 썼다. TSL1 주차 때에도 ThorZain 선수가 이러한 전략으로 김원기 선수 상대로 승리를 거뒀는데, 이 전략을 어떻게 생각하며, 오늘은 어떻게 대처했는지?
A: 정찰이 상당히 빠르게와서 전략적일꺼라 예상했습니다. 본진 궤도사령부가 아닌걸 보고 예측했지만 먼 거리가 아니라 저한테 좋았습니다
Q: 다음 상대는 HayPro와 Kas의 승자인데, 두 선수에 대해 어느 정도의 정보를 가지고 있으며, 어느 선수와 경기를 하고 싶은가?
A: 헤이프로선수와는 친한데 카스 선수는 잘 모릅니다. 이왕이면 헤이프로 선수와 해보고싶네요 ㅎㅎ
Q: 마지막 한 마디?
A: 연습을 도와준 ogs팀원들에게 감사를 보냅니다.
![[image loading]](/staff/heyoka/tsl3/nadaint.jpg)
I'm quite joyous. It's good.
Q: Your opponent was Dario, who was once active with oGs, your home team. He is a player who enjoys using unconventional strategies -- were you very familiar with his style? Did you practice with Dario's unique style in mind?
Yeah, we grew close when he was in the dormitories so we practiced together sometimes. I agonized quite a bit over the strategies he could use in my head.
Q: In the first game, your opponent took the gold mineral expansion quickly after ghosts. Were you flustered by this strategy, or did you expect it to a certain degree?
I was quite fortunate because my SCV got in at a good timing and saw the ghosts in the front of my opponent's base. I thought I was ahead after I razed the Bunker, but I was surprised by his gold expansion and then was surprised again by the nuclear attack.
Q: In the second game, you lost to Battlecruisers after Dario's drop harassment. What do you think was the main reason you had lost, and what do you think of the boosted Battlecruisers after the patch?
My Siege Mode upgrade was late so my expeditionary force had to just come back. I was really surprised by the Battlecruisers, and I felt Dario was really that great of a player as I had expected.
Q: In the third match, your opponent used a strategy that quickly exapanded into the rich gas expansion in Terminus. During the first week in TSL, ThorZain also used a similar strategy in order to defeat Fruitdealer. What do you think of this strategy and how did you deal with it today?
I predicted that he would be playing strategically because he scouted me very quickly. I expected his strategy after I saw that he wasn't getting an Orbital Command at his main base. Because I wasn't too far away from him I had the advantage.
Q: Your next opponent is the winner between HayPro and Kas. What do you know about these players and who would you like to face?
I'm close with Haypro, but I don't know Kas very well. If I could choose, I would like to play against Haypro hehe.
Q: Anything else you want to say?
I would like to send thanks to my oGs teammates for helping me practice.
Thanks to Milkis for translation.
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