coL.Ryan (SC2 Ranks profile) is a protoss player from New Hampshire. He is a featured streamer and is a member of compLexity Gaming. He also regularly plays at tournaments in the New England area.
Social Networking:
Replay Packs:
Coaching and Lessons:
Tournament Results
Ryan fighting ~!
+ Show Spoiler [Fan List] +- LazyMacro
- M155_G33k
- DamnCats
- Tennet
- redave
- Merciless
- HpTheGreat
- Scotty
- Vampire_Princess
- Nutty_Cheese
- PaPoolee
- t3hwUn
- Fangzhou
- MattSC2
- Noxie
- mBombz
- Emtee
- Ecliptic.Sun
- x-Catalyst
- Ichabod
- Anachromy
- Alou
- drooL
- Thyra
- bassJ
- Redav
- nekuodah
- KakashiX
- ionlyplayPROtoss
- scottyyy
- Wolf
- FireZerg
- Mosiak
- -orb-
- Svenskfella
- ManifesteD
- Zedex
- DoA
- bluedragon9958
- BabyToss!
- myPlums
- MisS_Suna
- Utinni
- Zeddicus
- itsben
- dunc
- phisku
- MrWest
- Flaunt
- .kv
- Cammalleri
- sVnteen
- SoftSoap
- NzaR
- leadphyc
- Scriptix
- twigglez
- EyeQueue
Notes to self since I'm too lazy to open Notepad/email myself: Other publicity/exposure? Notable tournament wins? How to be as sexy as Ryan?
Yay ^_^ He has pig tails right now.... o.o
Wow my name is already on the list you sir read my mind
United Arab Emirates660 Posts
Sign me up!! Ryan is awesome <3.
LOL i am a fan of ryan's hair ~_~
OK honeslty how am I not on this list... anyways ryan HWATING!
I'm definitely joining this!
And congratulations to Ryan on his victory in NESC2 League S1T1!
Congratulations to coL.Ryan on his first place win tonight!
Hell yea throw me on this shit! <3 Ryan. See you at MLG
What a baller dominating at the NESC2 S1T1 tournament - ponytail and all. Sign me up!
Whoo Ryan. :D Joining this. =)
Grats on the win.
This fan club stuff is getting ridiculous.. are we gonna start making fan clubs for 2500 diamond players soon? By the looks of this, yes we are.
Ryan is Master rank Lynx. Show the love!
On January 24 2011 06:05 LynxKerr wrote: This fan club stuff is getting ridiculous.. are we gonna start making fan clubs for 2500 diamond players soon? By the looks of this, yes we are.
Are you kidding me? Don't troll this thread. You don't know what you're talking about.
Updated the fan club list.
On January 24 2011 05:45 jlake02 wrote: :D ...does this mean you want in the club?
Ryan? Kate Lockwell unite? Haha sign me up