as most of you might already know, its possible to make a solid wallin on the bottom of somebodys ramp with 2 pylons, yet still be able to sneak in probes by putting a probe at the edge of the ramp, building a pylon and cancelling it
this leads to some very hard to stop ocannon rushes, like the one seen in GSL 3 ro64 match 30 choya vs annyeong game 2
here is a replay showing the trick
i hope blizzard removes this trick in the next patch, if they fix probe placement after making a building this could also fix probes sometimes getting stuck in impossible places after making a building, which can be very annoying at times
Poll: should blizzard remove the probe-through-pylon-wall trickno (477) 73% yes (179) 27% 656 total votes Your vote: should blizzard remove the probe-through-pylon-wall trick (Vote): yes (Vote): no
Definently not. This is one of those mechanics which has many more uses than just cannon rushes and is generally fun to watch (and to do, although I haven't really been doing it myself).
I don't think so, I liked this feature from Broodwar as well. I think the glitches in broodwar made the game more enjoyable to a certain extent.
bugs are the things that made Brood War so fucking awesome, so NO
I don't have a problem with it, and I don't think it would actually be possible for them remove it anyway. It's just the AI compensating for the fact that the probe can no longer be standing where it is when it starts warping in a structure.
Hey I know, let's remove it and then make it so that Pylons can lower/raise just like Supply debots! No, wait! Let's make it so that the Protoss has to pay 25 minerals for 1 probe to get in and out.
I don't think they will remove it. It's not game breaking and it's a neat little bug to keep the opponent on their toes.
No, you could do it in bw, i dont see why not now
No reason to change this. It is the same way in BW and many other RTS games. Its the game moving the unit from a space it can no longer exist.
Part of the game. End of story
it aint a bug, its how the engine works.
stop calling it a bug
Indeed. i dont understand why blizzard gives the probe that AI in the first place. Why does it have to move after warping something? When it is snugged on a corner, perhaps yes (in fact it's used in many a great ways, especially in ums games xd). but on an open field??? Probes have one of the worst AI in SC.
I think they should fix it and similar bugs. I'm all for using and abusing game mechanics to the best of your ability, but when it comes to things that aren't working as intended; it just comes down to ethics.
We've all seen vids of probes being able to pass through 100% building wall offs and abusing similar bugs. If a player goes to the effort of walling off to deny scouting (insert similar example here) and you're able to sneak a probe in abusing a design error, it's not really ethical is it? What should the walling player do, find a way to stack buildings?
Do players have to resort to exploiting bugs themselves to combat being exploited against? Of course not, it's silly. I know this might just be my illusion of grandeur. I know it sounds crazy but here it goes:
Let's try to play fair eh?
it was the same in BW and it was good use for pylon walls to protect yoour expansion from vultures.
I voted no because, I like how this bug affected the BW map Outsider. I would enjoy seeing something similar in SCII
No man, this was in BW too, keep it in, helps the game stay more interesting.
oh my god...Socke used this trick vs naema today (i think so...it was quarter at Dreamhack!!!)
It should stay.
Given its only use is to facilitate cheese, absolutely they should remove it. Oh you can wall someone in then abuse a bug in the game engine to get through yourself, thats logical... Even if it had a greater purpose, glitching probes through wall-offs is just not something that should ever factor into any strategic play.
Just because something was in BW and/or is a bug that has potential to do something Blizzard didn't intend doesn't mean it should automatically be left alone.
well it's a neat trick but also extremely abusable i think. not only for cannon rushes but also with the pylon ramp block. this way u can follow up cannon ramp block with more high ground cannons. not also denying expansion but threathening the main.
meh i dunno it's a cool trick but probably not worth the balance problems. and not as if we need to encourage cheese even more.
I think it should be kept in there. I don't know how hard it is to do in SC2, but anyone who has watched (or played) enough BW knows that it is not that easy to pull off.
Edit: As the OP so graciously mentioned it is easy to do. I would make a new post, but I'm 'gtfo'-ing.